Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

Переводы текстов Spotlight 9 класс-1a

Полезный совет! Переводы упражнений в решебнике более актуальны и правильные, чем здесь.
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1 Посмотрите на изображения. На каком изображено: чучело; люди, одетые как пираты; томатная бойня; русский персонаж?
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2 Прочитайте введение и первое предложение в каждом абзаце. О чём текст? Прослушайте, прочитайте и проверьте.
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Навыки Обучения
Соответствующие Ключевые слова
Прочитайте вопросы и подчеркните ключевые слова. Прочитайте тексты и попытайтесь найти слова/фразы, которые соответствуют ключевым словам. Они часто будут перефразированы.

3 Прочитайте текст. Какой фестиваль:
1 позволит вам ощутить приключенческую жизнь из прошлого?
2 происходит в очень маленьком месте?
3 требует, чтобы вы наряжались в различные наряды?
4 имел некоторых необычных участников?
5 празднует смену сезона?
6 помогает нуждающимся людям?
7 предлагает возможность попробовать национальное блюдо?
8 происходит в центре города?
9 имеет огромный фейерверк?
10 включает в себя большой костер?
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Вы ищете интересный способ хорошо провести время? Тогда присоединяйтесь к нам на нашей маленькой поездке по всему миру, чтобы познакомиться с некоторыми из самых необычных мировых фестивалей!

В. Пираты Карибского моря
Вы когда-нибудь хотели быть пиратом? Если да, то в течение десяти дней в ноябре добро пожаловать в Джорджтаун на Каймановых островах, который превращается в настоящий город пиратов. Фестиваль пиратов начинается со сцены похищения на парусных судах и гребных лодках. Посетители имеют возможность носить карнавальные костюмы, и окунуться в жизнь пиратов. Есть также уличные

праздники, охота за сокровищами и огромный фейерверк.

4 a Найдите синонимы в текстах для данных ниже слов.
Текст A: экстра, грязный Текст B: подделка, возможность, ноги Текст C: основной, собирает, приз, умный Текст D: представляет
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b Найдите противоположности для подчеркнутых слов.
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5 Прочитайте статью снова, затем закройте книгу и расскажите вашему партнеру две вещи, которые вы запомнили о каждом фестивале.
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Фестивали и праздники

6 Заполните, используя: strong, experience, change, raise, street, enter, takes, bright, make, cooking, fireworks, transforms (сильный, опыт, изменение, поднять, улица, введите, берет, яркие, сделать, приготовление пищи, фейерверки, преобразует). Выберите четыре фразы и составьте одно предложение для каждого фестиваля, используя их.
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7 Подчеркните правильное слово.
Карнавал Рио это ежегодный фестиваль, который проходить в Бразилии в феврале или в марте и привлекает людей со всего мира. Люди смотрят красочный парад самбы. Организаторы обычно запускают фейерверки. Это фестиваль, который каждый должен увидеть.
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8 Работайте в парах. Вы журналист, отчитывающийся по одному из фестивалей в Упр. 2. Ваш партнер принимает участие в нем. Подготовьте вопросы и разыграйте ваше интервью.
A: Итак, вы наслаждаетесь фестивалем?
В: О, да, очень! Я люблю быть пиратом!
A: Это звучит как весело! Так скажите мне, сколько длится фестиваль? и т.д.
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9 Подумайте о фестивале в вашей стране. Потратьте 5 минут, чтобы написать короткую статью о нём. Напишите о: месте, дате, деятельности. Прочитайте статью классу и попросите их угадать, что это за фестиваль.
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Study skills
Matching Key Words
Read the questions and underline the key words. Read the texts and try to find words/phrases that match the key words. They will often be paraphrased.

A Splatfest
If you’re in the tiny Spanish town of Bunol in Valencia, Spain during the last week of August, make sure you take a spare change of clothes because things get very, very messy! ‘La Tomatina’ is a huge food fight that has been a strong tradition in Bunol since around 1945. No one really knows how it began, but everybody knows how it ends! The week of the fight includes a fireworks party, music, dancing, colourful street parades and even a huge paella cooking contest. Then, about 30,000 people throw around 100,000 kg of tomatoes at each other for one hour.

