being a dik персонажи

Being a dik персонажи

I wanted to post something about all the characters and some of my theories (many seem common), and only ones who seem to have more than one special entry. This will be a long post.

She is an obvious Nympho and either got crabs from Dawe or from the many people she was screwing. I do not see her being a major player more of a butt of a joke in the game.

Not sure if she will be a major player, but i think if you went ♥♥♥ route and you did the scene with her Derek might be pissed at you since she and him might be getting close.

I hope she gets more fleshed out, i love her model and her character seems to have some borders, she is just sexually open.

So far we only know her as the woman who Stephen cheated with, and she is a Switch (dom and sub), she enjoys the control but there will be more to come i am sure. I dont think she has slept with other students as she is timid until she gets on swiper and demands/threatens you with exposure. Also anyone catch she calls the MC by his first name and NOT his screen name? so knows it’s you and wants you.

If you defended him he seems to have a look of sorry in his eyes as he knows he f’d up, and later admits him attacking you was wrong and seemed to accept his punishement. I do think once we find out who the side chick is we will have a chance to hide it (obvious it’s someone who Sage trusts and would hurt her i think)

Dad (Neil):
I think we will find out more about him and your mother that will damage the MC, i suspect he will die in future episodes.

Not sure if she intended to be integral to the story but as a character her design is nice.

I think he will cause the MC more trouble and try to get the MC kicked for revenge and i hate to say it quinns enjoyment of fing with people.

Derek is a homie, but i think when it’s found out if you went chick that you slept with Maya he will be mad and him and the MC will have it out (them make up), i see him like Liam from acting lessons (that guy is a bro to the end)

Side character do not see her being more than just the half naked hot chick.

Not sure if DPC will make her a relationship option or just a side chick. I get the idea that she was just gonna be a side peice at the club only as she is looking for a future husband.

I think her role will become more in the other seasons as she seems to be warming up to the MC, and could turn tommy against you (once the drug stuff is exposed)

He is a bro as well, i think he knows more about the MC than he leads one (many of the ♥♥♥’s seem to know about you as well). they are just not telling you. He seems to want to protect you and the frat.

She is tricky as she wants release, and i think (if you did not show the video to derek) there might be more scenes or making sure you pass the class. I see having the video can sway any issues you have with Tybalt to go away by talking to her.

Same as Dany, i like the character and he does not want her to know he slept with crab girl.

So Jill is best girl, BUT i do think once the MC’s history is found out and you learn more about her there will be conflict, either from he finding out about sleeping with Jade, (most of the HOTS), that you broke in and (if you stole the money) from her room i see the MC hurting her. I also think her and Troy are possibly related. I do think she is linked to a powerful money and/or a Royce.

I do also think once she «claims» the MC (either by having sex) she could go abit Tsundere. but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i’m ok with that with her lol.

John Boy:
Same as Elena, not sure how they play into it besides the Trope college guy.

She was the only one reaching out via text to talk to you after EP3. I see her possibly causing issues or helping with Jill (if you friended maya/josy or not). I do think that even if they friend zone you or if you friend zone them you can end up with one of them, cause it seems their lesbian relationship seems to not be as strong as they think, and i think bed death (look it up) will split them.

Lynette (mom):
I think we will find out she was either a Burger(whatever) or a royce, and it will cause conflict with many of the people and staff. I think the MC will get into money and also get MAYA out of the HOTS or fix there issue with that money to save Maya/josy from doing things that he knows they will be pressured into.

Not sure he seems as a side character/merchant.

See Josy; but with maya i think her and josy’s relationship will be strained as her dad will find out that her and josy are together and pull her tuition all together and quinn wont give her the promised tuition unless she does something bad. This is where the MC will have the option to «save her» at this point i think derek will accept the MC and Maya together if you choose.

I do see her betraying the MC again out of necessity and that could break her and josy up.

I think if you slept with Jade he will find out and try to ruin the MC. I do think he is a customer of Quinns.

Quinn: (second best girl)
I think you will find out more about her and since she never lets anyone but the MC f**k her. She either knows about the MC and assumes he has money OR a feeling i get from her in a few of the scenes is the way DPC made her look is she is looking for someone for just her. If you try to kiss her the face before that seems as she was wanting one and she snapped out of it.

i do think she will screw over the MC or want to get to money she thinks the MC has. and hopefully we will learn why she «likes us» as sage puts it.

Not sure she where she will go, i dont think her heart is into what she does but it’s a means to the end. She gives be the vibe of a stripper/prostitute who has dead eyes. except when the MC is involved she seems to enjoy the MC.

