3000 лет истории на карте

3000 лет истории на карте

GeaCron Premium provides access to GeaCron Historical Atlas and many other features for one personal account Premium

GeaCron Education provides access to GeaCron Historical Atlas and many other features for different ranges of subaccounts Education

3000 лет истории на карте

Price / year depending on subaccounts

The historical atlas covers the history of mankind since 3000 BC. The historical maps are interactive and there’s one for each year. This version, in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German and Chinese, ables you to position in any geographical area, zoom and navigate in time 3000 лет истории на карте

The historical atlas covers the history of mankind since 3000 BC. The historical maps are interactive and there’s one for each year. This version, in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German and Chinese, ables you to position in any geographical area, zoom and navigate in time Annual Historical Atlas

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Labels displayed on the screen have documentary links available 3000 лет истории на карте

Labels displayed on the screen have documentary links available Click on any label

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Menu that includes major periods of the History of Mankind incorporating GeaCron Maps 3000 лет истории на карте

Menu that includes major periods of the History of Mankind incorporating GeaCron Maps Periods & Maps

GeaCron Premium: One personal account One personal account

GeaCron Education: Select range of sub-accounts 3000 лет истории на карте

GeaCron Education: Select range of sub-accounts Manage Sub-accounts

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Click on 3D button and watch History on globe. HTML5 Browser Support 3000 лет истории на карте

Click on 3D button and watch History on globe. HTML5 Browser Support 3D Earth

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More Zoom available 3000 лет истории на карте

More Zoom available More Zoom

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Select Date, center the Map and Print 3000 лет истории на карте

Select Date, center the Map and Print Print

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

You can search for any term shown in the maps, once the category Area, City or Event has been selected 3000 лет истории на карте

You can search for any term shown in the maps, once the category Area, City or Event has been selected Search by Terms

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Timelines allow the study of comparative history. Information is classified and structured in large historical entities that may be political, military, art, philosophy, literature or science since 3000 BC 3000 лет истории на карте

Timelines allow the study of comparative history. Information is classified and structured in large historical entities that may be political, military, art, philosophy, literature or science since 3000 BC Timelines

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Menu that includes major periods of the History of Mankind incorporating GeaCron Maps & Timelines 3000 лет истории на карте

Menu that includes major periods of the History of Mankind incorporating GeaCron Maps & Timelines Periods

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

A popup will show the name of the political entity selected. You may click on the label inside the popup. Specific information will be displayed based on country and date selected 3000 лет истории на карте

A popup will show the name of the political entity selected. You may click on the label inside the popup. Specific information will be displayed based on country and date selected Integrated Info clicking on any point!

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Percentage of the surface of the political entity selected, compared to the total area of political entities considered, and coast-perimeter relationship at a scale of 1: 5000000 3000 лет истории на карте

Percentage of the surface of the political entity selected, compared to the total area of political entities considered, and coast-perimeter relationship at a scale of 1: 5000000 Relative surface and coast-perimeter

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Approximate surface of the political entity selected for the selected date, surface of the biggest country at that time, surface occupied by that country, surface of that country occupied by others, surface of other territories. All surfaces are displayed in km2 and sq mi 3000 лет истории на карте

Approximate surface of the political entity selected for the selected date, surface of the biggest country at that time, surface occupied by that country, surface of that country occupied by others, surface of other territories. All surfaces are displayed in km2 and sq mi Surface of the country and other territories

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

When a border change happens, click on that area and reasons for specific border changes related to the country at that year will be shown. Although a large number of resources have been consulted, at least one close link to digital encyclopedias will be available 3000 лет истории на карте

When a border change happens, click on that area and reasons for specific border changes related to the country at that year will be shown. Although a large number of resources have been consulted, at least one close link to digital encyclopedias will be available Border change reason

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Political Context for political entity and date selected. It can be specific for the country and date selected, a close primary political entity or, at least, a general timeline 3000 лет истории на карте

Political Context for political entity and date selected. It can be specific for the country and date selected, a close primary political entity or, at least, a general timeline Political Context

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Art. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

Art. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: Art

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Literature. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

Literature. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: Literature

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Philosophy. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

Philosophy. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: Philosophy

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Science. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

Science. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: Science

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

Religion. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

Religion. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: Religion

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

More Events. Historical context for selected date 3000 лет истории на карте

More Events. Historical context for selected date Historical Context: More Events

