belly inflation women истории


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belly inflation women истории

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Inflation > Inflation Literature

” Starry said teasingly. “No, you dummy, look up at the sky

” Starry looked up to see the bright, twinkling stars that shined bright in the night sky and said, “Wow…. Those look so gorgeous

” “Yep, and I think they’ve gave me an idea on what our next grand adventure will be…. Starry, we’re going to….!” The following evening….. “WE’RE GOING TO SPACE. ” shouted Shirahoshi and Camie in bewilderment. “I know right? When Aqua told me her idea the first time, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor, but when she explained it to me in greater detail, I realized that this could really be a fun adventure!” said Starry. “With the Blimp Pearl I have and the Size Changing Pearl that Starry has, it would be pretty easy for all of us to breathe up there!” Starry said with passion in her voice. “Are you two up for it? I know you love exploring, my dear Camie! This would be a perfect date for us!” “First, the open sky and now space? You sure know how to bring excitement to the party, Aqua-chin!” Starry then turned to her gigantic girlfriend, the Mermaid Princess, and asked her, “Do you wanna go up to the stars with us, Shirahoshi?” With small tear beads in her eyes, The soft and timid Princess put her hands to her face and said, “I-I-I don’t know….. G-Going off into space…. T-That sounds pretty dangerous….” “Don’t worry, Princess! I’ll be here to protect you! I won’t let anything happen to my beautiful girlfriend!” Starry said confidently, swimming up to the giant princess’s lips and planting a smooch on them. With Starry beside her, Shirahoshi felt confident enough to go up to space with them. “T-This will be a n-new adventure that I’ll get to go on with the people close to me… I-If you guys are with me, I-I can be brave enough!” Shirahoshi exclaimed with a cute yet determined expression on her face. “That’s the spirit, Princess! Now, let’s go to space! Everyone please gather around me!” Aqua commanded. Once the other three mermaids circled around the dark blue haired one, Aqua pulled out her special item stored within the blue breast band containing her huge bosom, the Blimp Pearl, and called upon its power to help the quartet travel to space. Once the pearl began to glow and radiate with its tremendous power, its effects began to show upon the beautiful mermaids surrounding it. Aqua was the first to change as her cheeks became puffier and round along with her arms, which took the shape of stuffed dough. Next came her massive bosom which jumped from being as large as basketballs to the size of large boulders and following up behind the mammary is her midsection which swelled up like a water balloon. After a few minutes, Aqua resembled more of a beach ball than a mermaid. Next, the magic pearl shone its light next on Camie, causing the kissing-mouth mermaid to inflate and soar up in the sky next to Aqua. Camie grew to be about the same size as her beloved girlfriend, and she even bestowed a small kiss on Aqua’s lips to show her affection. After that, it became time for the Mermaid Princess to expand as well. Shirahoshi’s body began to inflate much faster than the other two did, eclipsing the size of Camie and Aqua in a matter of seconds. By the time Shirahoshi was finished expanding, her body was around the size of a humongous blimp. Finally, the little sister of Aqua began her expansion process as well. Her lungs filled up with massive amounts of air and thus, it spread throughout the rest of her body like wildfire. Even her tail looked small compared to the rest of her gargantuan body once it was all filled up with air. Her hands and fingers looked like sausage balloons, and her cheeks were as puffy as cotton balls. It didn’t take long at all for Starry to look the same as the rest of the quartet: a huge bunch of blimps. “Now, who’s ready to go to space?!” Aqua shouted loudly with excitement in her voice. “We are! Let’s go!”, replied the other three mermaids in the same exact tone. The four balloon-shaped mermaids began floating up off the ground above the Sea Forest and outside of the Sea Bubble surrounding Fishman Island. Due to the amount of concentrated air inside of them, they floated to the surface much faster than the last time they went out on an adventure. Once they made it above water, they kept on soaring higher and higher until eventually reaching the clouds. Shirahoshi looked around and said, “W-Wow, we’re already this high up and we haven’t even reached outer space yet…. I wonder what it’s like up there….” “I’ve heard from others that space is really dark and cold! And it’s a place with no oxygen as well!” Camie exclaimed. “That doesn’t really sound safe at all….”, replied Shirahoshi with a concerned look on her cute face. Starry simply smiled and followed up with, “Don’t worry about oxygen! Since we’re filled with so much air right now, we’ll have no problem breathing up in space!” “Starry is right! When we’re in space, all that we’ll have to do is use our eyes to see the beautiful sights in front of us!” said Aqua. After a few more minutes of floating upwards, the mermaid quartet became absolutely awe-stricken about what they saw next. Once they finally exited out of the Earth’s atmosphere, the four of them were able to experience