I think he will be suspended just like chad and tommy will take over the ♥♥♥’s and you will either enable Tommy OR resist him to not corrupt the ♥♥♥’s. That or his last name will save him with a light punishment.

She seems to be oblivious to quinn’s side stuff. I do think she is linked by Name/money and she doens’t want to use it (unless she was forced). I do think the MC’s history will cause an issue with her, not to mention she seems to be madly inlove with chad and only sleeps with her F buddy cause she is not emotionally cheating on chad.

I hope the mc gets a chance to smash her, i’m sorry she has to be a freak cause we all know she is. lol

Steve: (♥♥♥♥ him)
I think he will end up enrolling and/or make a return in future episodes. not sure what his function is. I was suprised that the story with him did continue.

I do think he is a rotten apple, and will cause issues between Maya and Josy, which will cause issues with Derek and the MC (for most players) as derek is a homie. I see him causing serious issues and the one who did the picture to try to remove Rusty as part of Quinn’s plan.

Troy may still play a role on things, i do think he could be Jill’s brother/cousin or something OR maybe related to Bella?

Tybalt: (this might be long)
Ok so once this weazel finds out Jill and the MC are dating and has no chance with her, he will do something drastic to try to break up Jill and the MC. I suspect he will be extreme like possibly drugging Jill and having his way with her to torment the MC. Just look at his parents. Jade (had to say sorry for being too aggressive), and Stephen has no issue with just cheating on his wife to spice up their marriage without her there. the signs of a sociopath are there. He seems to revolve around Jill and once the MC is taking more time he’s gonna snap. and that will get the MC in trouble cause if he hurts Jill i’m gonna kill him (have i mentioned Jill is best girl) lol.

I have seen people say they think she will return but i do not think so as a romance (maybe sex) BUT if my theory the MC’s dad will die (which will expose him to his mothers family likely) she might come back to support him but i think it would be bad writing to have her come back just does not fit. As she broke the MC’s heart let me count the girls who will hate her. Bella, Jill, Josy, Maya, Quinn, to name a few.

Ok these are just thoughts on the characters please feel free to rip my opinion and theories apart i look forward to it lol.

being a dik персонажи

being a dik персонажи

being a dik персонажи

Yeah. Riona says «we just well what we need to sell». Quinn must’ve bitten off more than she can chew (no pun intended)

being a dik персонажи

Yeah. Riona says «we just well what we need to sell». Quinn must’ve bitten off more than she can chew (no pun intended)

being a dik персонажи

MC: Thing for me with the MC and talk about «who he is» with regard to his mom / her family makes me wonder how HE wouldn’t already know that. if he did, we’d see some inner monologue thinking about it.

Dawe is easily one of the biggest jerks in the game. And he no doubt hates MC for the jokes MC has made (if you choose to) at the AAA’s expense, as well as MC kicking his a$$ at the gym.

Not sure what to think on her. I like her character, but since she’s a stripper, I’m not sure how far I’d let it go. She seems really nice, though.

Thought she was a beotch initially as she’s pretty rude to MC in the initial exchange once he becomes a maggot, but toward the end of the Season 1 episodes, she does seem to be warming up to him a bit. I think she’s attractive, but I’m not sure what her intentions are. She seems very defensive of Tommy and I fully expect my MC and Tommy to be on a collision course in later Episodes, especially if Tommy is behind stuff with the laptop and pushing drugs on the frat.

Definitely one of my favs in the frat. Seems to be an all-around cool dude who had your back and wants to do what’s best for the frat.

I don’t have much of an opinion good or bad on Jamie.

I agree with OP that down the road once we find out who Jill is and if it’s revealed that MC comes from some money as well, maybe a rival family or something, we’ll have a Romeo & Juliet type situations, possibly with more additional drama injected by the dev via narrative details and the like. 🙂

He just registers to me as an older Derek.

I put her in the friend zone at the end of Episode 4. I don’t hate her, but I also don’t trust her, and I consider her to be a bit of a s lut. Overall I have a somewhat low opinion of her but I also don’t actively wish her ill-will.

Agreed with OP that this hasn’t played out yet and more drama otw from Dr P.

I can’t decide if he’s a side character or is just masquerading as one while potentially pulling bigger strings regarding drugs and the like. I think it’s interesting that Sally is always right with him, but we also see her at a ♥♥♥ party. suspicious IMO.

My opinion of Maya is similar to Josy only Maya has higher standing because of her kind-heartedness to let MC stay with her for a while and she was pretty nice to him up until the «tasing incident».