В Pirates of the Caribbean
Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? If so, for ten days in November, Georgetown in the Cayman Islands transforms into a typical pirate town.The Pirates Week festival begins with a mock kidnap, complete with tall ships and rowing boats.Visitors have the chance to wear fancy dress costumes and experience life as a pirate.There are also street parties, treasure hunts and a huge fireworks display.

С March of the Scarecrows
Every year on 6′ October, the central market square of Brussels in Belgium becomes full of people made of straw. yes. scarecrows! This festival, which raises money for local charities, has been extremely popular since it first started in 2001. Past winners of the ‘Best Scarecrow Award’ have included a medieval knight scarecrow and even a Che Guevara one! If you think you can do better, why not enter the competition yourself? All you need are some old clothes and a bright idea!

A: So, are you enjoying the festival?
В: Oh, yes, very much! I love pretending to be a pirate!
A: It sounds like fun! So tell me, how long does the festival last? etc.

Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

©Reshak.ru — сборник решебников для учеников старших классов. Здесь можно найти решебники, ГДЗ, переводы текстов по школьной программе. Практически весь материал, собранный на сайте — авторский с подробными пояснениями профильными специалистами. Вы сможете скачать гдз, решебники, улучшить школьные оценки, повысить знания, получить намного больше свободного времени.

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.


Фестиваль и турнир «Орёл или решка?» в Splatoon 2 от сообщества Nintendo — с 6 по 7 ноября

Не робей, красок не жалей! Рассказываем о подробностях нашего второго мероприятия, в рамках которого можно будет хорошо провести время, испытать своё мастерство и выиграть призы.

Мы, как и всегда, бесконечно благодарны за вашу заинтересованность в нас – мы растём, становимся лучше и популяризируем сообщество Nintendo в этих и без того узких кругах. Без вас ни этого сплатфеста, ни прошлого турнира попросту бы не было!

Что такое Сплатфест?

Сплатфест — это событие, в котором игрокам дается возможность выбрать одну из сторон конфликта и ответить на самые важные вопросы мироздания, а затем сразиться за выбранную команду в обычных и рейтинговых боях, чтобы привести свою точку зрения к победе и получить различные награды.

Это командная игра, возможности которой позволяют без проблем провести подобное мероприятие, в отличии от того же Mario Kart. Все вопросики решаются уровнем скилла, а не рандома, что обеспечивает справедливую конкуренцию для игроков.

Сплатфест разделён на два этапа, которые пройдут 6-го и 7-го ноября, оба начинаются в 16:00 по МСК. Ориентировочно каждый из этапов должен продлиться два часа. Что из себя представляют эти этапы:

В случае ничьи решающее очко будет определено в результате голосования, которое пройдёт сразу в трёх местах одновременно — в ВК Splatoon URC, Нижнего Хайрула и сообщество Nintendo на DTF.

Вся организация пройдёт сразу на двух серверах — Splatoon URC и Нижнем Хайруле, вступить обязательно нужно в оба! Таким образом вы повысите свой скилл, очистите карму и прочее в этом роде. Ну и да, без вступления вы просто не сможете участвовать.


Фестиваль «Splatoon 2: Сплатфест — мировая премьера» представлен на презентации Splatoon 2 Direct!

Срочные новости! На презентации Splatoon 2 Direct был представлен «Splatoon 2: Сплатфест — мировая премьера». Это бесплатное пробное противостояние пройдет за неделю до выхода игры, 15 июля с 19:00 по 23:00 (МСК)! Вам надо лишь загрузить бесплатную демоверсию* на Nintendo Switch из Nintendo eShop. Демоверсия станет доступна для загрузки уже утром 7 июля, так что самые нетерпеливые смогут начать подготовку к фестивалю заранее.

С бесплатной демоверсией вы сможете принять участие в Сплатфесте. Что такое Сплатфест? Это такие специальные мероприятия, где все игроки выбирают одну из сторон и потом сражаются друг с другом в матчах 4 на 4. У каждого Сплатфеста есть определенная тема, и игрокам надо выбрать, на чьей стороне они будут сражаться! Сплатфесты будут проходить на протяжении двух лет после выхода Splatoon 2.

