black fox аниме персонажи

Black fox аниме персонажи

«Стоит мне подумать, что ещё тупее ты быть не можешь, как ты делаешь такое. что возвращает тебе твоё доброе имя!» (Тупой и еще тупее)

Собственно, отзыв об этом произведении можно было бы закончить на эпиграфе. Все произведение представляет собой сборник штампов, готовых решений и заимствований, нанизанных на убогий сюжет совершенно лишенный даже отдаленных намеков на какую-либо логику.

Дедушка с внучкой играют в нидзь? ОК. Попутно разворотили полдома бомбочкой. Эммм. ОК. Запомните: одна бомбочка = пол дома в руинах. Это вам еще пригодится. Но никому из всех домочадцев нет дела до развороченного дома, никто даже не пришел спросить, что случилось? Ну да, мы же знаем, что в Японии на взрывы домов никто внимания не обращает, их же каждый день взрывают пачками суперзлодеи и супергерои.

Проходит лет 10. Девочке уже 16. Что делает папа? Папа занят созданием суперпередовых роботов. Тех же самых. За 10 лет ничего даже не думало поменяться. Папу заморозили и разморозили в той же позе через 10 лет.

Еще более логично, что на захват приходят чуть ли не все сотрудники злодейской корпорации, включая каких-то бывщих папиных друзей-инженеров и дочки одного из них, превращенной ее отцом в мутанта с суперсилами (привет, государственнй алхимик Шо Такер).

Итак, наша героиня решает мстить. Для этого она отслеживает какого-то инженера, запугивает его бросанием с крыши многоэтажки, получает информацию и. оставляет его в живых. Он же честно-причестно никому не раскажет о нападении на него. Логично же.

А героиня тем временем пробирается на секретный злодейский объект. Чтобы что сделать? Чтобы выкрасть папину информацию о производстве суперроботов. Серьезно, выкрасть информацию. Резервные базы данных, рассредоточенное хранение, бэкапы. Нет, информацию можно выкрасть назад. Логично же.

А тем временем в логове злодейского секретного объекта злодейский бывший папин друг все так же продолжает ставить злодейские эксперименты над своей дочкой. 10 лет прошло, а он все продолжает ставить эксперименты. Ведь ему же явно не хватает самого последнего, решающего эксперимента, который обеспечит прорыв. И этот прорыв обеспечен. Прямо вот в этом самом последнем эксперименте. После чего злодейский злодей с дочкой и ошейником, контролирующем дочку, бежит прямо в ангар (зачем, боги, зачем?!), где пробравшаяся внутрь с помощью суперроботов и ниндзюцу героиня стоит и размышляет: «А зачем, я собственно, сюда пришла и что я тут буду делать?»

Как бы то ни было, суперсилы девочки-мутанта, которая только что была побеждена ниндзюцу и громким криком, настолько суперсильны, что обрушивают к чертям огромное здание. Спастись удается. всем. Нельзя же, чтобы месть закончилась трупами. Благо, что на грохот боя, рушащихся стен и корежащегося металла, в тщательно охраняемой злодейской корпорации никто не обратил внимание и не прибежал. Даже охрана.

А что героиня? А героиня спасает мутантку и тащит к себе домой. Зачем? Чтобы окружить теплом и добротой. И злодейская корпорация даже не думает их искать.

Вы же понимаете, что тепло и доброта не могли не повлиять, правда? И они повлияли. Так повлияли, что девочка-мутант звонит папе и предлагает ему добровольно пойти в полицию и дать себя посадить. И заодно сообщает, где она находится. Ведь 10 лет обманывавший ее отец в этот раз совершенно точно не сможет обмануть ее еще раз.

А что делает местный Шо Такер? А Шо Такер тащит по улицам аппарат. Вероятно, когда рушилось здание, он успел сбегать из ангара в свою лабораторию, упаковать его и вынести. Он подключает это обарудование к фонарному столбу (да-да, ночью, посреди улицы, на которой, как обычно, никого нет), надевает на себя шлем и за 5 секунд сварганиевает себе такие же суперсилы, как у дочки, только круче. После чего из заднего кармана вынимает боевую татикому (привет, GitS) и начинает разносить жилые кварталы, охотясь на героиню. Пострадавших, как обычно, нет.

Но героиня, с помощью новообретенной подруги (которая, на минуточку, причастна к убиствую ее семьи) разделывается с боевым суперроботом-татикомой. Как? Думаете, девочка-мутантка, которая запросто швыряет телекинезом огромные валуны, подняла и пару раз приложила татикому о землю? Нет! Это не наш метод, мы не ищем легких путей! Под градом пуль она запрыгивает татикоме на спину, с помощью рук и молний развигает бронепластины, чтобы главная героиня могла подбежать и воткнуть внутрь свой осиновый кол. пардон. свой нидзяцкий меч.