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Links to digital encyclopedia articles for the country and date selected and digital encyclopedia articles for the date selected 3000 лет истории на карте

Links to digital encyclopedia articles for the country and date selected and digital encyclopedia articles for the date selected Encyclopedia articles by place and time

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GeaCron will not show adds for Premium Members 3000 лет истории на карте

GeaCron will not show adds for Premium Members No Publicity

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GeaCron will show a list of primary sources consulted 3000 лет истории на карте

GeaCron will show a list of primary sources consulted List of Primary Sources

3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте3000 лет истории на карте

3000 лет истории на карте

Price / year depending on subaccounts


Geacron — интерактивная карта мира от 3000 года до н.э.

3000 лет истории на карте

Возможно, по крайней мере для меня, трава раньше была не только зеленее, но в некоторых случаях наоборот желтее. Например обучение за последние десять лет благодаря Интернету настолько упростилось, что иногда завидуешь тому что не родился на десять лет позже.

Визуальный канал получения информации основной для большинства людей, и никакие текстовые учебники, по крайней мере в некоторых дисциплинах, не заменят старой доброй картинки.

Еще в средней школе печенеги, сарматы, другие племена и государства, не вызывали у меня интереса хотя бы потому что оставались безликими сущностями существующими в отдаленном прошлом не пойми где, по крайней мере со слов учителя.

3000 лет истории на карте

Если бы уже тогда существовали такие интерактивные карты как geacron.com, ощущение отчужденности и ненужности изучаемого материала исчезло бы и запоминать, а также осмысливать информацию было бы намного проще.

Geacron отображает карту мира начиная с 3000 года до н.э. и помимо границ государств иногда помечает на карте важные исторические события. Путешествовать по карте можно как напрямую в любой интересующий год, так и проматывать события на 1 / 10 /100 лет вперед и назад. У Geacron есть даже мобильное приложение для Android и iOS. Правда оно платное.


The Geacron Project

The Company

3000 лет истории на картеWhat is GeaCron?

GeaCron provides the most powerful geo-temporal database in the world for History Research, Education and Findings Dissemination.

GeaCron’s mission is to make historic information universally accessible for everyone, through intuitive and attractive geo-temporal maps, as well as configurable timelines.

Currently Internet offers a huge amount of historical information. In most cases they are free and documentary type.

However, for instance, suppose you would like to know how a specific Empire expanded and how the rest of the world evolved during that period. You will see the enormous difficulty it presents.

We propose a different approach. We created a system to represent the historical events and the geopolitical maps of any region in the world, for any given historical time period.

GeaCron is a geo data application based on a vector structured database. We developed a real temporal GIS system. We can generate raster images or vector files like KML or shapefiles.

This design allows GeaCron to be interactive, accurate, configurable, flexible, scalable and it facilitates increasing historical information, almost unlimited. The maps show the historical situation of the world at the beginning of every year.

We hope that Geacron is a tool that will help you to carry out Comparative History studies in a faster and simpler way.

Founder’s Story


Founder & Director
3000 лет истории на карте

Luis Múzquiz received his degree in Geography and History at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in 1983. He worked for 25 years in the computer field.

In 2011 Luis founded GeaCron in response to an idea that goes back to the 80s: a system to facilitate knowledge of historical events that have taken place every moment in our planet, in an interactive way and on a temporary geographical map.

GeaCron intends to be a facilitator for those websites that have historical content, such as online encyclopedias, eBooks, Digital journalism, geography and history websites or teaching sites. At the same time, the information offered on these websites may be useful to detail and enhance the contents of GeaCron.

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Our Team

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Ángel L. Samartino


MBA from the University of California at Berkeley – Haas School of Business, with certificates in Entrepreneurship and Management of Technology.

Double Degree in Industrial Engineering from ICAI Madrid and Ecole Centrale Paris Universities.

Founder and Managing Director at the Startup University Ventures Business Accelerator.

Business Developer GeaCron

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Antonio Díaz

Degree in Mathematics from the Universidad Complutense at Madrid

Specialty of Computer Science

Computer analyst and expert in GIS

Database Manager GeaCron

3000 лет истории на карте

Felipe Debasa


Professor Doctor of the University Rey Juan Carlos at Madrid

Visiting Professor University Language and Culture at Beijing in PR China

Faculty Advisor GeaCron

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Javier Múzquiz


Civil Engineer from Universidad Politécnica at Madrid


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