Какой будет тема первого фестиваля «Splatoon 2: Сплатфест — мировая премьера»? Пирожное или мороженое! Какой десерт вы выберете 15 июля?

Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

На презентации мы узнали и многое другое. Помимо боев за район и боев элиты в игре также будут проводиться бои лиги, в которых можно собрать команду друзей и всем вместе пробиться на самую вершину лиги! Вы можете либо позвать одного друга (а вторую пару вам подберут автоматически), либо сразу собрать команду из четырех друзей.

Бои лиги проходят по тем же правилам, что и бои элиты. Сражения идут на протяжении двух часов, или пока не сменится карта. Ваш счет основывается на количестве побед и поражений. За отличный результат вы получите блестящую игровую медаль, которая будет напоминать о ваших достижениях.

Также был показан режим Salmon Run с новыми самонид-боссами. Так, например, мы смогли полюбоваться на Громыхариуса. В онлайн-версию Salmon Run можно будет играть только в определенное время, но вы всегда можете играть с друзьями в локальном режиме. Salmon Run рассчитан на 2-4 игроков, в том время как в других режимах (в том числе и в локальных) могут сражаться до восьми человек. Подробнее о режиме Salmon Run можно узнать в нашем предыдущем отчете.



For the Octo Valley mission of a similar name, see Spreader Splatfest. For the individual Splafest events, see Splatfest events.

Pick a side and battle it out in these special Turf War events. Find out about the latest Splatfests in Inkopolis Plaza, and be sure to pledge allegiance to your favorite side in the week leading up! Then help your side win by competing in Turf War battles!

Splatfest, known as Festival or Fes in Japan, is a special event in Splatoon and Splatoon 2 in which players choose between two teams, such as Cats or Dogs, and compete in Turf Wars for Super Sea Snails.




Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

In Splatoon, Splatfests were recurring events hosted by the Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie. During this event, Inklings were able to choose between two teams and participate in battles against each other. Inklings were limited to two colors during the Splatfest, reflecting which side they were on. The clothing section of the equip screen also became locked and all players were forced to wear the Splatfest Tee, which changed in color and design based on an Inkling’s chosen team, although they could still change hats, shoes, and weapons. Inkopolis Plaza and all the stages were decorated with a flood of Miiverse posts from the Splatfest/Festival tag on the Splatoon community, some of which took the form of neon signs, banners, and even fireworks. Nighttime also descended over Inkopolis and all Turf War stages. Fireworks went off periodically in the Plaza, and specks of light resembling fireflies or fire embers could be seen rising into the sky. Both Callie and Marie danced throughout the entire duration of this event, singing and dancing to City of Color.

For the most part, each Splatfest lasted 24 hours, during which time the region involved was isolated and Splatfest players would only face off against players from their own region. Meanwhile, all other regions continued to play amongst each other. A few choice Splatfests deviated from these rules. Super Sea Snails were awarded to participating players upon Splatfest’s conclusion.

Splatoon 2

Splatfests returned in Splatoon 2, now hosted by Off the Hook’s members, Pearl and Marina. Besides this, the structure was largely the same. Although Miiverse is not compatible with the Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 2′s exclusive drawing feature allows for players to submit doodles that appear in-game as neon signs, banners, fireworks, or graffiti, as well as upload doodles to social media accounts. Inkopolis Square is decorated similarly to Inkopolis Plaza in the first game and all areas once again become locked in nighttime as Pearl and Marina perform Color Pulse in Inkopolis Square.

In a similar vein to Callie vs. Marie, Chaos vs. Order (also known as Final Fest: Splatocalypse) was heavily promoted as Splatoon 2’s final Splatfest, featuring many special and unique characteristics, and would influence events of the sequel. Despite that, 2020 would see four additional Splatfests hosted after a year of inactivity, during the COVID-19 pandemic, giving players further entertainment during lockdown. The first three additional Splatfests were rematches of previous Splatfests, with largely unchanged dialogue. [c] Dialogue from the fourth (and only original) additional Splatfest, Super Mushroom vs. Super Star, did briefly mention how the Splatocalypse was meant to be the final Splatfest with no mention of the previous three rematches, suggesting they were non-canonical.

