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Порноактиса после группового изнасилования разоткровенничалась в больничной палате

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Правоохранители разбираются в страшной истории, которая случилась с молодой российской порноактрисой. Девушка стала жертвой насильников и выпрыгнула из окна третьего этажа, пытаясь сбежать от мучителей, которые издевались над ней всю ночь.

Люба Бушуева, она же Лола Тейлор, с содроганием вспоминает издевательства, которым подверг ее новый знакомый и его приятель. Исполнительница главных ролей в фильмах для взрослых мечтала о дорогой вилле, поклонниках и популярности. Когда пришла слава, не осталось надежды устроить личную жизнь. Мужчины, с которыми встречалась Люба, не видели в ней спутницу.

Девушка начала знакомиться через Интернет, нашла себе там кавалера и отправилась к нему в гости. Лола была уверена, что молодой человек не узнает ее. На первом же свидании поклонник с приятелем жестоко изнасиловали и избили гостью. Теперь у порноактрисы все лицо в ссадинах, обе ноги загипсованы. Люба, пытаясь спастись от насильников, шагнула в окно и упала с третьего этажа на асфальт. Врачи говорят, повезло, переломы несложные, срастутся через месяц.

Камера видеонаблюдения запечатлела, как преступники тащат жертву обратно в подъезд. Девушка с окровавленным лицом в порванной одежде была уже не в силах сопротивляться.

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Соседи, наблюдавшие из окон за происходящим, вызвали полицейских и скорую. Девушку отправили в больницу, а на запястьях ее мучителей защелкнулись наручники. Злоумышленниками оказались выходцы из Белоруссии, приехавшие в Москву на заработки.

Елена Беркова, актриса: «Для меня вообще непонятно, как девушка может поехать к незнакомому мужчине домой! Надо думать о своей безопасности, ничего не сравнится с ценой жизни».

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После случившегося бабушка Любы узнала, чем на самом деле занимается внучка. Лола уже решила завязать с и уехать на родину, как вдруг дверь палаты отворилась и на пороге появился молодой человек с красивым букетом. Порноактриса не знает, кто он, ему же о несчастной все известно. Гость с цветами заявил, что темное прошлое Любы его совсем не смущает, он хочет помочь девушке и готов жениться на ней.


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18 U.S. Code § 2257 – Record keeping requirements

(a)Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture, or other matter which—

(1)contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and

(2)is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.

(b)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct—

(1)ascertain, by examination of an identification document containing such information, the performer’s name and date of birth, and require the performer to provide such other indicia of his or her identity as may be prescribed by regulations;

(2)ascertain any name, other than the performer’s present and correct name, ever used by the performerincluding maiden name, alias, nickname, stage, or professional name; and

(3)record in the records required by subsection (a) the information required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and such other identifying information as may be prescribed by regulation.

(c)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall maintain the records required by this section at his business premises, or at such other place as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe and shall make such records available to the Attorney General for inspection at all reasonable times.

(d)(1)No information or evidence obtained from records required to be created or maintained by this section shall, except as provided in this section, directly or indirectly, be used as evidence against any person with respect to any violation of law.

(2)Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not preclude the use of such information or evidence in a prosecution or other action for a violation of this chapter or chapter 71, or for a violation of any applicable provision of law with respect to the furnishing of false information.

(e)(1)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall cause to be affixed to every copy of any matter described in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section, in such manner and in such form as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, a statement describing where the records required by this section with respect to all performers depicted in that copy of the matter may be located. In this paragraph, the term “copy” includes every page of a website on which matter described in subsection (a) appears.

(2)If the person to whom subsection (a) of this section applies is an organization the statement required by this subsection shall include the name, title, and business address of the individual employed by such organization responsible for maintaining the records required by this section.

(f)It shall be unlawful— (1)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to fail to create or maintain the records as required by subsections (a) and (c) or by any regulation promulgated under this section;

(2)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to make any false entry in or knowingly to fail to make an appropriate entry in, any record required by subsection (b) of this section or any regulation promulgated under this section;

(3)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) or any regulation promulgated pursuant to that subsection;

(4)for any person knowingly to sell or otherwise transfer, or offer for sale or transfer, any book, magazine, periodical, film, video, or other matter, produce in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce or which is intended for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, which—(A)contains one or more visual depictions made after the effective date of this subsection of actual sexually explicit conduct; and

(B)is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

which does not have affixed thereto, in a manner prescribed as set forth in subsection (e)(1), a statement describing where the records required by this section may be located, but such person shall have no duty to determine the accuracy of the contents of the statement or the records required to be kept; and

(5)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to refuse to permit the Attorney General or his or her designee to conduct an inspection under subsection (c).

