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Тест по астрономии

1) Как называется одна из древнейших обсерваторий на Земле?
а) Стоунхендж
б) Пирамида Хеопса
в) Пирамида Кукулькана
г) Европейская южная обсерватория

(правильный ответ: а)

2) В Древней Греции светила (солнце и луну) олицетворяли боги
а) Амон и Ях
б) Ишьчель и Тонатиу
в) Зевс и Гера
г) Гелиос и Селена

(Правильный ответ: г)

3) То, что Земля имеет форму шара, первым(и) выяснил(и)
а) Галилео Галилей
б) Клавдий Птолемей
в) Пифагор и Парменид
г) Николай Коперник

(Правильный ответ: в)

4) Ближайшая к Земле звезда – это
а) Венера, в древности называемая «утренней звездой»
б) Солнце
в) Альфа Центавра
г) Полярная звезда

(Правильный ответ: б)

5) Из каких двух газов, в основном, состоит Солнце?
а) кислород
б) гелий
в) азот
г) аргон
д) водород

(Правильные ответы: б, д)

6) Какова температура поверхности Солнца?
а) 2.800 градусов Цельсия
б) 5.800 градусов Цельсия
в) 10.000 градусов Цельсия
г) 15 млн градусов Цельсия

(Правильный ответ: б)

7) Солнечная энергия является результатом
а) термоядерного синтеза
б) горения

(Правильный ответ: а)

8) Внешняя излучающая поверхность Солнца называется
а) фотосферой
б) атмосферой
в) хромосферой

(Правильный ответ: в)

9) Какие лучи не воспринимает человеческий глаз? (выбрать два ответа)
а) белый свет
б) красный цвет
в) фиолетовый цвет
г) инфракрасное излучение
д) ультрафиолетовое излучение

(Правильные ответы: г, д)

10) Слой какого газа защищает Землю от космической радиации?
а) кислорода
б) озона
в) гелия
г) азота

(Правильный ответ: б)

11) Форма орбиты Земли:
а) эллипс
б) круг
в) параллелограмм

(Правильный ответ: а)

12) Самый длинный день в году
а) 21-22 декабря
б) 20-21 марта
в) 23 сентября
г) 21-22 июня

(Правильный ответ: г)

13) Причиной смены времён года на Земле является
а) наклон земной оси
б) форма орбиты Земли
в) расстояние до Солнца
г) солнечные затмения

(Правильный ответ: а)

14) Последний раз полное солнечное затмение на территории России наблюдалось
а) в 1492 году
б) в 1870 году
в) в 1945 году
г) в 1997 году

(Правильный ответ: г)

15) Во время солнечного затмения пятно, образованное лунной тенью, может достигать
а) 10 м
б) 100 м
в) 100 км
г) 10.000 км

(Правильный ответ: в)

(правильный ответ: г)

17) Фотосинтез возможен благодаря наличию в клетках растений
а) глюкозы
б) хлорофилла
в) углекислого газа
г) кислорода

(правильный ответ: б)

18) В каком веке начались разработки по использованию солнечной энергии?
а) в 1 веке н.э.
б) в 14 веке
в) в 20 веке
г) в 21 веке

(Правильный ответ: в)

19) Чем объясняется движение Земли вокруг Солнца?
а) действием центробежной силы
б) действием силы инерции
в) действием силы поверхностного натяжения
г) действием силы упругости

(Правильный ответ: а)

20) Закон всемирного тяготения сформулировал
а) Исаак Ньютон
б) Клавдий Птолемей
в) Галилео Галилей
г) Николай Коперник

(Правильный ответ: а)

21) Сочинение «Всеобщая естественная история и теория неба» было написано
а) Зигмундом Фрейдом
б) Эммануилом Кантом
в) Альбертом Энштейном
г) Исааком Ньютоном

(Правильный ответ: б)

22) Согласно современным взглядам на происхождение Солнца и солнечной системы, они образовались из
а) Других звёзд и планет
б) Большого взрыва
в) газопылевого облака

(Правильный ответ: в)

23) Процесс образования планет может длиться:
а) 10.000 лет
б) 100.000 лет
в) лет
г) 100.000.000 лет

(Правильный ответ: г)

24) Солнце зажглось приблизительно
а) 100 млн. лет назад
б) 1 млрд. лет назад
в) 4,5 млрд лет назад
г) 100 млрд. лет назад