firsthand what it’s like to be in outer space. They all looked back and gazed upon the Earth in all its wonderful glory, seeing how the Red Line and the Grand Line ran across its surface and split the ocean. “This is so beautiful! Starry-chin, Aqua-chin, you two plan the best vacations ever!” Camie exclaimed. Unfortunately for her, sound doesn’t travel through space, so the mermaid sisters couldn’t hear her, even though they saw her lips moving. However, Aqua came up with a brilliant idea that would allow them all to communicate with each other. “Hello? Can you all hear me now?” She said telepathically. “Aqua-chin? Is that you?” Camie asked. “M-Miss Aqua? How can I hear you inside of my own head?” said Shirahoshi. “Oh, I know! You’re speaking to us using the power of the magic pearl! Isn’t that right, Big Sis?” Starry answered. “That’s right, Starry! If this pearl call let us inflate ourselves as well as give us the power to breathe in space, I’d figured that the least it could do was allow us to talk to one another in case we need to! Now, girls, what should we do first since we’re out in open space right now?” “Oh, I know! Let’s visit another planet or something! That would be pretty fun!” Starry suggested. “Great idea, Starry-chin! I’ve always wondered what the other planets in our solar system looked like! Oh, this feels like an interactive science class!” “Another planet?! We won’t come across any dangerous species, will we?” Shirahoshi asked in concern. “Don’t worry, Princess! As long as Starry and I have these pearls, we can get ourselves out of trouble in no time! Now, follow me! I’m thinking that we should visit Mars first! It’s the planet that’s closest to Earth in terms of size and atmosphere!” “Alright, to Mars, we go!” exclaimed Starry. Aqua and Starry took charge and began floating towards the sister planet of Earth, causing Camie and Shirahoshi to follow right behind them in this grand space adventure. It would take them quite a bit of time, but the four of them would eventually reach the outskirts of the planet known as Mars. Its reddish color embedded itself inside the retinas of the mermaid quarter. “Woah, it’s like the opposite of Earth’s bluey color! Should we enter Mar’s atmosphere, Aqua-chin?” asked Camie with a curious expression on her face. Aqua pondered the thought and finally came up with, “No… I don’t think that would be such a good idea…. Even though the Blimp and Size-Changing Pearls are pretty powerful together, we still don’t know if they’ll protect us from the harsh climates of other planets as well as the species that may inhabit it…. It would be better for us to keep to the vacuum of space where we at least have a general idea of what’s out here….” “Good idea, Big Sis! I would not want anything bad to happen to anyone on this trip, especially not my beloved Hoshi! She is too precious…! Oops, did I say that aloud? Well, I still mean every word I say!” exclaimed Starry. “Awww! Y-You are way too sweet for me, Miss Starry! A-And you guys are right! I-I think it would be best if we should avoid any potential danger that may come to us! We wouldn’t want anything to cause to get stranded out here or worse….” “Shirahoshi is right! If we do not want any accidents, we should avoid stepping into the atmosphere of a planet and explore from the outside looking in! Now, since we have all gotten a look at Mars, why don’t we try heading to Jupiter? From the looks of it, it might be the biggest planet in the entire Solar System!” informed Aqua. As the mermaids began to float over to where Jupiter is, they encountered a difficult problem up ahead. “M-Miss Aqua! What are those pile of rocks floating around like that?” Shirahoshi asked curiously. “Pile of rocks? What are you talking abo-?!” Once Aqua caught a glimpse of what the Mermaid Princess was referring to, her face expressed that of shock as the dark blue-haired mermaid exclaimed, “Guys, we’re heading into an asteroid belt!” “An asteroid belt. ”, replied Starry and Camie in an astonished tone of voice. The Mermaid Quartet all shuddered as they saw themselves on a collision course with a huge asteroid. “Is there any way that we can escape from being hit by one of those, Aqua-chin?!” “I don’t know, Camie! The only way I would think of would be to…. I’ve got an idea! Starry, can you use your Size-Changing Pearl to help us expand even more!” “Sure, Big Sis! Anything to get out of this mess!” Using the Power of the Size-Changing Pearl, all of the mermaids expanded greatly in size, becoming the size of a small moon as to avoid being injured when going through the asteroid. However, what they didn’t count on was that the sheer amount of oxygen in their bodies won’t keep up with their expanding bodies. “Guys, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think…..” “We’re deflating! Brace for impact!” Once Starry finished Aqua’s sentence, the quartet immediately began deflating like oversized balloons, zipping and zooming throughout the darkness of space until the four of them finally crash-landed back into Earth’s atmosphere and landed on the surface of the ocean. Their bodies looked as if they had been run over by a steamroller, but given a few minutes of rest, they should be back to normal in no time. “Yeah…. Let’s not do the space thing again, gals….” Aqua said weekly. “Agreed….,” responded the rest of them as they gently laid on top of the water and looked up to the starry sky.