(g)The Attorney General shall issue appropriate regulations to carry out this section. (h)In this section—

(1)the term “actual sexually explicit conduct” means actual but not simulated conduct as defined in clauses (i) through (v) of section 2256(2)(A) of this title; (2)the term “produces”— (A)means— (i)actually filming, videotaping, photographing, creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; (ii)digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or (iii)inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content,[1] of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct; and (B)does not include activities that are limited to—

(i)photo or film processing, including digitization of previously existing visual depictions, as part of a commercial enterprise, with no other commercial interest in the sexually explicit material, printing, and video duplication; (ii)distribution;

(iii)any activity, other than those activities identified in subparagraph (A), that does not involve the hiring, contracting for, managing, or otherwise arranging for the participation of the depicted performers;

(iv)the provision of a telecommunications service, or of an Internet access service or Internetinformation location tool (as those terms are defined in section 231 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 231)); or

(v)the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting, formatting, or translation (or any combination thereof) of a communication, without selection or alteration of the content of the communication, except that deletion of a particular communication or material made by another person in a manner consistent with section 230(c) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230(c)) shall not constitute such selection or alteration of the content of the communication; and (3)the term “performer” includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct.

(i)Whoever violates this section shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both. Whoever violates this section after having been convicted of a violation punishable under this section shall be imprisoned for any period of years not more than 10 years but not less than 2 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both.



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18 U.S. Code § 2257 – Record keeping requirements

(a)Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture, or other matter which—

(1)contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and

(2)is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.

(b)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct—

(1)ascertain, by examination of an identification document containing such information, the performer’s name and date of birth, and require the performer to provide such other indicia of his or her identity as may be prescribed by regulations;

(2)ascertain any name, other than the performer’s present and correct name, ever used by the performerincluding maiden name, alias, nickname, stage, or professional name; and

(3)record in the records required by subsection (a) the information required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and such other identifying information as may be prescribed by regulation.

(c)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall maintain the records required by this section at his business premises, or at such other place as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe and shall make such records available to the Attorney General for inspection at all reasonable times.

(d)(1)No information or evidence obtained from records required to be created or maintained by this section shall, except as provided in this section, directly or indirectly, be used as evidence against any person with respect to any violation of law.

(2)Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not preclude the use of such information or evidence in a prosecution or other action for a violation of this chapter or chapter 71, or for a violation of any applicable provision of law with respect to the furnishing of false information.

(e)(1)Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall cause to be affixed to every copy of any matter described in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section, in such manner and in such form as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, a statement describing where the records required by this section with respect to all performers depicted in that copy of the matter may be located. In this paragraph, the term “copy” includes every page of a website on which matter described in subsection (a) appears.

(2)If the person to whom subsection (a) of this section applies is an organization the statement required by this subsection shall include the name, title, and business address of the individual employed by such organization responsible for maintaining the records required by this section.

(f)It shall be unlawful— (1)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to fail to create or maintain the records as required by subsections (a) and (c) or by any regulation promulgated under this section;

(2)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to make any false entry in or knowingly to fail to make an appropriate entry in, any record required by subsection (b) of this section or any regulation promulgated under this section;

(3)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) or any regulation promulgated pursuant to that subsection;

(4)for any person knowingly to sell or otherwise transfer, or offer for sale or transfer, any book, magazine, periodical, film, video, or other matter, produce in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce or which is intended for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, which—(A)contains one or more visual depictions made after the effective date of this subsection of actual sexually explicit conduct; and

(B)is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

which does not have affixed thereto, in a manner prescribed as set forth in subsection (e)(1), a statement describing where the records required by this section may be located, but such person shall have no duty to determine the accuracy of the contents of the statement or the records required to be kept; and

(5)for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to refuse to permit the Attorney General or his or her designee to conduct an inspection under subsection (c).