(Правильный ответ: в)

25) Преимущественно из газов состоят следующие планеты:
а) Меркурий и Марс
б) Плутон и Юпитер
в) Венера и Земля
г) Марс и Сатурн

(Правильный ответ: б)

26) В процессе старения Солнце превратиться
а) в синего карлика
б) в красного карлика
в) в красного гиганта
г) в синего гиганта

(Правильный ответ: в)

27) Белый карлик – это
а) потухшая и остывающая звезда
б) только что образовавшаяся звезда
в) звезда, находящаяся очень далеко от Земли
г) газовая планета

(Правильный ответ: а)

28) Сверхновая звезда рождается
а) из газопылевого облака
б) из чёрной дыры
в) в результате взрыва красного гиганта
г) в результате взрыва белого карлика

(Правильный ответ: г)

29) Нейтронная звезда
а) невероятно мала (относительно космических объектов) и легка
б) невероятно мала и тяжела
в) очень велика и легка
г) очень велика и тяжела

(Правильный ответ: б)

30) «Провалом в пространстве» можно назвать
а) нейтронную звезду
б) сверхновую звезду
в) белого карлика
г) чёрную дыру

(Правильный ответ: г)


Провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

31. Сверхновая звезда рождается …
из газопылевого облака
из чёрной дыры
в результате взрыва красного гиганта
в результате взрыва белого карлика

32. Нейтронная звезда
невероятно мала (относительно космических объектов) и легка
невероятно мала и тяжела
очень велика и легка
очень велика и тяжела

33. «Провалом в пространстве» можно назвать
нейтронную звезду
сверхновую звезду
белого карлика
чёрную дыру

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

Арбитражный процесс (онлайн тест)

Систему арбитражных судов составляют.

К специальной подведомственности арбитражным судам отнесены споры

Лицо, обратившееся в арбитражный суд в защиту прав и законных интересов группы лиц. действует на основании.

Постановления арбитражного суда апелляционной инстанции и арбитражного суда кассационной инстанции вступают в законную силу.

Заявление о признании должника банкротом подается в арбитражный суд по месту нахождения

Правосудие в российской федерации осуществляется

Основание иска –это

В основе классификации исков, когда они подразделяются на иски о признании, о присуждении и иски преобразовательные, лежит

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

Английский язык (профессиональный)

1. The director. five minutes ago.
has arrived

3. Это первый раз мы выпустили собственные акции
have been issued
will issue
has issued
are being issued
are issuing
had issued
have issued

5. Не was pleased … such an offer.
has made
to have been made

6. Эта фирма выпустила свои акции до того как их конкуренты осуществили захват.
will issue
are issuing
have issued
are being issued
has issued
had issued issued
have been issued

7. Мы выпустили акции два года назад.
has issued
have been issued
had issued
have issued
will issue
are being issued
are issuing

8. All your expenses … by the company.
had paid
will pay
will be paid
are paying

10. Yesterday our CEO meant … to you, but he didn’t have time.
to talk
has talked
having talked

11. Если мы выпустим акции, мы спасем компанию.
have issued
have been issued
are being issued
had issued
will issue
has issued
are issuing

13. The work … is quite interesting.
to be doing
will do
to be done

14. Эти акции были выпущены совсем недавно.
has issued
have issued
had issued
are being issued
are issuing
have been issued
will issue

15. Завтра выпускают первую партию акций.
has issued
have issued
are being issued
will issue
had issued
are issuing
have been issued

16. All your expenses … by the company.
had paid
will pay
will be paid
are paying

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

Английский язык (ВПО)

1. This office building … a meeting room.

2. Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

3. Is there a car park?

4. Now I … for a taxi.

5. The room looks very clean … you … it?

6. Do you like football?

7. A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not p.

8. A. … the target market?
B. It’s aimed at stylish young men who wan.

10. He … it for an hour before I came.

11. … you … many cities when you were in France.

12. … Ricardo drive to work?

13. Oscar … from home.

14. My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.

15. Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?

16. Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

17. She … her work already.

18.A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number.

19. Will you … the bank when you go out?

20. How about a cup of tea?

21. What day suits you?

22. When I … it … yesterday.

23. The company … only four people and they all work in one office.

24. Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … f.

26. Mr Albert … to meetings.

27. I … for you for more than one hour.

28. What do you think?

29. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He w.

