Ты правильно сделал что не пошел картина тебе не понравилась бы

Types of Conditional sentences

(Complex Sentences with Subordinate Clauses of Condition)

Conditional TypeFormationExample
0 Conditional Реальное всегдаIf + Present Simple,Present SimpleIf a cat sees a dog, it runs away. Если кот видит собаку, он убегает.
1 st Conditional Реальное настоящее или будущееIf + Present Simple,Future SimpleI will have a cup of coffee if I have a break. Я выпью чашечку кофе, если у меня будет перерыв.
2 nd Conditional Маловероятное настоящее или будущееIf + Past Simple,would + Verb without toIf I had vacation in summer, I would spend it in Athens. Если бы у меня был отпуск летом, я бы провел его в Афинах.
3 rd Conditional Нереальное прошлоеIf + Past Perfect,would have + past participleIf we had taken a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the plane. Если бы мы взяли такси, то не опоздали бы на самолет.


Presentwould be would do would be doing would (might) do would (might) be
Pastwould have been would have done would have been doing could (might) have done could (might) have been

Ex. 1.Answer the following questions, using the conditional mood.


1) Will you see her in this part? – No, (to be bored stiff).

No, Ishould be boredstiff.

2) Why didn’t you let him take his ball? – (to lose).

He would have lostit.

3) Why don’t you let him go there alone? – (may lose) the way.

He might losethe way.

4) Why did you do it yourself? – (can spoil).

Hecould have spoiledthe picture.

1. Why didn’t you ask him to help you? – (to refuse). 2. Will you take your younger child along? – No, (may get tired). 3. Did you tell her about it? – No, (to be upset). 4. Why didn’t you copy the poem? – (to take too long). 5. Will you take a taxi? – No, (to be expensive). 6. Why didn’t you take her to the theatre? – (not to like). 7. Why don’t you wash the dress yourself instead of sending it to the cleaner’s? – (to shrink). 8. Why don’t you tell him, he’s not doing it right? – (to resent). 9. Why didn’t you let him have an ice-cream? – (may hurt smb.’s throat). 10. Did you tell her how to do it? – No, (not to take smb.’s advice). 11. Why didn’t he stop to talk to you? – (to miss one’s train). 12. Will you come and see me one of these days? – (to be glad to). 13. Could you come over and have dinner with us to-morrow? – (to be delighted). 14. Why didn’t you come to see your boy act in the play? – (may be nervous). 15. Why didn’t she ask him any question? – (to get confused). 16. Why did you want him to do it? – (can do smth. better).

Ex. 2. TranslateintoEnglish

1. Ты правильно сделал, что не пошел. Картина тебе не понравилась бы. 2. Все случилось потому, что его там не было. Он бы знал, что делать. 3. Мы так давно не видались. Не знаю, узнала ли бы я ее теперь. 4. Мне не нравится твой перевод. Она бы сделала это лучше. 5. Мне бы не хотелось идти туда сегодня. 6. Ты всегда мне помогаешь. Что бы я без тебя делала? 7. Как хорошо, что ты был дома. Что бы я без тебя делала? 8. Было бы разумно завтра переночевать в лагере. 9. Было бы замечательно сдать экзамен сегодня. 10. Я вернула книгу в библиотеку. Ты все равно не стал бы ее читать. 11. Каждому ребенку понравилась бы такая кукла. 12. Это была интересная работа. Любой из нас охотно согласился бы тогда на это предложение. 13. Мне не нравится этот человек. Доверять ему я бы не стала. 14. В таком положении он сделал бы то же самое. 15. Собственно говоря, я мог бы пойти туда сегодня. 16. Я не знала, что он был в Москве. Я могла бы дать ему книги. 17. Вымоглибыотнестиейэтопослелекции?

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences by using the Past Conditional of the verbs in brackets.

1. He didn’t know anything about the party, or he (come).2. The doctor told me nothing about the new treatment, or I (try) it. 3. Why didn’t you consult your tutor? He (advise) you what to do. 4. We couldn’t get in touch with each other, or we (avoid) a lot of trouble. 5. There were no computers in those times, or my father (learn) them. 6. He was pressed for time last week or he (visit) his in-laws. 7. Helen didn’t buy the dress though it was just what she wanted. In her place I (buy) it. 8. Michael finally made up with his son or he (change) his will. 9. Why didn’t you ask me? I (can) (give a lift) you to the fitness centre. 10. It really was hitting news or everybody (take) it easy. 11. You’ve got into a mess again! Really, you (can) (be) more careful! 12. Olga’s mother did all the housework, or she (learn) how to cook. 13. She had an alibi or the police (arrest) her. 14. The new perfume was too sweet or I (buy) it. 15. The serial was too long otherwise I (watch) it to the end. 16. If it weren’t for electricity, we all still (watch) television by candlelight.

