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Characters / BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

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Playable Characters: Calamity Trigger (Part 1 | Part 2) | Continuum Shift | ChronoPhantasma | Central Fiction
Others: Non-Player Characters | Remix Heart | Light Novel Characters | XBlaze (Code: Embryo | Lost: Memories)
Spin-offs: Cross Tag Battle (BlazBlue | Persona 4: Arena | Under Night In-Birth | RWBY)
Individual Characters: Ragna the Bloodedge | Jin Kisaragi | Noel Vermillion | Rachel Alucard | Hakumen | Tsubaki Yayoi | Hazama | Makoto Nanaya | Yuuki Terumi | Nine the Phantom

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For more tropes pertaining to these characters, check their respective series’ pages: here for BlazBlue, here for Persona 4 Arena, here for Under Night In-Birth, here for RWBY, here for Arcana Heart, here for Senran Kagura and here for Akatsuki Blitzkampf.

This page grew so massive due to Loads and Loads of Characters that it had to be split.

Arcana Heart Characters

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Awfully cheerful and innocent, Heart is a type of person who believes that there is no such thing as a truly evil person. Having grown up watching every TV superhero show possible, she has desire to spread LOVE and justice where she can, even where she isn’t wanted. She is also a Maiden, a person who can see and interact with Elementals called Arcanas, and generally can get along with many of them. Because of this, she is considered special among other Maidens, which has drawn the attention of many people.

As a novice fighter, she pours her emotions into every punch she throws out. Having made a contract with Partinias, the Arcana of Love, she can channel light that Partinias’ love generates to fire off projectiles.

Heart is a versatile rushdown character afforded fantastic mobility and pressure by her unique Homing Dash Cancel mechanic, letting her cross the screen quickly and giving her some of the best air mobility of all the cast. As she fights with her fists, she has limited reach on her normals, and overuse of her Homing Dash can burn through her meter very quickly.

Senran Kagura Characters

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Leader of the the elite class of students in Gessen Girls School, a prestige school for good shinobi. After her parents were killed by evil shinobi, she was adopted by her grandfather Kurokage who was a renegade shinobi due to his beliefs. Yumi ended up adopting her grandfather’s vision of the world, wanting to eradicate all evil shinobi from the world and anyone associated with them. However, interactions with other good shinobi such as Asuka and seeing the so-called evil shinobi caused her sense of justice to mellow down, now wanting to be the Moon’s judgment against those who lurk in the dark.

Thanks to being trained by her grandfather, Yumi combines traditional Japanese dancing with pair of hand fans with the ability to manipulate ice to fight evildoers by creating icy winds and chunks of ice.

Her Distortion Skills are Secret Ninja Art: Black Ice, a large icicle projectile, and Secret Ninja Art: Ice Pillar Fan, an icy tornado created around her by her dancing. Her Astral Heat Ultimate Secret Ninja Art: Ice Queen has her activate her Ice Queen form, sliding through the ice and strking her opponent twice with her ice sword.

Akatsuki Blitzkampf Characters

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Akatsuki was a high-class technical officer in the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II who was believed to have died while transporting an allied enemy unit across the Arctic Ocean. Over fifty years later, however, he has reappeared, having never aged a day and gifted with immense strength and control over the forces of electricity, thanks to the mysterious «Blitz Motor». With these new powers, he seeks to finish the mission he undertook long ago.

Akatsuki fights with his own unique style of military-based martial arts, with no weapon to speak of besides his military suit, Taktischeblitzanzug, and the powers he obtained via the Blitz Motor. Using the Blitz Motor, Akatsuki can use electricity in a number of ways, including shooting balls of lightning or imbibing electricity into his own punches or grabs.

His Distortions, Kamikaze (Divine Wind) are a series of rapid strikes with the finisher being an explosive Blitz Shot; and the other being Thunderbolt, which is a very hard hitting Armor Piercing Kick. His Astral Heat, Ouka-Kai (Cherry Blossom Revised), is a single punch that calls down a bolt of lightning to finish his opponent.

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An electrical tank, presumably powered by a Blitz Motor, and implied to have been developed by the secret military group «Gessellschaft». Though it started out as a mindless Mecha-Mook, an encounter with Akatsuki caused it to start developing rational thought. or more accurately, remember that it once had rational thought.

Though as slow as it is large, Blitztank contains an arsenal within its mechanical body, firing out bullets, lasers, flames, bombs, and mines, keeping opponents at bay with projectile-based mixups.

