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World University Rankings 2021

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 include more than 1,500 universities across 93 countries and regions, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date.

The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

This year’s ranking analysed more than 80 million citations across over 13 million research publications and included survey responses from 22,000 scholars globally.

Trusted worldwide by students, teachers, governments and industry experts, this year’s league table provides great insight into the shifting balance of power in global higher education.

The University of Oxford tops the rankings for the fifth consecutive year, while mainland China’s Tsinghua University becomes the first Asian university to break into the top 20 under the current methodology (launched in 2011).

The US claims a record eight places in the top 10, after the University of California, Berkeley climbed six places to seventh, but US universities outside the top 200 show signs of decline.

Meanwhile, there are 141 first-time entrants in the rankings this year, topped by France’s recently merged Paris-Saclay University (joint 178 th ). India has the highest number of new entries (14) and as a result boasts a record number of ranked institutions (63).

To raise your university’s global profile with Times Higher Education, please contact branding@timeshighereducation.com

To unlock the data behind THE’s rankings and access a range of analytical and benchmarking tools, click here


World University Rankings

THE (Times Higher Education) has been providing trusted performance data on universities for students and their families, academics, university leaders, governments and industry, since 2004. We create university rankings to assess university performance on the global stage and to provide a resource for readers to understand the different missions and successes of higher education institutions.

Our rankings cover the three main areas of university activity: research, impact and teaching.

Global rankings

The THE World University Rankings provide the definitive list of the world’s best universities, with an emphasis on the research mission. It is the only global university league table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching (the learning environment); research (volume, income and reputation); citations (research influence); industry income (knowledge transfer) and international outlook (staff, students and research). It uses 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons. The overall list is accompanied by 11 subject-specific

We also draw on the rich database behind the World University Rankings to publish a series of regional and thematic rankings, offering deeper insights into a wider range of universities against a wider range of missions.
These include: Arab University Rankings, Asia University Rankings, Emerging Economies University Rankings, Latin America University Rankings, World Reputation Rankings and Young University Rankings.

Impact rankings

The THE Impact Rankings, founded in 2019, are the only global league tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We publish an overall ranking, as well as 17 tables showing universities’ progress towards delivering each of the SDGs.

Teaching rankings

Our teaching rankings were developed to offer a different assessment of excellence in higher education, and to enable us to rank institutions that are often not research-focused enough to be eligible for the World University Rankings. We launched our first teaching ranking in 2016. These rankings are geographically focused because the data associated with teaching, and the issues related to it, tend to be much more local than global in nature. We publish two teaching rankings: the Wall Street Journal/THE US College Rankings and the Japan University Rankings. These rankings put student engagement and student success at their heart.


Рейтинг мировых университетов Times Higher Education 2021

Рейтинг мировых университетов Times Higher Education (THE) ежегодно формируется на основании 13 индикаторов, распределенных по пяти группам, соответствующих пяти основным направлениям работы современных университетов:

Для составления рейтинга исследователями были проанализированы более 86 млн. ссылок более чем на 13,6 млн. научных работ, учтены данные глобального опроса 22000 ученых. Всего в рейтинг включены 1527 университетов мира, (в предыдущий выпуск – 1397 университетов).

Топ-20 рейтинга мировых университетов Times Higher Education 2021








Industry Income

International Outlook

University of Oxford

California Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Cambridge

University of California, Berkeley

University of Chicago

Imperial College London

Johns Hopkins University

University of Pennsylvania

University of California, Los Angeles

University of Toronto

Вместе с тем явный успех демонстрируют университеты. Университет Цинхуа (Китай) в этом выпуске стал первым азиатским университетом, вошедшим в группу топ-20.

Россия представлена в рейтинге 48 университетами. Возглавляют список российских вузов МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова – 174-я позиция, МФТИ – группа 201 – 250, НИУ ВШЭ – группа 251 – 300, СПбПУ – группа 301 – 350 и МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана – группа 401 – 500.

Девять университетов попали в рейтинг впервые. Это БФУ им.И.Канта, ИрГУ, СВФУ, МИЭТ, ОмГТУ, СамГТУ, КНИТУ-КАИ, РАНХиГС, ТУСУР.