Ты правильно сделал что не пошел картина тебе не понравилась бы

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций.


Ex. 23. Change the form of the infinitives to refer the situation to the present or future.

1) I should have minded terribly.— I should mind terribly.

2) He would have done the right thing.— He would do the right thing.

3) She could have helped you.— She could help you.

1. She could have stopped the whole thing at once. 2. We might have had a wonderful time. 3. I should have worn a sweater. 4. He wouldn’t have spoken like this. 5. No measures would have been taken. 6. He would have felt much better about it. 7. They wouldn’t have quarreled so much. 8. The flowers would have grown much better. 9. No one would have heard about it. 10. I shouldn’t have worried so much.

Ex. 24. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to make them hypothetical. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) I know what to do. – I should know what to do.

2) Не will refuse to act. – He would refuse to act.

3) We knew what it meant. – We should have known what it meant.

4) Не can take the necessary measures. – Не could take the necessary

5) She could read the letter yesterday. – She could have read the letter

1. Не could not object. 2. Nobody helped him. 3. He will not agree. 4. I don’t know where to turn. 5. It could be rather important. 6. Nothing mattered to him any longer. 7. It was quite unsuitable. 8. You will get a lot of experience that way. 9. Any girl will look her best in this outfit. 10. A hat like this looked all right on a woman half her age. 11. Nobody minded. 12. Nobody will mind. 13. Somebody protested. 14. Somebody will protest. 15. She did not take any important decision without consulting me. 16. The dog recognized his master and did not bark. 17. She will not be told. 18. No one may know about it. 19. Will you give up your job and just be a housewife? 20. I don’t think so. 21. No one guessed the truth. 22. It went on like that for a good many years. 23. He will be much better at home.

Ex. 25. Answer the following questions, using the conditional mood.


1) Will you see her in this part? – No, (to be bored stiff).

– No, Ishould be boredstiff.

2) Why didn’t you let him take his ball? – (to lose).

– He would have lostit.

3) Why don’t you let him go there alone? – (may lose) the way.

– He might losethe way.

4) Why did you do it yourself? – (can spoil).

– Hecould have spoiledthe picture.

1. Why didn’t you ask him to help you? – (to refuse). 2. Will you take your younger child along? – No, (may get tired). 3. Did you tell her about it? – No, (to be upset). 4. Why didn’t you copy the poem? – (to take too long). 5. Will you take a taxi? – No, (to be expensive). 6. Why didn’t you take her to the theatre? – (not to like). 7. Why don’t you wash the dress yourself instead of sending it to the cleaner’s? – (to shrink). 8. Why don’t you tell him, he’s not doing it right? – (to resent). 9. Why didn’t you let him have an ice-cream? – (may hurt smb.’s throat). 10. Did you tell her how to do it? – No, (not to take smb.’s advice). 11. Why didn’t he stop to talk to you? – (to miss one’s train). 12. Will you come and see me one of these days? – (to be glad to). 13. Could you come over and have dinner with us to-morrow? – (to be delighted). 14. Why didn’t you come to see your boy act in the play? – (may be nervous). 15. Why didn’t she ask him any question? – (to get confused). 16. Why did you want him to do it? – (can do smth. better).

Ex. 26. Translate into English

1. Ты правильно сделал, что не пошел. Картина тебе не понравилась бы. 2. Все случилось потому, что его там не было. Он бы знал, что делать. 3. Мы так давно не видались. Не знаю, узнала ли бы я ее теперь. 4. Мне не нравится твой перевод. Она бы сделала это лучше. 5. Мне бы не хотелось идти туда сегодня. 6. Ты всегда мне помогаешь. Что бы я без тебя делала? 7. Как хорошо, что ты был дома. Что бы я без тебя делала? 8. Было бы разумно завтра переночевать в лагере. 9. Было бы замечательно сдать экзамен сегодня. 10. Я вернула книгу в библиотеку. Ты все равно не стал бы ее читать. 11. Каждому ребенку понравилась бы такая кукла. 12. Это была интересная работа. Любой из нас охотно согласился бы тогда на это предложение. 13. Мне не нравится этот человек. Доверять ему я бы не стала. 14. В таком положении он сделал бы то же самое. 15. Собственно говоря, я мог бы пойти туда сегодня. 16. Я не знала, что он был в Москве. Я могла бы дать ему книги. 17. Вы могли бы отнести ей это после лекции?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30 ; просмотров: 258 | Нарушение авторских прав


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