Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie читать онлайн

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Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie читать онлайн бесплатно
Жанр: практическая эзотерика, саморазвитие / личностный рост, эзотерика / оккультизм


Авторы: Вадим Зеланд, Yoanna Dobson


Серия книг: Transurfing Reality


Стоимость книги: 519.00 руб.


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Авторы данного произведения: Вадим Зеланд, Yoanna Dobson — создали уникальное произведение в жанре: практическая эзотерика, саморазвитие / личностный рост, эзотерика / оккультизм. Далее мы в деталях расскажем о сюжете книги Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie и позволим читателям прочитать произведение онлайн.

Meet the new world sensation. It’s Tufti.

Why is it that nothing seems to work out the way you want it to, despite the fact that you act according to your own free will? You might think that the reason why nothing is working out the way you want, is because that’s just how life is. But the real reason things don‘t work out the way you want them to, is because you aren‘t acting according to your own free will – you are being directed by a script. Another reason things don‘t work out the way people want them to, is because they don‘t know how to take the right action to shape events the way they want. Rather than composing the reality of the upcoming film roll, they tend to battle with the reality they face in the current frame. Reality exists only in the here and now, and what is real is real only to the extent that it has taken place in the material world.

You cannot change what has already happened. Yet when you fight with your current reality, that is exactly what you are doing, because everything that surrounds you consists of something that has already happened. If you want to change the script, you have to wake up and come alive inside the movie.

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