Ректор Горного университета Владимир Литвиненко: «Прошлогоднее попадание и дальнейшее движение вверх в столь престижном рейтинге, безусловно, является свидетельством эффективности наших усилий в части подготовки квалифицированных кадров и интенсификации научно-исследовательской работы. Несмотря на то, что мы ориентируемся, прежде всего, на предметные рейтинги, которые позволяют дать более точную оценку деятельности университетов, любое ранжирование, которое проводится профессионалами и опирается на понятные критерии, – это база для создания конкурентной среды. Именно поэтому я считаю абсолютно своевременным предложение Президента России Владимира Путина создать свой собственный национальный рейтинг. Именно он позволит нам определить лидеров в конкретных направлениях обучения и повысить их узнаваемость за рубежом. Главное, чтобы в его основе лежали понятные всем цифровые индикаторы оценки высших учебных заведений, отображающие уровень образовательной, научной и социальной среды. Прозрачность этого процесса, безусловно, станет важнейшим стимулом к работе на развитие».

Ректор СВФУ Анатолий Николаев: «Попадание в рейтинг THE открывает нам новые возможности. Мы надеемся, что этот успех будет весомым аргументом для участия в различных проектах, конкурсах, совместных исследовательских программах. Это наша общая заслуга и успех каждого».

Ректор БФУ им. И. Канта Александр Федоров: «Вхождение в один из авторитетных мировых рейтингов Times Higher Education – это, безусловно, повод для гордости, и результат многолетней планомерной работы университета, направленной в первую очередь, на усиление кадрового потенциала университета высококомпетентными специалистами с внешнего рынка. В этом направлении университет сделал ставку не на одиночные дорогостоящие «громкие» имена, а на приглашение перспективных молодых исследовательских коллективов –и на дистанции в несколько лет это принесло желаемый результат: стартуя практически с нулевых позиций, в этом году БФУ им. И.Канта преодолел порог в 1000 статей за пятилетний период (с 2015 по 2019 год)».

Российские вузы в рейтинге мировых университетов Times Higher Education 2021


World Reputation Rankings 2020

The Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2020 are based on the world’s largest invitation-only opinion survey of senior, published academics. It asks scholars to name no more than 15 universities that they believe are the best for research and teaching in their field.

The 2020 ranking has been expanded to include 200 universities, up from 100 in previous years, making it THE’s most comprehensive assessment of global university prestige to date.

Harvard University tops the ranking for the 10th consecutive year and the US remains the most represented country, with 60 institutions.

The rest of the top 10 is the same as last year, with the exception of one new entry in 10th place – the University of Tokyo. The Japanese institution rises one place to overtake the University of Chicago, which drops to 12th.

The UK still has the second highest number of representatives in the ranking (25) and is led by the University of Cambridge at fourth.

However, Germany is now third in the country roll call, up from fifth last year, with 14 institutions, thanks to the expansion of the table. It is led by LMU Munich in joint 42nd place. Australia, which is still the third most represented country in the top 100, drops down to joint ninth overall.

Elsewhere, ETH Zurich cements its place in the top 20, climbing three places to 17th, while National Taiwan University, the University of Manchester and Sorbonne University rise to join the top 50.

Overall, universities in 30 nations are included in the ranking, up from 19 last year.

To raise your university’s global profile with Times Higher Education, please contact branding@timeshighereducation.com

To unlock the data behind THE’s rankings and access a range of analytical and benchmarking tools, click here


World University Rankings 2020

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 includes almost 1,400 universities across 92 countries, standing as the largest and most diverse university rankings ever to date.

The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

The only university ranking to be independently audited by professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, and trusted worldwide by students, teachers, governments and industry experts, this year’s league table provides great insight into the shifting balance of power in global higher education.

For the fourth year in a row, the University of Oxford leads the rankings in first place, while the University of Cambridge falls to third. The California Institute of Technology rises three places to second, while Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Imperial College London all appear in the top ten.

Mainland China now provides both of Asia’s top two universities, with Tsinghua and Peking universities finishing at 23rd and 24th place respectively. The country’s universities have continued to expand their influence and presence on the world stage.

The US is, once again, extremely well-represented among the global elite, while Canada’s top universities have risen up the table.

In Europe, Italy’s top institutions all make headway among the elite top 200 and German representation remains strong. However, the UK faces declines.

Elsewhere, Iran has 11 more ranked universities to take its representation up to 40 institutions, while Latin America struggles in a competitive global market – although Brazil adds several more institutions to the list.

Several new regions join the rankings this year as Brunei, Cuba, Malta, Montenegro, Puerto Rico and Vietnam all see institutions represented for the first time. Bangladesh also re-joins the table.


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