31. What time do you think you’ll arrive? …

34. Complete each of the questions

36. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He w.

38. Complete each gap in these short conversations
.…do you work?
At Channel 10
39. Where are you from?

41. Is there a direct …?

43. How much is it per night? …

44. How many hours a week do you work?

45. Do you meet your colleagues after work?

46. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He w.

47. You need to … through security before you board the plane.

49. How’s your business doing?

53. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea.

55. … is important with big or heavy products, because you can’t take them home in your car.

56. When I return home, I … a taxi from the airport to my house.

57. Complete each of the questions

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

59. Before you get on the plane, you can … some shopping.

60. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He w.

62. Please take me to the city …

63. How many nights are you staying? …

64. Can I have an aisle …?

67. Where are you staying?

68. Can I take this as hand …?

70. He wants to … a hotel for three nights in Taipei.

71. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea.

72. When are you leaving? …

74. My new camera has …. If it stops working, the maker will repair or replace it

76. Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He w.

78. Complete each gap in these short conversations.
you a sales manager?

79. What do you like best about your job?

80. On the flight, you can always … a movie.

82. What do you do in your free time?

84. …she travel in her job?

86. They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

87. She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

88. His grandfather … from his job a year ago.

89. Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … f.

90. A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.

92. … he … about the opera before?

93. I … my breakfast.

94. They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

95. She started her job last year, … April.

96. There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.

97. Why don’t you buy a self-study course?

98. Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.

99. Tomorrow at five he … football.

100. What did you learn from your Iast job?
I learned how to be patient.
А. Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
В. Yes, I agree. The food is great.

101. When in Thailand?

102. Andres: … Viral videos can be very effective.

103. Beatta, this is Layla.

104. When I tell people what I do, they often say, ‘Oh, I guess you lo.

105. Our … profit is lower this year because sales are down.

106. You can work whenever you choose!’ I usually just smile and agree.

107. I … for the same company for my entire career and I couldn’t be h.

109. Anya: …
Mona: Why?
Anya: Because of the budget cuts.

110. If I have an important … to meet, I often start work at 8:00 in t.

111. What do you mean by a slight pay increase?

112. I … a manager for the past ten years.

113. Fawaz makes … as an accountant.

114. Anya: OK, it’s ten o’clock and everyone’s here. …

115. Mona: But a viral video lasts longer. And we definitely want to r.

116. How do you feel about Duncan’s suggestion?

117. Lunch meetings need to be very quick so I always choose a restaur.

118. … you like something to eat?

119. We … be late for the meeting with the CEO!

120. I had a very heavy … last month but this month it isn’t too bad.

121. Anya: Lydia, what do you think?

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

122. So when I … university, I … a job in IT.

124. I’m a freelance accountant and bookkeeper for small businesses so.

127. Every business needs accountants so there are a lot of career … for Fawaz

128. Welcome, marketing team, and thank you for the hard work you’ve put

129. When a job comes along, I have to take advantage of the … and acc.

130. But I … management at university. My degree is in history.

131. When a company announces good results, often its … price increase.

136. Do you mind if I take a brochure?

137. I have a small, comfortable office in my home and I really like being in control of my working …

138. Can you give me a 10 per cent … if I buy in bulk?

140. Listen! Is that Alicia playing? She … play the piano very well!

141. You … learn some Japanese if you’re going to do business in Japan.

142. My train leaves at 6:00 so I … be at the station before 5:50.

143. I don’t print most e-mails because my company is trying to … waste in the office.

144. At that time, the company … interactive software for teaching history to primary school students.

145. Most supermarkets offer a … scheme with reward points.

146. Right now, he works in … in Bahrain. He works hard because he wants a promotion. ‘I need more experience’ he says.

147. Can you recommend a hotel that has meeting rooms for hire at … prices?

148. There’s usually a 14-day cooling-off … for financial products.

149. We don’t want to spend too much time getting to the conference venue so let’s choose somewhere with a … location.

150. We give customers a full … if they return an unused product within 30 days.

151. He’s hoping for a big career … : a job in the UK.

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A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
I need some
Can I have your

I … you later, OK
‘ll call

I … to the news on television at nine o’clock last night
had been listening
have been listening
was listening

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (7).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (4).
in average
on average
to average
by average

We are late. The film … by the time we get to the cinema.
will already have started
will already start
will be already started