” Shirahoshi used her hands to place Starry in the cusp of her palms and brought her closer to her face. With a radiating blush on her face, the Mermaid Princess confessed to her, “I-I’m happy that I’m able to be here with the one I love the most

” Starry was brought closer and closer to Shirahoshi’s face until her face pressed against the giant mermaid’s soft, plump lips. As a gift, Starry also closed her eyes, puckered her lips, and showed her affection for the Mermaid Princess by smooching the latter’s huge, pink lips. No matter how silly the scene looked from an outsider’s perspective, the two of them loved each other with all of their hearts and had no quarrels about expressing that deep attraction. Once Starry and Shirahoshi finally broke away from the passionate kiss that they shared together, the former had more words for her giant lover. «You know, I really missed you when you went to the surface to participate in the Reverie. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t think of you, Hoshi

» «I felt the same way. As much as I was excited to explore the surface world with my family and meet other human beings besides Mister Luffy, it didn’t feel the same without you by my side

» With a growing blush on her face, Starry suggested, «Well, why don’t we go up to the surface together right now?» Shirahoshi opened her eyes wide and replied, «You don’t mean-?» «Yes, I do! I’m gonna use both the Size-Changing Pearl and the Blimp Pearl to allow us to get to the surface and soar high above the sky! Since it’s night time, we’ll even be able to see the beautiful stars!» «I-I don’t know about this. My father and brothers might get really concerned if they won’t be able to find me because I left Fishman Island. » «Ah, don’t worry about them! As long as you’re with me, I’ll make sure you’re safe! Now, let’s go together, Hoshi!» «O-Okay!» As she closed her eyes, Starry began to focus her attention on the pearl, causing it to grow brightly which impressed the Mermaid Princess. First things first, Starry planned to use the Size-Changing Pearl to make herself the same size as Shirahoshi. Once the pearl was activated, Starry’s body began to grow in height, reaching the top of Shirahoshi’s belly button only after a few seconds. «W-Wow. Those special pearls always amazes me, Starry. You’re a natural at that

» In a matter of minutes, Starry finally became so huge to the point where she could directly stare Shirahoshi right in her beautiful blue eyes. «You know something, Hoshi?» «W-What is it?» «You look even more beautiful now that I can see you up closer

» Shirahoshi’s face turned as red as a tomato from Starry’s compliment and all she could utter as a response was, «T-Thank you. » The blue-haired mermaid simply giggled and closed her eyes once more to focus on the Blimp Pearl which would allow her and her beloved princess to soar through the sky. Immediately, Starry and Shirahoshi’s mid section began to fill up with air, expanding outward into a roundish shape. Everything from their breasts to their chubby began to take the shape of a beach ball as the two gigantic mermaids slowly began to float upwards past the tall underwater trees of the Sea Forest and towards the surface. «Having my body filled with air feels so magical! This must be such an exhilarating thing for you, Starry!» «Yeah, having this pearl and being able to float around feels so freeing! It makes it even more special when I’m able to share that feeling with others