Blitztank’s Distortions Gjallarhorn fires a massive beam onto its opponent; while Blitzlauf rams the opponent at high speed. Blitztank’s Astral Heat, Ragnarok, is a devastating Wave-Motion Gun that first strikes the opponent into a rush, makes a 180 turn, then shoots blitz mines and then fires a massive beam of violet electricity to vaporize its target.

Original Characters

System No. XX

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Обзор BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

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Первая часть BlazBlue вышла в 2008 году на аркадных автоматах и чуть позже на консолях прошлого поколения. Тогда Arc System Works не могла заниматься продолжением Guilty Gear, и новый проект по первым кадрам очень напоминал прошлые работы студии. На деле же он оказался оригинальной игрой с новыми механиками. Персонажей было мало, но все они отличались друг от друга по способам ведения боя. После возвращения Guilty Gear, серия BlazBlue отошла на второй план.

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С анонсом BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, видеоигрового капустника с персонажами из BlazBlue, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth и RWBY, нам было интересно, каким образом разработчики смогут объединить совершенно разные механики и принципы ведения боя из оригинальных проектов. В реальности всё оказалось достаточно тривиально. Вдохновленные успехами Dragon Ball FighterZ, японские специалисты решили, что из BlazBlue тоже может получиться хороший казуальный файтинг. Для этого все привычные для серии сложные механики были вырезаны или упрощены.

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Разработчики серьезно прошлись ножницами по боевым механикам BlazBlue, и многие интересные вещи, которые можно было бы просто упростить, оказались вырезаны. В Cross Tag Battle нет ни барьеров, ни уникальных супер датчиков, при заполнении которых открывались новые приемы и иные способы ведения боя. Все герои приведены к одному общему боевому стилю с двумя кнопками для автокомбо, несколькими специальными приемами, которые можно комбинировать между собой, и одинаковой для всех супер шкалой.

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Конечно, разумные упрощения ввода команд – это правильное решение для подобных игр. Оно позволяет быстрее влиться в процесс и сосредоточить все внимание на тактике. Но в данном случае авторы проекта явно переборщили. Выбросив особенности серии, разработчики не предложили ничего взамен, из-за чего пострадали возможности тактического подхода к бою. Пространства для развития игрока тут практически нет, и после пары вечеров интерес к геймплею может попросту улетучиться.

С другой стороны, казуальные игроки и фанаты аниме останутся довольны простой механике со стильными героями, красивыми комбинациями ударов и эффектными специальными атаками. При всех своих упрощениях, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle позволяет быстро и красиво сражаться, не отвлекаясь на заучивание сложных приемов, что делает ее хорошим вариантом для неискушенной аудитории.

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Конфуз по поводу каста усиливается вестями о двух платных сезонных пропусках, куда, судя по всему, попадут 40 новых героев.

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Обидно и то, что сюжетный режим не может похвастаться ничем примечательным. История рассказывает о том, что персонажи из BlazBlue, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth и RWBY попали в некий Мир дуэлей. Чтобы вернуться домой, им необходимо избивать друг друга и собирать специальные кристаллы.

Сюжет подается в скучных диалогах между боями. Никакой постановки или интересного сюжета здесь нет: просто два аватара обсуждают как такое произошло и как им быть. Авторы игры пытаются шутить и добавляют фансервис, но выглядит это очень глупо, поэтому уже через пару боев вы начнете безжалостно пропускать все сцены.

История разделена по фракциям, но играя разными героями, вы все равно слышите похожие друг на друга диалоги, и персонажи делают примерно одно и то же.


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WARNING: This page contains unmarked spoilers for Persona 3, Persona 4 and some of their spinoffs. Some of the characters below actually count as examples of walking spoilers. Very late spoilers, mind you, but still spoilers nonetheless. If you’re new to the Persona franchise, then turn back now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Persona 4 Arena Characters

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This case. is closed.

The leader of the Investigation Team, a group of Persona-users from Yasogami High investigating the mysterious kidnappings and murders around the town of Inaba. In 2011, he transferred to Inaba to live with relatives while studying. Through his friends, he learned about the Midnight Channel, a rumor stating that those who stare into a blank TV at midnight while it is raining will see the face of their soulmate. He soon awakened to a special power, allowing him to enter a dimension inside the TV and fight creatures called Shadows using his Persona, a manifestation of his inner self. When Midnight Channel-related kidnappings struck Inaba, he formed the Investigation Team to prevent more from occurring.

Alongside the use of a simple katana, Yu utilizes the powers of his multiple Personas, a unique trait attributed to him being a Wild Card. His main Persona is Izanagi of the Fool Arcana; based on one of the deities responsible for Japan’s creation, it gives him access to different attacks imbued with the power of electricity.