Но не все, ох не все злодеи получили по заслугам свою порцию тепла и доброты. И в финальной сцене прыгающие с крыши на фоне луны герои (привет, Бэтмен) нам непрозрачно намекают, что следует ждать продолжения сего шедевра.

+13black fox аниме персонажиЕсли Вы считаете этот комментарий полезным, то проголосуйте за него.

Во времена, когда Marvel и DC шагают по планете, когда фильмы про супергероев стали продуктом массового потребления мы получаем. очередной героический тайтл с типовым набором штампов, прибавив к этому японский менталитет! Новинка! Теперь со вкусом нерешительности!

А няшка тайтла Мия (кудере-тян) потому что её персонажа хоть как то раскрыли.


Black Fox

black fox аниме персонажи

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black fox аниме персонажи


How unoriginal can a movie be before it’s too much? At what point does it become just lazy writing? Black Fox is here to quench your thirst for an answer. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wrote down some cliche movie tropes and used that for the story. For what it showed me is that the staff had no inspiration for what it was going to be.

It becomes very apparent from the premise alone how little effort was put into this. The family of Rikka Isurugi are assassinated by a super evil corporation that does super evil things. She then plans her revenge by becoming a superhero who fights for justice! One of the most standard motives they could’ve gone with. This is far from the only trope they use. Take a sip each time you see a movie trope and you will go haywire likely within the first half. It’s a by the book story that’s been done plenty of time before and better.

Same can be said about the characters who all fit into your typical archetypes. That’s not in and of itself something that ruins the movie. But it’s short length hindered them from becoming the multilayered characters they needed to be. For that reason it’s hard to be invested in them. Rikka has at least understandable motivations, and the first act does a decent job at giving us a reason to care about it albeit on a very surface level. However the revenge story collides with a different one. Another girl archetype appears and the story shifts more focus on her. With the movie instead ending with her story’s conclusion rather than Rikka’s. She doesn’t get her revenge on the people who killed her family, at least not the ones mainly responsible. The main villain was a generic mad scientist working for them.

The story was a severe letdown and the characters were not much better. But there was at least some effort put into the visuals. The character designs didn’t impress me much, and the backgrounds while decent were nothing extraordinary to look at. However, animation-wise it was very fluid and stylized in it’s fight scenes. Making for some solid eye candy. The budget constraints shines through at times and the CGI was taken right out of a PlayStation 2 game which didn’t blend well with it’s 2D counterpart.

The music is solid but like most things in this movie feels very uninspired and didn’t leave any impressions. It is fittingly used for the emotions the scenes it’s used in is trying to convey while not becoming distracting, but didn’t add anything unique or memorable to the movie. With other words it’s as standard as you get.

The fact that the movie was so short didn’t make it too unbearable but there is so much more you can use 90 minutes on that’s not this. I would only recommend it if you want some good sakuga or have seen very few movies in your lifetime. For everyone else, go watch some paint dry. You will probably find more entertainment that way.

black fox аниме персонажи


First off i would like to say that this movie feels like a really long introduction to a anime series which isnt a bad thing

It starts off fleshing out the plot which is very movie like but it sets things up in a grander theme later

As for what i thought off the movie, its great but very forgettable. The characters, sound and art are all great but its missing a wow factor.

The plot moves pretty fast near the end and its a little cliche how its focussed on revenge

Overall the movie was pretty good but forgettable

would rate a 7.5 but that isnt possible so i gave it an 8 because of the character design

black fox аниме персонажи


black fox аниме персонажи


In many ways BlackFox reminds me of Princess Principal. Its premise made it seem like a full one-shot story but instead ends up being some superhero origin story down the line. There are fun and interesting bits here and there, but nothing seems to be developed to its full potential, leaving much to be desired even as the end credits roll. By far the worst offender is the cliffhanger ending, which, as of this writing, has no confirmed continuation.

Still, the movie is fine. My personal favourite bit is the last act where it turns into Symphogear (complete with hot blooded punching and villainous fakeouts), but as it stands, plotwise, BlackFox is just okay.

I wouldn’t mind seeing episodic adventures if this ever gets turned into a TV Series, but my delusions of this being a serious/semi-serious plot-driven adventure type show has been shattered completely.

black fox аниме персонажи


Honestly Its got all the typical shounen ticks but it is very enjoyable

You can literally see this was meant to be a full TV show anime, some points it does feel fast paced you do not get a chance to get to know the characters.

But in terms of artwork it was very clean and high production value i really liked that, the fight scenes really well done.

one thing i also liked the character interaction between rikka and her friends (yeah they say so ).

the OST also is really good

overall it is very decent and watchable but forgettable

black fox аниме персонажи


When the final shot of the trailer is also the final shot of the movie, something has gone seriously wrong.

