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Add various female characters and uniforms compatible with all game gear and animations.

Before rating this mod keep the following in mind:
It is free, I have many hours of work invested in it and it is a work in progress.
If you think I should review, fix or change something, please leave it in the comments.
If I get a good amount of thumbs up, subscribers and favorites I will be adding more content.

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(More camouflage patterns.)

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(New characters with Sci-fi skin.)

-Access «Bug reports here please.» in the «Discussions» tab. or access it by clicking here

-Leave your suggestion in «Extra camouflages for female uniforms.» from the «Discussions» tab or by clicking here

-Access by clicking here

I have developed my models to be compatible with existing vanilla accessories and as many equipment mods as possible, so that no developer has to create content especially compatible with my models and that any content compatible with vanilla models is automatically compatible with mine. That is why the basic shape of my models is limited by backpack straps, vests, berets and glasses. All the accessories in the game are designed for the figure of a man and for my model to retain feminine forms, but not go out of the space occupied by the male soldiers in the game. Some vests or backpacks may not fit as well.
It is very difficult to make compatible all the mods of uniforms and female heads that can be found in the Workshop, since each author has their own standards. As of version 1.50.0 I have decided not to continue trying to make my mod compatible with others, since I could see how that was taking away the quality of my content. If someone requires compatibility between this mod and some other, I might consider uploading a new one with some specific compatibility.


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[Recovered]Female model-The original Leona character model by Kiddy & Kickass

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Read the blew first before you download the mod:

If you only want to have the character model you do not need any other mods installed, the required KA weapons pack is for someone want to have the units in this mod, which is not important, the units in this mod is just for showcase. It is year 2021, plz learn how to use virtual arsenal in game to find the character model, do not ask for how to use or find the character mod I won’t reply cuz this is the basic skill you need to play Arma, you don’t have such skill, then this mod is not for you.

First sry for this model been downed so long, there are some serious issue about the permissions, and there were also some toxic behaviours of some of the players in the community that let the original down so the model been hidden for months since this Jan. Hope this would be the last time the community let us down.
Anyway, here’s the model, it is still in that WIP stage and maynot been updated in the future, cuz the original files already been delete and no one care about it, there are a lot of other better female models in workshop, I recommanded you guys search for a better one instead using this one, this one is mainly uploaded again for someone already have the model in there missions so they need the mod to make the mission works.

About the recently toxic behavior of some players and modder in this community:
First we all know that a modder group name as USP is always assualting other modder’s with fake DMCA claims so they can get others wokr been delete and have their own been the only choice on the workshop, they clearly also stolen a lot of contents form other modders, like the NVGs and uniform model, so they may keep DMCA assulating this mod or my other mods uploaded here with fake evidence. I recommanded you guys also check the other modding site like MODDB and Nexus for some good works by other talent modder, they are mainly upload their works on other modding site instead workshop.
And some one from a small units in china is also fake copyright claim this mod, even though Kicakass himself has already make it clear that he gives everyone he knows the permission to reupload and repack this mod, those suckers are just want to make the mod their own so they can selling it with money, do not buy any mod that looks like this one, they are all same with the one I upload, no need to buy one when you can have a free one.

Due to obviously reason that we are disappointed with such toxic community behaviour on workshop by some players like @DUM Jett, we are not going to share this model to public next week, and the 3 new character model recently been processed to ARMA3 engine would not be released on public, all the contents and future update would be private use. sorry about that, there are some toxic person in this community that made us do not want to share anything with them, this is a descion vote most by our team and we have to protect others works more than share with people, this is not easy for us either.

So, First thing first, I uploaded this model back in the day and name it simple as @vx (the folder name) for self usage.

You guys on steam are not bother about the issue of the mod itself, you just wanna to see people angry with each other for your own joy, that that you make me sick, you should stop bother any one in Arma workshops about this thing from now on, as A Wild Cookie had contact us about the issue and made it clear now, its all misunderstandings, now he had completely delete the duplicate mod, so you guys stop bother him alright?

And stop bother me, Rep, kickass and kiddy also, we do not care about anything happened in the real word and plz do not bring it to the gaming world, no one likes it, if you want see China VS Us, go to watch Red Dawn or play some CNC Generals, and do not ever bother with us, some of the guys in gaming community really make others feel sick.

I have no intended to make this model popular or anything that made me famous or make profit from it.

As the mod name, the original maker of the mod(again not the character model) is a join task of kiddy and kickass, 2 modder from China. The original maker of the character model can not be found right now and the model is from a free 3d model website which everyone can download it, kiddy and kickass just made it into ARMA3 via Arma Tools.