I also think he’s a customer of Quinn’s, and may be doing other things as well, possibly related to drugs and the like. Shady character for sure.

It’s also possible this is just a cover because she knows MC is from a rich family (if it’s true, anyway) and this is her way of getting close to him to try to extort money in one way or another.

Rusty is probably going to, at minimum, be kicked out of the DIKs or demoted in some capacity, resulting in Tommy taking over which will be a disaster for the DIKs and lead to tons of conflict with MC and other frat brothers. I really like Rusty’s character, seems like a really cool dude.

I’m not sure how far he’ll go in his quest for Jill. He should be getting the picture she’s just not that into him, but maybe he’ll be another «Vieri» from «Assassin’s Creed 2» who just can’t take «no» for an answer and resorts to force and other dirty shenanigans to get what he wants or just tries to take revenge on the MC for what he perceives as «taking what’s his». I get the feeling he could be one of the main blocks for the «Romeo & Juliet» comparison I made earlier between the potential MC & Jill romance.

Beyond that I just consider him a pompous douchebag. 🙂

being a dik персонажи

Here is my take on the characters so far

MC: The best or worst side of the player. Tries to upphold high ideas. But their is so many posibilities for a bad boy side to come out.

I kind of think she is a airhead. But smart enough to be used as a tool. If she was the one who upploaded the material. Who took the photo. Who will win on it beeing published. It looks like she or someone behind her wants to start a war between the jocks and the Diks. It might be her who is Chads blackmailer.

Both ar art, nice looking. But I don´t think they do anything but fill out empty space. I don´t see them as real main characters.

another character that don´t do much for me. Ok looking but I don´t realy think it would be more then dreams for the MC.

I kind of see him as the person. The MC could have been. It his father (Neil) didn´t kept him on the right track. Chad wanted to be the stronger and better to fight then his bullies. But never got the ethical part of it. So he became the monster he set out to fight. He has a lot of bagage. He is hiding. He might be gay and he in cheating with a guy. But who? I think he is crieing becaus he realise what he has become. After he knocks down the MC. That is why don´t realy defend him self. He also realise that he hit the wrong person. So talking about the blackmail isn´t going to make it better.

No coment so far

Dad (Neil):
He at least tries give the MC a moral compas, ethics and moral. I dont know what is going to happen to him. After all he is the perfect. If the MC is going to be hit where it hurts.

I don´t give a … about her. I don´t know why she don´t leave Jamie or why Jamie don´t deap six their relationship.

Dawe is easily one of the biggest jerks in the game. For some reason he gives MC a hard time from start. He might be the one who destroys AAA. As he loses his temper and fight the MC.

No comment so far, but I think we are going to see more of her.

Envy / Nicole:
for some reason I see her more like a ”mother” figure then a love intest. Someone to talk to and a sholder to cry on. When something goes bad for the MC and he cant talk to Dad. He broke her shell kind of fast if the MC did the right things.

I kind of think she looks for status. But are kind of lost with out it. I think she will dropp Tommy if he Loses his status. I can see her changing sides if the wind turns. But I don´t trust her a bit.

Something has happen to her in the past. It looks like she dislikes the MC from the start. Maybe she got the ”key” to the MC mothers backstory. I don´t think she is going to stay angry at the MC. Even in if you pick the mega ♥♥♥ path.

I have two ideas. One he sees a lot of himself in the MC or he kind of sees a chalanger to Timmy. Someone that can save the house. As Tommy isn´s the person you want to give power to. I like him anyway.

I think she is as bad as her husband. When It comes to comitment. She got a short fuse. It would be intresting to know how she got gender studies. I don´t realy think she is commited to the subject. I don´t think the MC is the first student she is making a move on. I can see a Divorce in the close future.

I don’t have much of an opinion good or bad on Jamie.

She might be the one who teaches the MC. How to act in the world of big money. as a gf or as a friend. When it becomes clear what his mothers family name is. Their got to be some serious big money waiting on him. Maybe they figure out how to know who your real friends are. The MC sounds a bit Naive about money.

John Boy:
He is what Derek is going to be. If he don´t grow up.

She is girl with trouble. I don´t think she is that emotional adult. I am kind of shure the respons would have been diffrent if the MC and her talked alone in the old library.

Lynette (mom):
The only intrestng part about her is. What is her family name and is her father still alive.

I think we got a red herring. He is nothing more the leader of the nerds. Trying to roleplay company manager. Trying to earn a buck on it as he do it. His and Sallys realtionship looks a bit middleschool.