» «I can’t wait to see the starry night sky with you

» Their bodies now being as massive as blimps due to the air inside of them allowed for the mermaids to soar outside of the air bubble surrounding Fishman Island and into the vast ocean. At their size, it only took a few extra minutes for them to reach the surface of the water and float into the sky. Shirahoshi caught a view of the dazzling lights radiating from Sabaody Park and exclaimed, «W-Wow, that place looks so beautiful!» «My big sister Aqua always told me how beautiful the lights of Sabaody are, and I never believed her until I saw it for myself!» «Miss Aqua is amazing too! Both you and her always manage to brighten me up!» Starry simply smiled and said, «I’m very glad! Now, let’s go even higher

» Eventually, the two mermaids in love floated high above the clouds, where they could see first hand the starry night sky and the full moon that shone its beautiful light upon them. Shirahoshi’s eyes filled with absolute wonder at the sight and she couldn’t help but keep her mouth open because of the beautiful night in front of her. Meanwhile, Starry herself simply giggled at Shirahoshi’s reaction. «The Princess is so, so cute! I adore everything about her

» Starry thought to herself. «Look, Starry! Look at the moon and the stars! They’re all so gorgeous! I can’t believe the night sky looks like this!» Shirahoshi exclaimed. Starry smirked and responded, «I’m staring at something even more beautiful right about now

» «Oh, yeah? What is-» Before the Mermaid Princess could finish her sentence, Starry moved forward and planted her lips on top of the former’s. High in the sky, both blimps of a mermaid passionately expressed their love for each other in the middle of a starry night. «Does that answer your question, my dear Princess?» «Mhm



Инфлатофилия (англ. inflatophilia) — пристрастие к образу раздувания или надувания тела воздухом, жидкостью или другим образом. Это пристрастие родственно любви к трансформациям, гиперу, макро, прегу и фэтфурам, особенно к кормлению последних. В отличие от фэтфура, изображения надутых персонажей не следуют анатомии полного тела, а часто выглядят так, будто внутри персонажа надули шарик (хотя некоторые изображения отличить сложно). Надутыми могут быть отдельные части тела, в особенности — груди.

В творчестве для инфлатофилов есть много направлений и течений. Например, инфлатофилы различаются по отношению к прокалыванию или взрыву персонажей, от восхищения до отвращения и страха. Метки произведений должны предупреждать, если в сцене фигурирует прокалывание.

Инфлатофильные картинки, как и фэтфурри, часто служат тем же целям, что и йифф-арт, однако при этом они могут не содержать обнажённой натуры. Хотя непричастные к фетишу зрители могут находить их неприятными или шокирующими, такие картинки можно держать в публично доступной галерее (например, на deviantART или в открытой части FurAffinity). Такие картинки обращают на себя внимание поисковиков, случайных зрителей и незарегистрированных пользователей, тем самым создавая впечатление бо́льшего интереса к инфлатофлии и жиру по сравнению с другими, табуированными фетишами, чем в действительности.

Балуни [ править ]

Особая разновидность персонажей, относящаяся к инфлатофилии — это балуни (англ. baloonie), то есть персонажи — воздушные шарики. Они могут выглядеть как обычные фурри (антропоморфные и зооморфные) или как фигурные воздушные шарики. Поскольку они обычно сделаны из резины или латекса, то большинство их относится к инаниморфам.


Belly inflation women истории

«My Boyfriend and I Tried this Pill and It Changed our Date Nights Forever!»

«We were skeptical at first. » She skipped through the boring preface, «. It was much more potent than I had expected. » She looked for buzz words and skipped forward again, «. I was so big, I thought I would surely pop! And it didn’t stop there. «

«Now you got my attention,» She said to herself.

It was not until the following week when the package arrived. Allison had been constantly daydreaming at work, thinking about her sexual fantasies coming to life. She imagined how it would feel having her belly burst out of her shirt and having the tattered remains hang off of her breasts, but she did not want to get her hopes up. She expected that it would probably just be like any other scam product, but now, the box is right in her hands and she is mentally preparing herself for what is to come.

Allison shuts her blinds and locks her doors. She does not want anyone disturbing her. She tried to find scissors around her apartment to open the box, but her anticipation is too great and she just rips the tape off instead. Through a few handfuls of packing material, she pulls out a small pill bottle with a conspicuous black label and turns it over. The drug facts are all in Russian, but she can see that each pill is 1000mg of whatever it is that they are filled with. She raises her eyebrows at such a high number, but continues with her erotic endeavor.

