7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

This Forest has been burned up completely and is still smoldering. Therefor it is quite hot and clothing should be chosen accordingly. The map has this biome in a dark grey. Coal can be found in above ground deposits.

There are many Saguaros and Yucca Plants. It is easy to accidentally step on small spiky plants that will cause you damage. Water is scarce and temperatures are high. There are patches of dirt everywhere generally with boulders. On the map this biome is depicted in a sand color.

O’Really Auto Parts

Canyon Cliff Dwellings

Amigone Funeral Home

Trees and water are plentiful in this biome, making this a fair choice for a permanent base. This biome contains mainly Maple Trees, small bushes and green grass. There are patches of clay everywhere generally with boulders. It is depicted on the map in a lighter green color.

This biome is similar to the Forest. However, there are Pine Trees instead of Maple Trees, the terrain is hillier, and the temperature is slightly colder. There are patches of clay everywhere generally with boulders. This biome is depicted on the map as a darker green.


Abandoned Houses

Abandoned House

Abandoned House

Abandoned House

Lake Side Cabins

Trader Joel’s

Abandoned Town




Navezgane County Arizona, a «rare Eden in a world of devastation», is the main location in 7 Days to Die. In the Apache language, “Navezgane” means «Killer of Monsters.» The Navezgane map covers an area of 32 km 2 with 100 meters of highly irradiated area surrounding the edges of the map. Unlike the randomly generated maps, the Navezgane map will not continue to generate once the border is reached.

The northern half of Navezgane contains the less brutal biomes. It is recommended to start a base in the area north of Navezgane’s Burnt Forest biome, which separates it from the harsher biomes to the south.


Biomes & Areas [ ]

Navezgane contains many different Biomes and areas.

Biomes [ ]

Areas [ ]

Points of Interest [ ]

Navezgane has many Points of Interest, some of which are exclusive to Navezgane.

Most points of interest have a Prefab to go along with them. See List of Locations for a list of all locations that can be found in Navezgane.

Video not updated to Alpha 19 [ ]

Alpha 19 Map [ ]

Hint: Click on the image to enlarge.

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Alpha 19 Trader Locations Map [ ]

Hint: Click on the image to enlarge.

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Gallery [ ]

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Navezgane Alpha 19 map by Curbolt

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Navezgane A17 B197 by Curbolt

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Navezgane A16 B105 by Curbolt

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Navezgane A15 B105 Full Map with Names & Roads by Curbolt

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Navezgane Alpha 15 by dwdotco.

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Navezgane Alpha 13 all locations + points of interest


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7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

Карта в игре открывается кнопкой M (для пк) или нажав на значок карты в верхней части меню, или переключая меню R1 (для консолей)

Чтобы создать путевую точку(метку), щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на карту, нажмите save waypoint и выберете иконку для вашей метки, затем вы сможете назвать вашу точку. Кнопка quick waypoint поставит красный маркер на карте, его легко убрать и он не сохранится при выходе из игры.

В панели меню «waypoints» есть четыре значка сверху, которые позволяют выполнять действия с путевыми точками.

— отслеживание метки(путевой точки). Выделите метку в списке и щелкните значок компаса в крайнем левом углу, вы сможете отслеживать путевую точку прямо на вашем компасе, один щелчок переключается на отслеживание для выделенного и другой щелчок отключает отслеживание. Вы можете отслеживать несколько путевых точек одновременно.
— покажет выделенную точку на карте, вне зависимости от ее местонахождения.

— удалит точку из вашего списка

После того, как вы добавили метку на карту, вы сможете увидеть их на компасе по центру экрана. Когда вы приближаетесь к меткам, их значки на компасе становятся больше и ярче, если только это не краткая путевая точка или красный флаг, и в этом случае она просто становится больше.

Интересные seed можно посмотреть здесь [vk.com]


Duke of Navezgane

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Navezgane Map Thumbnail
Removed : <<>>
CategoryGame World
Biome%Items without a group

The Duke of Navezgane is a potentially planned Boss NPC for 7 Days to Die, first mentioned in a pp trailer released by The Fun Pimps, and currently an unseen antagonising force in the game.

History [ ]

According to the trailer, the Duke commands an «army of mutated soldiers», whose numbers and armament are at this point unknown. However, the fact that he has been declared a «Boss» character means that he and his followers will likely be heavily armed and armored.

In the later versions of the game, the Duke is mentioned in the intro to the tutorial quest by Noah, the message reads:

The wasteland can be an unforgiving place, I found you naked and left for dead with no supplied, it looks like you crossed the Duke in a bad way and you could use some help. Enclosed is a short guide to help you survive. If you complete it we just might take in a new citizen, the White River Settlement, it’s real and it’s safe.

The player also starts with a note from the Duke of Navezgane in their inventory, the letter reads:

Speculation [ ]

While the Duke has not been present in the game as of yet, there are a few speculations that fit in with his status.

The painting referred to as «paintingDuke»


7 Days to Die: Navezgane Map

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Now have a look on the right side of the football stadium, you will be able to see a cave here. This cave is new, and I’m not positive about it. Let’s move little further.

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

Here you will be able to see Traitor Joels in the blue color, and this is also new in Alpha 15. And here is another traitor Joels.

Let’s have a closer look at the other traitor Joels.

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

Here you go! This traitor joels is also new in the game. Let’s have a look at the strip club because I don’t remember having that in Alpha 14.

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane

If you are interested in the bomb shelter, it’s right here. I don’t know the exact name of the road on which this bomb shelter is because some of the roads have names and others don’t have any.

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezganeHere is a desert split by a river in between. There are different places in the desert as well that you can see. Have a look at the right of the desert and you will see Oreally Auto Parts, and this is new too.

7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezganeHere is a prison which you should avoid at all costs because you will find lots of savage zombies here. Prison is at the bottom, you can also see the Utility Refinery on the left side.


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Duke of Navezgane
7 дней чтобы уметь карта navezgane
The only exisiting image of «The Duke»
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Zombie Type
Loot Container
HP (Normal)
HP (Feral)
HP (Radiated)
HP (Legendary)
Entity Damage
Block Damage
Crit Ratio