A lost girl, she is kind of good at keeping her act together most of the times. But I kind of think she is looking for comfort and security outside her self. Josy or MC don´t realy matter.

I think he married in to money. That is why he don´t divorce. He has never learned to handel the temptations. The question is why he was realy looking for any excuse to go easy on Chad. I can see him doing something stupid. Geting busted and loosing it all. Not like that is going to make me cry.

I change her name to Wicked Witch (of the weast) after my first play. She is in to all kind of bad stuff and are corupting pepole all the time. For me I think she wants to humiliating the MC. At first but after that tries to figure out why her magic don´t work. I can se a fight between them.

a emotionaly lost girl. I think the goth thing is a shield. Something to hold pepole out. She is a follower. Maybe the villans ”henchman” that turns side and are going to be on our (anti) heros side in the end. I almost think the MC is in to emotionaly scared girls.

I kind of think he his family name is going to save him form being expeled. Maybe he picked Tommy as his vice president. Because their wasn´t realy anyone around. Looks like he got some plan for the MC.

I kind of think the MC. Put her emotions in trouble. She has trouble as I think they have a longer backstory. She might see both the bullied boy Chad once was and starting to recognice what he has become. She might be the Zoey that didn´t leave.

I don´t realy get her. It will be suprices later on.

I only think he exists to give the MC a reason to leave. He is the first fight the MC has to do. With his parents divorce. The MC can show how he treats the beaten foes he got.

I wounder if he is a massive ♥♥♥♥ head to all or if he knows something about the MC and disslikes him for that. It would be a twist if he breaks and has some backstory that explaines why he is the way he is.

I only think he is exists to give the MC a minor doubt of him self early in the game. It was nice to beat him. But I can´t realy see anything in him that would make me want to forgive him.

Colateral damage. I don´t think he is that smart or evil. Love to see him in the real world. With out two grand in his pocket. I think he will crasch hard. If his parents divorce and his endless money well stops.

I don´t know if she only Is the explenation of the MC thing for broken girls or if she is going to return in some form. Maybe she will return. Explaining that she some how lost the posibility to call back. But realy loved the MC. But I think he kind of lost intrest in her before even the game started.

being a dik персонажи

being a dik персонажи

Okay I`ll bite, some of my opinions might seem out there a bit 😉

Arieth: Walking crab bag and bubble brain. Either she`s a genius at playing the airhead thot or she is exactly as depicted. My money is on the 2nd.

Camilla: Shes HOT and into your big package bro! also has a nice personality but too gullible perhaps, Quinn has a leash around her neck.

Cathy: Hot af and also into the whole Dom/Sub scene. I hope we get to sample her in later episodes, I always pick her over Jade when your bro asks who`s the sexiest.

Chad. The walking Juicebox. I`m convinced he`s gay and the phone call in the locker room was to his secret lover. I think it might be Troy. Also, if we defend him during Stephens interrogation, I think he may help the MC in the future when we are at the mercy of the Jocks.
Possibly banging Sally cos she has a fit body and we never saw that coming.

Dad: Cool guy and obviously very strong bond between MC and him. I also think he will die later in a construction accident or badly injured. But no freakin` fire, aight?

Dawe: Total Tw at and still not sure the significance of him going to Quinn`s door to talk, but I suspect major plot point. Is he, Quinn and Tommy working to overthrow their Presidents? although Chad is no longer President. Dawes is a mirror of Tommy, both very alike. short fuses and complete diks!

Derek: He`s our bro and very loyal. Complete braindead but funny as heck, has fallen for Ashley. whom you might have skull f****d. whoops. Protective of Maya and will no doubt reach a stage where Maya will do something regretful cos of money and Derek will be caught between ♥♥♥ loyalty and Maya.

Elena: Eye candy pretty much..

Envy: HAWT! One of the best looking and best bodies in the game. Real freak when she gets it on, but is looking for a husband and swiper rules out you getting with her. BOO!
Envy>HoT Thots anyday.

Heather: Gave us attitude at the start but now she wants the D. She heard MC has a genital missile launcher and knows how to use it. Tommys girlfriend, if we get the chance I will **** her raw just to mess with Tommy the Twa t.

Jacob: Love this Bro. cares about you and the Fraternity. Warns you not to do Sage in Public and appreciates you abusing Quinn`s mouth on the rooftop. Good man.