This mod, kiddy and Kickass back in the day only give permission to few personal friends to use it in there private server and project, such as a chinese Arma3 coummiunty named SC Squad, some RP servers in china, and Reptilienski for use it to make screenshots for his own mods, as far as i know no other personal or group got the permission to use it, due to it was a WIP project at the time not the final work. However, since Kiddy and Kickass have no time to finished the work, they lost interest in it, so they do not care it anymore, and the mod ended up spreaded to many players and became popular in many severs and commiunty around the world. As I mentioned before, the only reason Kiddy and Kickass dont not want to share it to everyone is because it was at WIP stage at that time, for now this project is no longer WIP by those 2 modder, it now should be shared as normal mods and for everyone to use it, modified it and have fun with it.

Some evidence:
First Kickass himself has made a introduction video for this mod on his personal BILIBILI channel on Oct 26th 2017:
And the first video with this character model mabe by Kickass is upload on BILIBILI on Oct 6th 2017:
The chinese gaming community SAGA have made a introduction video for this mod on Oct 27th 2017:
Reptilienski used this character model in many of his Arma3 videos back in 2017, one example is this:

All these videos are made in around oct 2017, even before I uploaded this mod here on workshop

PS. if anyone ask kindly about the promission from Rep or me, maybe we could help you contact kiddy and kickass about the permission, which I believe they would glad to share the mod with others.

So what is in this mod:
A female character name Leona with working female model in Arma3 which include:
-the character’s pretty face with blonde ponytail hair which you can select in Faces
-the sexy character’s combat suit which you can select in uniforms, this uniform is a diver suit actually, so you can use it with a rebreather and swim like a mermaid in water.
-a Hidden vest (which do not have model so it is invisable but have space to storage your ammo and equipments) you can select in vests
-2 faction in both NATO and CAST named Leona which with build in Arma3 units which you can put in to your mission via Eden or Zeus, all the units are equipped with weapons from KA Weapon packs, and there are also some diver units.

Requirement: KA weapon pack

Credit: Kiddy and Kickass as original mod makers, I am just a uploader


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An anime Mod (1.0.1) for Arma 3.

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The Altis version of the popular «Arma 3 Sandbox» mission is finally here!
Play with every vehicle and weapon in Arma 3 and conquer the objectives the way you want!

This is war!

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The Altis version of the popular «Arma 3 Sandbox» mission is finally here!
Play with every vehicle and weapon in Arma 3 and conquer the objectives the way you want!

This is war!

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Finally for Tanoa;the super popular «Arma 3 Sandbox» mission is finally here!
Play with every vehicle and weapon in Arma 3 and conquer objectives the way you want!

This is war!

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There’re my skins made for Ivory Cars!

First release including Veyron and Elise, I’ll do more if I find the time :p

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«The most badass mod you’ve ever used.»

Adds various elements of gore to ArmA3 such as blood splatters, blood sprays, blood pooling, bleeding, gibbing, and other misc details.

For Multiplayer: Servers and clients must run the addon.

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«Here are my M1A1 AIM and M1A2 Tusk Abrams tanks with interior lods and PiP functionality.

The Idea behind this is to get something more immersive going on for armored vehicle crews. Something that falls between a full on simulator like Steel Beasts and.


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Команда VeteranMod представляет публичную демонстрацию мода для Arma 3. Эта версия предназначена, прежде всего, для показа новых особенностей игры, а также общего направления их работы

В бета-версию входят:

Лучшая коллекция модов. Имеется практически на каждом боевом сервере, представляет собой большой набор техники, солдат и тд.

Это сообщество в котором основной целью является, перенос всего содержимого ArmA 2 [+ ОА и DLC] от BI в ArmA 3.

Для запуска необходим этот мод:

Специальные подразделения России — специальные подразделения и части различных специальных органов (спецслужб) Российской Федерации, Вооружённых сил и полиции, а также антитеррористические подразделения, предназначенные для обезвреживания и уничтожения террористических организаций, проведения специальных мероприятий в глубоком тылу противника, диверсий и выполнения прочих сложных боевых задач.

Лучший мод на машины

Для запуска требуется этот мод:

Лучший мод на машины

Этот призван облегчить съемку фильма и создание скриншотов

Этот мод добавляет вымышленную «будущую» версию Вооруженных сил России в Arma 3. Он может быть использован для дополнения других фракций 2035 года в игре.

Для установки 2035: Вооруженные силы России, вы должны использовать modfolders. Программа сохранит его отдельно от официального игрового контента и предотвратит возможные проблемы.

С Arma 3 доступны различные способы настройки папок для работы с загружаемым контентом.

Распакуйте папку @Min_RF в директорию игры ArmA3 и включите мод в лаунчере. Также переместите Mindas.bikey в корневую папку Keys.