(g)The Attorney General shall issue appropriate regulations to carry out this section. (h)In this section—

(1)the term “actual sexually explicit conduct” means actual but not simulated conduct as defined in clauses (i) through (v) of section 2256(2)(A) of this title; (2)the term “produces”— (A)means— (i)actually filming, videotaping, photographing, creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; (ii)digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or (iii)inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content,[1] of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct; and (B)does not include activities that are limited to—

(i)photo or film processing, including digitization of previously existing visual depictions, as part of a commercial enterprise, with no other commercial interest in the sexually explicit material, printing, and video duplication; (ii)distribution;

(iii)any activity, other than those activities identified in subparagraph (A), that does not involve the hiring, contracting for, managing, or otherwise arranging for the participation of the depicted performers;

(iv)the provision of a telecommunications service, or of an Internet access service or Internetinformation location tool (as those terms are defined in section 231 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 231)); or

(v)the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting, formatting, or translation (or any combination thereof) of a communication, without selection or alteration of the content of the communication, except that deletion of a particular communication or material made by another person in a manner consistent with section 230(c) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230(c)) shall not constitute such selection or alteration of the content of the communication; and (3)the term “performer” includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct.

(i)Whoever violates this section shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both. Whoever violates this section after having been convicted of a violation punishable under this section shall be imprisoned for any period of years not more than 10 years but not less than 2 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both.


Anna Bell Peaks Bio, Wiki, Age, Net Worth, Figure, Photo

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Anna Bell Peaks is an American actress and model who belongs to Chattsworth, California, United State. Anna Bell Peaks is a well-known actress in the Av industry. She is born on 26 July 1981 and now she is 40 years as of 2021. Anna Bell Peaks is very famous on social media like Instagram. In this post, You Will know about Anna Bell Peaks Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Biography, Figure, Boyfriend, Images, Net Worth, and Family.

Anna Bell Peaks Biography & Wiki

Her full name is Anna Bell Peaks and also professionally known as Anna Bell. With her beautiful look and attractive body shape, she is also known for her popularity on the web.

anna bell peaks биография

She was born on 26th July 1981 in Chatsworth, California, United State. She is 40 years old as of 2021. She has won many awards. There is no doubt that she won millions of youngsters,s hearts with her performance. She has appeared in more than 10 films in her career. She has tattoos on her body.

Height, Weight, Age & Figure

Anna Bell Peaks is the famous Actress and model, her height in feet is 5’6″ and in Centimeters – 1.68. Her body weight is around 54 Kg. Anna’s body measurements are 36-25-36. Her bra size is 36 Inches, Waist size is 25 inches and Hip size is 36 inches. She is 28 years old as of 2021. She has magenta hair and blue eyes. She has tattoos on her body as of 2021. Her shoe size is 7 (US).

Relationship, Boyfriend & Family

There is no information about relationships and family in the public. We will update this information when it will available. We try to take accurate information. If you know then write in the comment box.

Anna Bell Peaks Worth in 2021

Anna Bell Peaks Bio & Wiki

Personal Information

Date of Birth26 July 1981
Age (as of 2021)40 years
Birth PlaceChatsworth, California, United State
Zodiac SignLeo
HometownChatsworth, California
Food HabitNon-Vegetarian
Race / EthnicityNot Known

Body Measurement

HeightFeet inches – 5’6″
Centimeters – 1.68 m
Centimeters – 168 cm
Weightkilograms – 54 kg
pounds – 119 lbs
Breast Size36 inches
Hair ColourMagenta
Eye ColourBlue
Shoe Size7 (US)



SchoolUnder Review
CollegeUnder Review
Educational QualificationNot Known


FathersNot Known
MotherNot Known
KidsNot Yet
HusbandNot Known


Official Social Media

Anna Bell Peaks Net Worth

Anna Bell Peaks Facts

Anna Bell Peaks Images & Pics

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anna bell peaks биографияAnna Bell Peaks

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Does Anna Bell Peaks consume Alcohol?
Yes, she likes to drink alcohol occasionally.

Does Anna Bell Peaks Smoke?
No, She does not like to smoke.

Does Anna Bell Peaks know driving?

Does Anna Bell Peaks know cooking?

Is Anna Bell Peaks a yoga Practitioner?

Does Anna Bell Peaks go to the gym?
Yes, She goes to the gym every day.

Is Anna Bell Peaks a jogger?

What are eating habits?
She follows a Non-Vegetarian diet.

What is the height of Anna Bell Peaks?
Her height in feet is 5 feet 6 inches, and in Centimeters –1.68.

What is the age of Anna Bell Peaks?
She is 40 years old as of 2021.

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We have tried to give all information about Anna Bell Peaks and some information is not publicly available. If there is any need for correction then comments below. Hope you enjoyed this post. Thank You!


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