Original projects are usually a lot more interesting and creative than established franchises, but there is a caveat that when one falters, it brings far more down than an adaptation would.

Black Fox is a movie that feels like a draft screenplay of itself. The main plot and central characters have been planned out, and in a vacuum are decent, but everything else feels completely rushed. Be it up to me, I’d have asked for the whole movie to be given a serious once-over before release, lest it end up as mundane as it actually did.

The plot is two entwined; the first being a revenge story, and the second a superhero origin. These work together, and I’d argue are pulled off very well. Unfortunately, the movie stuck very close to its own tropes, to the degree that the story becomes consistently predictable. My only real complaint is a revelation during the epilogue that doesn’t do anything for the story and was not foreshadowed at all save for a single, potentially missable background detail. This revelation did not add anything to the story, and under examination actually detracts from it.

All promotional material suggested three protagonists, Rikka, Mia and Melissa. Rikka is the main driving force, Mia is a foe turned ally, and Melissa the one who instigates this change. Rikka and Mia are reasonably good characters, with simple and somewhat parallel arcs, but just like the plot, have predictable conclusions, even though the portrayal is decent. Melissa, however, feels incomplete. Allying Mia is the only plot relevance she has, and her own character has no depth other than being an archetypal friend. She does come into play during the epilogue, but as stated it affects the story negatively.

The movie’s two villains are another weak point. One is basically pulled out of events after the first act, and the other, the eventual final opponent of the movie, is a stock mad scientist. He doesn’t quite have enough flair to be an exceptional one, but has pretty good moments, especially right before the final act. The first, though, never gets an opportunity to do anything other than grimace, leaving me apathetic.

Finally, there are Rikka’s robot animals. Frankly, they’re little more than macguffins with voices, and I’m still left amiss as to whether they had any more significance that I couldn’t decipher. They do very little to actually further the plot, other than the bird flying Rikka away once or twice. For being breakthrough technology, they’re not too impressive.

Every technical aspect is roughly average, including art, sound effects, animation, direction and editing. The most worthwhile thing is the theme song, which is excellent and what originally made me watch the movie. There is somewhat bad CGI integration, but this isn’t something I personally have a problem with.

As for style, while the art isn’t really unique, there are some designs i liked, such as Mia’s original and Rikka’s final combat outfits. The overall setting had some ideas behind it, I think with the combination of modern and historic elements, but there wasn’t anything that really came of this. The tone was alright, but nothing that felt really significant. Some of the apparati where kinda neat, like Rikka’s colour-changing jacket or ninja equipment, but that’s icing rather than stylistic in my opinion.

In order to improve Black Fox, I would firstly cut the epilogue’s reveal entirely, as it does taint the story a little. I think that Melissa and the animals should be reintegrated to be a lot more important, and with both put more emphasis on their relationships with Rikka, so that they have emotional significant to the protagonist rather than just being furnishing elements. The villains, particularly the original, could get a bit more depth and motivations, since they also felt sidelined by the script.

Overall, Black Fox was an acceptable premise but wasn’t made as exciting as it could have been. With every good detail was a bad, leaving the movie essentially average. However, it does at least have the minimum of my attention, and if a sequel does come out, all of my complaints could feasibly be rectified within it, so I’d most likely still be interested.

black fox аниме персонажи


This movie wasn’t made for us. No, I don’t mean this movie wasn’t made for me. No, I don’t mean this movie wasn’t made specifically for you. What I mean is that the people that are likely to watch this movie and find information about it through this site, are not the people likely to enjoy this movie. Black Fox is a superhero origin story, about a girl that has been trained to be a ninja and has access to a lot of technological gadgets, whose appeal as a person is her kind nature. A budget teenage girl Batman if you will. I do think that the movie did accomplish to imitate the exact same process other western movies have used, but not actually succeed in what those movies had

Now for those of you unfamiliar and not knowing what to expect, superhero origin stories are so frequent that they pretty much have a template they always follow. And Black Fox is no exception to this. They are often very predictable, and the template itself is not actually what sells the movie, it’s just a tool to make the movie be sufficiently competent and present the character to both an audience that is familiar with them and one that is unfamiliar with them at the same time. If you go watch a superhero movie, you often already know entirely what it is about, since you are familiar with DC and Marvel. Black Fox however is something entirely unfamiliar to the audience, and the only way it relates to the viewer is whether or not they are aware of such content. It uses the structure and techniques of such movies but do they actually work in its favor?

My answer is that the only way it would work is if you were unfamiliar with that structure. The way Black Fox is structured imitates pretty much every movie of its type I am familiar with, to the point I could predict every single story beat as soon as it was set up. So, if familiar with these types of movies, you will see absolutely nothing new. It has no degree of subtlety and it continuously moves forward, by first presenting a setup (which can be as small as a tease) and next presenting its payoff. The thing is that makes the movie even more predictable since every single story beat presented on screen, is either there to set up something later down the line, be it a twist or to raise the impact a scene will have, 5 minutes later. It feels like every single thing presented is not presented to tell a story but rather to serve the structure used in the prior movies, like a template for success. The structure for such movies doesn’t simply work because the structure itself is a failsafe way to present a superhero origin, but rather they are a template to adapt one superhero origin people already have knowledge of and interest in.