Фестиваль сплатфест что такое


Before a Splatfest begins, Inkopolis Plaza and Inkopolis Square experience a variety of visual upgrades to prepare for the event. One week before a Splatfest in Splatoon, a voting booth appeared next to the Miiverse mailbox and the event’s theme was announced by Callie and Marie during their Inkopolis News segment. Pearl and Marina similarly announce the event’s theme a week prior during their Off the Hook segment in Splatoon 2, while the voting booth appears in the Square.

Players receive a themed Splatfest Tee, a piece of gear that is wearable only until the Splatfest ends when they join a team. Two days before a Splatfest in Splatoon, neon signs adorned with up and down pointing arrows appeared on walls and buildings, and the day before it took place, the Plaza became noticeably more crowded and two large trucks supporting stage scaffolding appeared in the area’s center. In Splatoon 2, one day before the Splatfest, a large performance stage appears in the Square, above the entrance to the battle lobby. On the tower behind the stage is a screen displaying the two battling teams’ mascots. There are also large black lattice boards, which, later on, become the area where posts are featured in the form of neon signs.

During a Splatfest, Regular and Ranked Battle options are not available, as they are temporarily replaced by the Splatfest Battle option; however, Private Battles and Salmon Run can still be accessed. [2]


In Splatoon 2, there are two ways to enter Splatfest Battles as of Version 4.0.0: Normal and Pro. Normal mode lets the player either start solo or battle with two to four friends by joining together in a private lobby before choosing to find other random players. Players from the same team can continue being matched up together in the same lobby if they choose to continue after the end of a match. Pro mode works identically to how Solo mode worked prior to this version; the player can not team up with friends and is automatically matched with three other players. Players from the same team are not matched up in the same lobby after a match.

Before Version 4.0.0, there were two other options for Splatfest Battles: Solo and Team. Solo mode worked like Splatfests in Splatoon; the player was automatically matched with three other players and battled against groups of four random players from the opposing team. However, as opposed to the original game, players from the same team were not automatically matched up in the same lobby after a match. Team mode required four players (that must be friends with someone from the same team who is in the lobby) to join a private lobby before being matched up against another team of four. [3]


Splatfest Power

Фестиваль сплатфест что такое

Splatfest Power was a feature introduced in Version 2.6.0 of Splatoon as a way of tracking players’ skill during Splatfests, replacing the Vibe meter. While Splatfest matchmaking was previously based on play styles, players were then matched based on similar Splatfest Power levels. It was initially determined by one’s Rank and may rise or fall depending on how well one did in battles.

After each Splatfest Battle, players on the winning team got roughly ten points toward their Splatfest Power and the losing team lost roughly ten, depending on the difference between the two teams’ Splatfest power level, while the player on the winning team with the highest Splatfest Power gained an additional one to two points.

The top 100 players with the highest Splatfest Power were shown on SplatNet and on the social network sites of Splatoon.

Splatfest Power returned in Splatoon 2, where the player’s initial Splatfest Power is based on their performance in their first seven matches. The top 100 players are displayed in SplatNet 2 and can be viewed under each Splatfest event. As of Version 5.3.1, to adjust fairness in matchmaking and to prevent improper behavior, the names and levels of all players in a match are not shown on the lobby waiting screen and are replaced with question marks if the player’s Splatfest Power is above 2,200. Due to this, players are able to battle against people blocked in their Nintendo Switch system settings as long as their power is also this high.


Clout is a mechanic introduced in version 4.0.0 of Splatoon 2 that is used to determine the winner in Splatfests as opposed to strictly using the win rate. Clout is counted separately for two of the available Splatfest Battle modes, Normal and Pro. Battling against the same Splatfest team does not contribute to the Clout score.

