какое расстояние проедет транспортное средство за время равное среднему 90 км в час

Билет 11 вопрос 20 ПДД 2020

Билет 11 вопрос 20 31% ошибается

Какое расстояние проедет транспортное средство за время, равное среднему времени реакции водителя, при скорости движения около 90 км/час?

Примерно 35 м Примерно 25 м Примерно 15 м

Спидометр автомобиля не показывает абсолютно точное значение скорости. Если скорость по спидометру около 90 км/час, что равнозначно 90 000 метров/час или 90 000 метров : 3 600 секунд = примерно 25 метров за 1 секунду. Правильный ответ — «Примерно 25 м»

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I have three guys at 16. and I’m a jerk! stupidly lit foremost for a blowjob in turn, then in full. the basic orgasm in my obsession that evening happened. regularly thereafter. the reputation of the truth in the eyes of girlfriends and classmates has suffe //Билет 31, вопрос 13

Take a year ago, a dude I comprehend asked me to help prepare fit the Russian idiom exam. I was then completing the 1st year of the association, and. without hesitation, I agreed, and we agreed with him to the age of classes. at the appointed hour, I rang the doorbell of his apartment, he opened and invited me into the nautical galley for the benefit of tea. he wore a white jersey that purely accentuated his athletic body.
I was in a glare shirt and denim shorts. Through the street, I liking bring to light that I am not a long-legged demoiselle, but I have a least considerate figure. after drinking tea, we went into the room and took up the Russian language. after a while I began to hooked his glances on my legs.

worrisome not to meet publicity to it, I continued to explain the rules to him, suddenly he put his near on my knee, I asked him not to be distracted, and he dutifully began to drag to the tasks. while he was doing this, I walked throughout the apartment and looked at the photographs on the sh //Билет 31, вопрос 13


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