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

провалом в пространстве можно назвать ответ

HUMAN RIGHTS DAY On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a (1) … standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration which states that «Human beings are born with (2) … rights and fundamental freedoms». In 2006, Human Rightstailan Day focused on (3) … poverty as a matter of obligation, not of charity. Poverty is (4) … by human rights violations. The links between human rights and poverty should be obvious: people whose rights are (5) … are more likely to be poor. Generally they find it harder or impossible to participate in the labour market and have little or no access to (6) … services and resources. Meanwhile, the poor in many societies cannot enjoy their rights to education, health and housing simply (7) … they cannot afford them. And poverty affects all human rights: for example, low income can prevent people from accessing education, which in turn inhibits their participation in public life and their ability to influence the policies affecting them. Governments and those in a position of authority must (8) … responsibility for dealing with poverty. The realisation of human rights — including the fight against poverty — is a duty, not a mere aspiration.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (5).
added to
compared to
matched to
contrasted to

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
«I don’t know how you stay at home all day… I would be bored out of my mind», was a comment I often heard when I stayed at home. Was I bored Never I mastered the housework so that I wasn’t a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren’t completed by lunchtime, they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is co

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Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (8).

The Irish Travellers are the largest minority in Ireland. There are about 25,000 Irish Travellers in Ireland and 1,300 in Northern Ireland. They are a little understood nomadic community, who have many difficulties to overcome if they are to survive as a culture and gain acceptance into Irish society. Among the challenges facing them are poverty and racism. The Irish Travellers are a distinct ethnic group which has existed for centuries. Often they are mistakenly considered part of the nomadic Romani, an ethnic group which originated in the region of India and is now widespread throughout Europe. But the Irish Travellers are indigenous to Ireland, so the two cultures are not related. While both are nomadic, the Irish Travellers are Roman Catholic and speak a language that is theirs alone. They have their own culture, customs, traditions, and language. They are noted for their musical and storytelling abilities. In times past, they travelled by horse-drawn wagon in caravans, making camp along the way. Tinsmithing, horse trading and peddling were the major sources of income in those days. Tinsmiths were so prevalent among Irish Travellers that the terms Tinker and Irish Traveller were used interchangeably. Today, Tinker is one of many names for Irish Travellers. Horses and wagons have given way to mobile homes pulled by motor vehicles. They continue their life on the road, but there are fewer places to stop and fewer places where they are welcome. Today, Irish Travellers mainly work in re¬cycling. Changing needs of society and progress have eliminated the jobs that could support a culture on wheels. Irish Travellers are poor, undereducated, and on the receiving end of discrimination. Their life expectancy is lower than average while their infant mortality rate is higher than average. As is the case with the Romani, the Irish Travellers are seen by many as a group of immoral, ignorant criminals and con artists. People distrust their nomadic culture and their language, Shelta. Many think it’s a secret language specifically developed as a tool to help the Irish Travellers trick innocent people. But this is not true. It is an old language, which has evolved with time and circumstances. Once heavily infused with Irish Gaelic, it is now infused with English.
They were called Tinkers, which is now … for them.
a title
a name

Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
I’m living in a small Hotel at the moment, but I …. to a flat next week. I’ve asked a friend of mine to share it with me.
am moving
have moved

Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
I’ve been working as a manager since I …. and I find It really interesting.
will arrive

We … 20 new buildings this year.
had built
have built

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Water … at 100 degrees.
will boil
will have been boiling

I … when my friend …
slept, was calling
slept, called
was sleeping, called

All in all, the internet is here to stay and whether it … our life is up to us.
improved or ruined
improves or ruins
Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being «just a housewife» have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays there is a lot of pride in being the «homemaker». It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.
has become a worthwhile career.
prevented the family from having social life.
helped someone to pursue his/her own interests.

It … outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.
is rain
is raining

I … a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.
will have

At 10 o’clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom … a delegation in the office.
will be receiving
is receiving
will receive

Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it … hard for two hours.
was raining
had rained
had been raining

Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn’t feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine. Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive, witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
made someone very happy.
was easier than combining full-time work and housework.
prevented the family from having social life.

I … for a whole hour
am waiting
was waiting
have been waiting

Choose the right variant
We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we ….
will plan
were planning
have planned
Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.

I ….. in Novgorod for three months and I’m enjoying life here very much.
have been
had been

At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all … but no pay, things can get difficult.

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