She opens the bottle and drops a tablet onto her palm, playing with it in her fingers.

«One should be enough,» she thinks to herself.

She grabs a left over water bottle from next to her sofa, tilts her head back, swallowing the pill with the rest of the water, and waits. Fifteen or so minutes go by and she still feels nothing, but she doesn’t want to give up hope yet.

«It may just need two pills per dose.»

She swallows another two and after a minute, starts to feel pressure building in her gut. Her hopes are rekindled and then put out by an anti-climactic burp.

«Ehk,» She says in disgust and disappointment.

She gets up and walks back to her computer cave to spend the rest of her Friday as she always does.

A few more minutes pass by and the pressure continues to build. Even though it isn’t as good as a full belly bloat, the bloating she feels is helping to push her closer to the edge. She is reaching climax as she tilts her head back and moans loudly, but before she can finish, she feels the bottom of her belly being constricted and her hand being pushed against the waist band of her shorts. She looks down at her gut in awe. She looks like she is about three months pregnant, her no longer slim physique filling out her tight shirt and shorts and pressing them tightly against her skin. Her surprise turns into pleasure as she starts to feel a warm sensation in her belly that is radiating outward and reaching up into her breast. She reaches for them and is greeted by her now extremely sensitive nipples reacting to her touch. She grips tightly to her shirt which only makes the reaction more intense. Her moans grow louder as her gut grows even bigger.

Before she realizes it, her belly grows twice its size, then double that, and pauses. As she regains control, she sees that her once petite body has filled out like a balloon and the sides of her massive gut now reach the arms of her chair. She tries to stand, but cannot. Her stomach continues to grow slowly now and the arms press deeper into her increasingly tight flesh. It feels like a balloon being blown up between two fingers, getting closer together as it expands. Her pleasure now turns into worry as she tries to break free from her chair. She thrashes her body back and forth, but it does nothing but cause her huge, bulbous belly to jiggle. Things only get worse as she feels the shirt that has been riding up her inflating abdomen start to grow tighter around her sensitive breasts.

Allison’s nipples become erect with pleasure as her top strains against the increasing volume of her body. Unable to moan any longer, she can feel the air being pulled into her with great force. The pace of her inflation picks up and her breasts start to strain the seams of her top, the sound causing her to panic and become aroused, as she knows it won’t last much longer. She hears the sound of tearing fabric as her shirt falls to each side of her and her breast inflate to the size of bowling balls. Her once tiny areola is now about four centimeters across and her nipples are the size of quarters. She is so concerned with her breasts, that she fails to realize that her belly is now twenty times its original bloated size. She only looks down when she hears the arms of her chair finally crack and give way.

Now panicking, Allison waddles her expanding figure over to the desk on which she placed the pills. She tries finding anything on the label that may be able to help her, but after examining it more closely, she can now see that, next to what she assumes to be the directions, it says, «1/hr.» She had taken three times the recommended dosage in one sitting. She opens her mouth in shock and feels a rush on air come into her stomach. Her toothpick legs can no longer hold her massive gut in the air and she falls forward onto the floor, the echoing of air bouncing around in side of her ringing in her ears.

Her belly does not stop growing bigger and bigger as her breast heave and bounce on her expanding frame, they themselves growing larger with each passing moment. The pressure that had once been orgasmic is now starting to become very painful. She looks down at herself in horror as the skin on her breast start to become incredibly strained. She can see the dark veins starting to spread and cover her engorged breasts and throb on her enormous belly. Her stomach is now as wide as her body is tall and shows no signs of stopping. She can hear creaking from below her and worries that she will break the floor, but then she realizes that the creaking is coming from her own body. Her skin screams from the tension of being pulled by her rapidly expanding body. The veins become more numerous and her skin paler, revealing the pink hue of her rushing blood underneath it.

She is not sure how much more her belly can take and fears the inevitable. There is no way that she can get up to call for help, and even if she did, no one would be able to come to her aid. Her belly and breasts feel as though they are about to burst and her eyes widen. If she could scream she would, but instead she just lays there, tears rolling down her cheek as she bites her lip and waits for the inevitable.


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