In Normal mode, players can multiply their Clout by a factor of up to ×2.0 based on the Synergy Bonus they get if they win the match. Synergy Bonuses are earned by having matching gear, weapons, and appearance, which are also tied into the team names players get during Splatfests. An example of the highest possible Synergy bonus would be if all four players were Inkling boys with the ponytail hairstyle and dressed in the Фестиваль сплатфест что такое Soccer Headband, Фестиваль сплатфест что такое Blue Sea Slugs and Фестиваль сплатфест что такое Aerospray PG. The nickname will be «The Ponytail Soccerband Blue Sea Slug Bronze Aero gang.»

ConditionsSynergy Bonus factor
Either hairstyle, gender, or species matching+ 0.1×
Main weapon type matching+ 0.2×
Sub weapons matching+ 0.2×
Special weapons matching+ 0.2×
All different main weapon types+ 0.2×
Only two main weapons matching+ 0.1× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
Only three main weapons matching+ 0.2× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
All main weapons matching+ 0.3×
Headgear genre matching+ 0.2×
Headgear brand matching+ 0.2×
Only two headgear matching+ 0.1× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
Only three headgear matching+ 0.2× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
All headgear matching+ 0.3×
Shoe genre matching+ 0.2×
Shoe brand matching+ 0.2×
Only two shoes matching+ 0.1× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
Only three shoes matching+ 0.2× (Counts only for the teammates matching)
All shoes matching+ 0.3×

The multiplier begins at ×1.0, where each matching element adds to the factor. For example, if a team has all matching hairstyles and all matching shoes they will get a Synergy Bonus of ×1.0 + ×0.1 + ×0.3 = ×1.4.

10× and 100× Battles

The winners of both types of battles get featured in a newsflash that is displayed as text in the lobby, as text on the SplatNet 2 app, and as an image on the Splatfest booth in the Square. Images of 100× winners are also displayed on SplatNet2. Newsflashes of players that win a 100× battle are displayed for all players of their Splatfest, while newsflashes of players that win a 10× battle are displayed for themselves and their friends who are playing during the same Splatfest. If a player won a 100× battle, the newsflash of their victory would display on their session for around half an hour before displaying winners of other battles. The news images of the winners from these battles showed the players striking different poses, where the winners from a 100× battle would be holding a large check.

Splatfest team names

Splatoon 2’s Version 4.0.0 introduced special team names for individual teams of four (not to be confused with the overall Splatfest team) which were assigned if the whole team has matching gear, weapons, or appearance.

Splatfest team names are separated into five main categories, each of which has one slot in the final team name, meaning there can only be up to five name parts in a team name. Under these categories are a number of sub-series that determine what the displayed name unit should be if there are more matching properties within a category.

For example, if everyone on the team has matching hairstyles, species, and gender, the game will only choose the hairstyle for the team name. If a team only has matching species and gender, the game will choose species for the team name.

The Synergy Bonus and Splatfest team names are closely related as they are both determined by the same factors, but not everything that warrants a Synergy Bonus has an equivalent team name. Some bonuses are earned by just having two or three teammates with matching properties, while Splatfest team names are only earned if all teammates match.

Reward Tiers

Super Sea Snails are awarded to participants based on the size of their team, matches won, and ground covered, which dictate each player’s Splatfest Title.


Splatfest EXP was earned by participating in and winning matches. Winning a match earned the player a point based on the Splatfest Power, and their participation bonus was based on how much BP worth of ground they covered in ink during the match. If they covered 200–399 BP worth of ground, they earned one bonus participation EXP; if they cover 400+ BP worth of ground, they earned two bonus participation EXP. The player on the winning team with the highest Splatfest Power gained an additional two EXP. The player could earn a maximum of eleven EXP per match if their team won, they had the highest Splatfest Power among their team, and they covered at least 400 BP worth of ground during the match.

One hour after Splatfest concluded, the results were announced during an Inkopolis News broadcast. The results were based on team popularity (the percentage of the vote each team received) and wins (the percentage of matches each team won). Win percentage was worth six times more than the value of popularity. Players were awarded Super Sea Snails based on the Splatfest Title they have earned. Players on the winning team earn more Super Sea Snails than those on the losing team.

To collect their prize, players had to log into Splatoon before the next Splatfest theme is announced. The new Splatfest announcement overrides the announcement of the winners of the previous Splatfest, and no Super Sea Snails will be bestowed.