Jade: betrayed by her best friend Cathy and her douche hubby Stephen. A real freak between the sheets but potential timebomb down the line. also the Mother of Mr Bean aka Tyeball or whatever the **** his name is.

Jill: Beautiful, Cultured, Rich and Sophisticated. Should be way out our league but luckily not. Is she too good to be true? and does she get it on with Bella? Hmmm.

John Boy: Side character so far and a freak or certainly an exhibitionist..

Josy: Sweet but has a steely undercurrent. Not so innocent as she looks. She is bi and more experienced than Maya. Was ready to move on to the MC when she comes to BR but U turns quickly to Maya again. I friend zoned the hypocrite. Watch my HOT Thots Conquest ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Sage, Camilla, Mona, Melanie, Sarah, Quinn, Rhiona > Josy.

Maya: Seemed really sweet at the start but oh boy, the 100% truth one-way thing? plus waking us up for the HoT girls? Crashed and burned. Friend zoned. Make up with Josy, sell your body for Quinn, whatever..Frankly dear, I don`t give a damn.

Sage: President of the HoT Thots and utter nymph. Sweet in her own way and she does care about the MC on a ♥♥♥ route. The whole obsession with Chad the Mad Lad? turn off. She`s just a F buddy.

Quinn: My girl. She`s like Harley Quinn and I hope we can be Mr J. She doesn`t hide her delight in trolling everyone and even shows a great deal of interest in the MC. If you go down the ♥♥♥ route you see a softer side to Quinn that`s worth exploring. Yeah she`s a pimp and a dealer, hey redemption arc maybe? she certainly has one of the most complex characters.
I think she was a victim of abuse and learned to be a bada$$ to keep people out.

Rhiona: Sweet and cute goth girl, but well used and looks it. Biggest candidate for a tragic overdose I`d say. She is Quinn`s f*** toy and main thot. Things might go bad between them and perhaps if the MC can convince Rhiona to help steal Quinn`s clothes in revenge.

Rusty. Rich and very cool President of the DiKs. Unfortunately might be going down thanks to plot by either Tommy, Dawes, or Magnar. Best Father a ♥♥♥ could have unlike Tommy the DiKweed. Rusty was for you joining the DiKs right off.

Steve: Douchenozzle who is gonna appear at BR and react depending on how you treated him.

Magnar: This chump is way more than he appears. Come on. he looks like a classic Marvel Villain. Don`t be fooled by the glasses, he`s a big boy and I can imagine him dropping the act and going full Mr Glass. Is he blackmailing the Jocks, trying to start a Jock/♥♥♥ war? His Sally is always at ♥♥♥ parties. he could also hack laptops no doubt.

Troy: Chad`s secret gay lover. kicked out the Jocks for well, being gay. No room for that among testosterone, steroid fueled knuckleheads.

Nick: Something seriously off with this ♥♥♥ brother. Obsessed with his old ♥♥♥ brother who was probably his lover, judging by his grief. Is he trying to bring down the DiKs in revenge? maybe he got into Rusty`s laptop.

Sally: Petite and sexy nerd who may either be working undercover for evil genius Magnar and skulking around the ♥♥♥ frat house. or. is Chad`s secret lover. cos she likes getting freaky with musclebound Ogres.

Tyebalt or whatever the **** his name is: Jades pondlife son. Rich, spoiled and Jill`s stalker. Enjoys long walks on the beach and sniffing panties. Out for the MC`s blood now, no doubt. He`s gonna try and split the MC and Jill. Hopefully Bella will sit on him and snap him.

Ok that`s a looooong list. I`m tired now, time for my cookies, milk and bed.

being a dik персонажи

being a dik персонажи

I’m all about Camilla. I have a play through dedicated to only her. The fact she is one of the 8 trading cards and one of the backgrounds on your phone is encouraging enough to me to believe she will have a larger role in the finished product.

being a dik персонажи

I will only comment on the characters I really care about. All the others I could care less if they feel into water and sank.

Overall I feel there is a bit too much «Scheming» and secrets but I get that this is soap opera for men. The characters are a bit more emotionally safe than acting lessons. There’s no real reason to be emotionally invested in any of them. Even Josey at the end turns off that switch in the end. None of them are Meagan or Melissa which I am happy for.

I really like how you get to reconcile, if you want to, with the Grocery store Manager. I felt that was at least somewhat real. No matter what, humanity in general are still generally good people and everyone deserves a little compassion.

At the end of the day, the characters have a lot of depth to them. As does the story. I am apprehensive to get close to any of them after Acting Lessons trauma, but Dr. Pink has something going here. Keep it up.


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