To an audience that is unfamiliar with said structure, they may have some success but their actual reasons they sell in the western media are: brand recognition, (since it is something people are familiar with, the movie will pull its already existing fanbase, as well as their friends that are not familiar with that character) acting, (actors are capable of breathing even further life into the characters, and making them even more appealing based on their performance) solid source material, (in most cases, the template can work because the character has an already defined identity that is appealing to its audience, and they don’t have to put much thought into presenting the story since the source material has already done so, and the story will already have plenty of bones and meat, allegedly) and accessibility. (comic books are not the most accessible media to consume, as most of the hero origins were released prior to content being digitized, and as a result they often end up rereleased with some modifications or redone from zero, to familiarize the audience. Movies are more accessible to a wider audience and they are easier to preserve and spread, since their content is digital, not physical. So, if anyone was genuinely interested in the concept of the comics, but they didn’t have accessibility to the source material, now they have an easier way to access the content)

Black Fox has no brand recognition or source material, it is an original concept after all, it doesn’t rely on acting, since its visual are carried across through animation and voice acting doesn’t require the voice actor to project as much personality as a normal actor. They definitely do and can even do it better than the visuals in some cases, don’t get me wrong, but they are not entirely relied on for that purpose usually, which is no exception here. But well, it might have plenty of accessibility and novelty to a japanese audience. That’s why I said this movie was not made for us. We are likely going to have plenty of familiarity, be it direct or indirect, with pretty much everything Black Fox attempts to achieve as a movie and as a story. But since it is a superhero origin story in its most basic form, it might have success in japan, presenting more westernized story structures and concepts and see if they appeal to their audience, to people that wouldn’t otherwise engage with them, in the medium they are familiar with.

The biggest problem with Black Fox for someone familiar with the structure, is that it feels exactly like this:

Japan: Can I copy your homework?
America: Yes, just change it up a bit so it doesn’t look obvious that it was copied.
Japan: Black Fox

Japan managed to copy the homework correctly, on a subject they don’t really have a solid grasp of. As a result, its hero, doesn’t feel heroic or like a genuinely good person. There’s not really any point where the heroine here acts either heroically or outside their own self-interest. It hardly feels like someone conquering their demons to do good in the world, but more like a character wanting to do what is their self-interest, but what’s morally good denying them of their desire, and them having to adjust. The main character is supposed to have as her appeal in her kindness, but they are not kind, they are just a brat. She’s neither a compassionate or good person and she has operated entirely in their own self-interest the entire time. She hasn’t done anything outright good, just things that aren’t morally reprehensible, yet the story does praise them for their kindness. She can also appear quite weak-willed at times, since she sometimes does not fully pursue their goal or respects what she says and due to that appears undecisive. Truth be told, the qualities that would make her a hero are absent, but I guess that is somewhat acceptable, since she hasn’t really been acknowledged as such. The only reason I take issue with these traits, is because the movie acts as if they are her virtues, but they are at best traits that are currently a work in progress and at worst non-existent.

The movie has every single thing executed correctly, it has the structure, the beats, the concept, the visuals, perhaps even the audience. But it lacks the substance. The appeal that has made the stories that were adapted attract the interest of various people around the world. It may have some passion and enjoyment of everything that has been made with this structure, but it is not its own thing.

As a result, I find it hard to recommend to someone familiar with this type of movie, since there is absolutely nothing new for you to see, and I also have a hard time to recommend it to someone unfamiliar, since there are so many better alternatives that use the very same structure and also present a character that has both charisma and is very admirable. Black Fox doesn’t manage to capitalize on any of the qualities using the structure it has appealing, but it is an interesting enough experiment to watch. I’d recommend showing this show to an unsuspecting audience unfamiliar with this style of movie, if it’s more accessible to them than a western superhero movie, and to gauge their reaction. Because that’s who this movie was made for. And if continuously invested in, the success of the western superhero blockbusters can be replicated in anime form. Even though it might not be an interesting watch, it might the start for the pursuit of an interesting result. So, if you want to watch this movie as an informative way to observe their strategy, I fully support that, because that part of the movie is genuinely interesting, and that’s what made me talk at length about it. I wish it had more substance to discuss the actual things it tried, but the only thing I could observe how hard it tries to imitate what it wishes it would’ve been. And by pursuing every single technical detail about it, it manages to entirely miss the point. That these movies are meant to present the best qualities humanity has to offer and demonstrate them. And that it doesn’t.


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