Splatoon 2

Before Version 4.0.0, the experience meter was the same as in Splatoon. The experience meter, inking bonuses, and win bonuses were increased by a factor of ten to allow whole number values for the new Synergy Bonuses.

TitleTotal EXP requiredSuper Sea Snails
Winning teamLosing team
[Team Name] Fanboy/Fangirl32
[Team Name] Fiend10053
[Team Name] Defender35097
[Team Name] Champion8501613
[Team Name] King/Queen18492421

The win bonus for the Splatfest title EXP points was based on what the opponents’ Splatfest Power is.


Фестиваль сплатфест что такое


The final score was calculated based both on popularity and on wins. The formula in Splatoon was as follows:

Final Score (out of 700) = Popularity Percentage + (Win Percentage × 6)

When the Squid Sisters announced the results, the highest of the popularity and win percentages were both individually highlighted before the final results were shown.

Splatoon 2

In Splatoon 2, the final score is a tally of how many categories each team had a majority percentage in. There are three categories:

Popularity is a straight percentage of how many joined each Splatfest team, while Clout is calculated as the average of each player’s total Clout.

When Off the Hook announces the results, the highest of each category were all individually highlighted before the final results were shown, just as in the previous game.

Before Version 4.0.0, the latter two categories were Solo Wins and Team Wins.

Upcoming or ongoing Splatfests

No upcoming Splatfest events announced.

Past Splatfests

The following tables list all Splatfests in every region. Bold text signifies a Splatfest victory.


Main article: List of Splatfests in Splatoon

Splatfests in North America
Roller CoastersWater Slides
MarshmallowsHot Dogs
Pokémon RedPokémon Blue
Fancy PartyCostume Party
Early BirdNight Owl
Splatfests in Europe and Oceania
North PoleSouth Pole
Pokémon RedPokémon Blue
HoverboardJet Pack
Black Tie EventFancy Dress Party
World TourSpace Adventure
Splatfests in Japan
Red FoxGreen Tanuki
Lemon TeaMilk Tea
Mountain FoodSea Food
Red FoxGreen Tanuki
Perfect BodyPerfect Brain
Pokémon RedPokémon Green
Go all out!Focus on healing
Tuna Mayonnaise OnigiriRed Salmon Onigiri
Fancy PartyCostume Party
Mushroom MountainBamboo Shoot Village

Splatoon 2

Main article: List of Splatfests in Splatoon 2

Splatfests in North America and Oceania
CakeIce Cream
Time TravelTeleportation
Super MushroomSuper Star
Splatfests in Europe
CakeIce Cream
Front RollBack Roll
Warm BreakfastCold Breakfast
Eat ItSave It
Time TravelTeleportation
Super MushroomSuper Star
Splatfests in Japan
LemonNo Lemon
Inner WearOuter Wear
NewestMost Popular
New LifeformFuture Tech
Hello KittyCinnamoroll
My MelodyPompompurin
Hello KittyMy Melody
Mushroom MountainBamboo Shoot Village
Pocky ChocolatePocky: Gokuboso
No PineapplePineapple
Super MushroomSuper Star


While the first Splatfest event in Japan (Rice vs. Bread) went by flawlessly, the first North American Splatfest (Cats vs. Dogs) was delayed. The reason given was because of matchmaking issues with Japanese players. [8] The original schedule for the event was from 20 June 2015 at 13:00 UTC for 24 hours. Some days later, it was revealed that it would be moved to 4 July 2015 at 07:00 UTC.

The first European Splatfest event (Rock vs. Pop), which was meant to start on 27 June 2015 at 22:00 UTC, was equally postponed for one week so that it would take place on the same day as the North American one.

Later, the first Splatfest event held simultaneously worldwide (Pokémon Red vs. Pokémon Blue/Green) was supposed to have its results announced at the same time across all regions, despite the different start and ending times. Initially, the results were going to be announced on 21 February 2016 at 07:00 UTC. However, despite notification of Callie and Marie’s announcement, servers ended up being under maintenance half an hour before this, preventing the results from being received. Eventually, an hour later than intended, the servers were running again and players were able to view the results.


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