При использовании CBA / ASDG *необходимо * использовать ” min_rf_wp_c.pbo ” и bisign из папки ASDG, заменив ее в Аддонах – иначе области не будут доступны.

Для деинсталляции отключите мод в лаунчере и удалите соответствующую папку.

C.O.V.I.D 2019 (для запуска требуется DLC Arma 3 Laws of War)

Одиночные и мультиплеерные сценарии из Operation Flashpoint для ARMA3.

Еще в 1985 году, задолго до операции «Буря Пустыне» на острове Эверон сошлись в смертельном поединке войска СССР и США, а также местные правительственные войска и повстанцы, манипулируемые советскими и американскими идеологами. Вас ждут масштабные баталии с участием десятков солдат и новых видов бронетехники. Нестандартные уровни и миссии с тщательной проработкой деталей. Захватывающий сюжет с неожиданными поворотами. На редкость живые и достоверные для шутера главные герои, через призму восприятия которых раскрывается весь ход конфликта.

Вы играете за войска СССР в составе Миротворческих сил.

— Бойцы ОМОН Росгвардии в камуфляжах: камыш город (3 вида), кукла, зелёный камыш, горка-1, горка-кукла, чёрный, синий мох.
— Бойцы СОБР Росгвардии в камуфляжах: чёрных мох (мох-3), мультикам, чёрный.
— Бойцы отряда специального назначения МВД «Гром» в камуфляж: сурпат, спектр-СКВО, мультикам, чёрный.
— Сотрудники ППС МВД в тёмной-синей форме МВД и пиксельном камуфляже «синяя цифра».
— Сотрудники вневедомственной охраны Росгвардии в тёмной-синей форме МВД и пиксельном камуфляже Росгвардии «синяя точка».
— Генералы Росгвардии и МВД.
— Береты, кепки, балаклавы.
— Различные шевроны МВД и Росгвардии
— Различная автомобильная техника МВД и Росгвардии, автобусы, грузовики, БТР и т.д.
— Полицейский вертолёт

Лучший пак артиллерии

Огромный модпак советской авиации для ARMA 3. По мимо самой авиации мод добавляет для нее множество новых функций и дополнительного вооружения.

Управляемые воздушно-наземные ракеты

ХХ-23 (АС-7) ГОСА
AGM Х-25 (АС-10) (различные модели)
Х-59 (АС-13) АСМ
AGM Х-29 (АС-14) (различные модели)
AGM Х-31 (AS-17)
AGM Х-59М (АС-18)
Х-35 (АС-20) АСМ
ХМ-38 (различные модели)
Х-61 АСМ

Радиолокационные и противорадиолокационная ракеты

Противорадиационная ракета АРМ Х-58 (АС-11)
Противорадиационная ракета ХР-25МП (АС-12) АРМ
Противорадиационная ракета АРМ Х-31П (АС-17П)
Бомбы свободного падения

Кассетный боеприпас РБК-250 АО 2.5
Кассетный боеприпас РБК-500 АО 2.5
Кассетный боеприпас RBK-500 PTAB AT
Кассетный боеприпас RBK-500 SPBE SFU
Корректируемая авиационная бомба

КАБ-500-СЕ ГЛОНАСС (GPS-наведение)
KAB-500-KR (TV / IR-направляемый)
KAB-1500-KR (TV / IR-направляемый)
Боеприпасы против взлетно-посадочной полосы

БетАБ-500 противотанковый боеприпас
Зажигательный боеприпас ZB-500

80-мм ракеты С-8
Ракеты для дыма С-8
120-мм ракеты С-13
Ракеты С-24 240мм
Ракеты С-25 340мм (различные модели)
ИК-ракеты ближнего радиуса действия Воздух — Воздух

R-3 (AA-2)
R-60 (AA-8)
R-73 (AA-11)
Ракеты средней дальности Воздух — Воздух

R-23 (AA-7)
Р-27 (АА-10) — различные модели
Ракеты «воздух-воздух» дальнего радиуса действия

Р-40 (АА-6) — различные модели
R-77 (AA-12)
R-33 (AA-9)
Р-37М (АА-13)
Вспомогательное оборудование

Сброс топливных баков
L005S (Сорбция) ECM Pod
MSP-418 ECM Pod
L-081 ARM Targeting Pod
APK-9E Targeting Pod
Крылатые ракеты

Мод Enhanced Movement добавляет в игру динамику в виде новых движений. Движения следующие: прыжки, подтягивания и прыжки через препятствия. С данным модом бойцы смогут быстро залезь на здание, без остановки преодолеть ограждения, перепрыгивать через камни, быстро вскарабкиваться по лестницам и т.д.

Новый и улучшенный мод ВВС США (2019). Этот пак содержит служебные самолеты, беспилотники и реактивные истребители ВВС США.


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