Yu is a very strong all-rounder with a blend of damage, reach and mobility. He has strong normals both on the ground and in the air, and multiple full-screen projectiles. His tech game is not very advanced and several of his moves leave his Persona Izanagi exposed to attack, inviting an enemy to inflict heavy damage on him indirectly.

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Leave it all to me, yeah! Let’s go, partner!

Yosuke fights with a pair of kunai and his Persona, Jiraiya of the Magician Arcana, a ninja from Japanese folk legend capable of transforming into a giant toad. Yosuke himself specializes in quick, rapid-fire attacks, while Jiraiya supports him with wind magic and extra strikes.

Yosuke is hands down the fastest character in the game, he is hard to catch in the air or on the floor. Even though his damage is poor, it quickly adds up. But he has no projectiles at all and his HP is correspondingly the lowest of all. To play Yosuke you must constantly keep up the pressure and fight offensively.

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There’s no sneaking up on Chie Satonaka, Kung-Fu master!

The third founding member of the Investigation Team, and its first female one to boot. A tough-talking tomboy from Inaba with a penchant for steaks and martial arts, Chie joined upon learning that her best friend Yukiko Amagi appeared on the Midnight Channel and subsequently vanished. Fearing the worst, she ventured into the TV world with Yu and Yosuke to find her, but encountered her Shadow in the rescue attempt. It claimed that she wanted to stay dominant over Yukiko, who she had perceived as being better than her in every way. Upon confronting it with the help of Yu and Yosuke, she awakened to her Persona Tomoe, and joined the team to bring the culprit behind the Midnight Channel murders to justice.

Unlike her allies, Chie primarily fights without weapons, opting to use a variety of crushing kicks and keep on the offensive pressure. Her Persona, Tomoe of the Chariot Arcana, a samurai from 12th century Japan, supports her with a variety of physical attacks and buffs to her damage output.

Chie is an aggressive, close-range mixup character with superb damage potential with enough meter. Her Persona Tomoe fills in some of the gaps in her gameplan and gives her some way to reach out and touch her opponent, but it’s not ideal, and for all her power, she really needs meter and assists to reach her true potential.

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I’m not as gentle as I look.

A soft-spoken and reserved second-year student (third year in Arena) at Yasogami High School, and the fourth member of the Investigation Team. She is the sole heir to the long-running Amagi Inn, an inn run by her family in Inaba. After being forced into the TV World and being in danger of becoming the third victim in Inaba’s murder case, Yukiko’s subconscious manifested as a medieval castle that housed her Shadow. Her Shadow represented her inner feelings of being «trapped,» born out of a frustration of feeling she has no say or choice but to one day inherit the Amagi Inn. With the help of the Investigation Team, she accepted her Shadow, changing it into the Persona Konohana Sakuya. At this point, she became much more open to her new friends and decided to officially join the Investigation Team to discover who the killer really was.

Yukiko’s preferred weapons are traditional fans, which she strikes and throws at her opponents to attack. Her Persona, Konohana Sakuya of the High Priestess Arcana, is named after the blossom princess of Japanese mythology, and can use various fire and healing skills that lets Yukiko deal damage to her opponents and assist her allies.

The proverbial chalk to Chie’s cheese, Yukiko is very defensive in her playstyle. She has great projectiles and long-range normals with her Persona, a good anti-air game and the unique ability to heal herself and her partner. She is also surprisingly quick. However she is rather weak in offence.

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Just kick back and watch. I’ll take care of these bozos!

A person with a unique style of unorthodox brawling, Kanji houses a great amount of power with his grappling-based attacks. In addition to bashing opponents’ faces in with his chair and fists, he calls upon the aid of his Persona: Take-Mikazuchi of the Emperor Arcana, named after the Shinto god of thunder, who tosses foes around and summons lightning to smite them.

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Joint operation battle. Here we go!

In combat, Aegis can dominate up close with her heavy blows and strikes, or from a distance with various ranged weapons such as machine guns, grenade launchers, and missiles, which she can boost further by disabling her limiters and entering Orgia Mode. She initially wielded a sole Persona: Pallas Athena of the Chariot Arcana, who specializes in physical attacks, but soon awakened to the Fool’s Wild Card ability, allowing her to summon other Personas as well.

Aegis is a specialist mid-range fighter with great projectiles and combos and devastating explosive attacks with a wide area of effect. Her close range game is also surprisingly good. She is quite versatile overall.

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I can’t put up a bad show and bring shame upon the Shirogane name.

A young detective working for the police in Inaba. Descended from a family of detectives, she too wanted to become one, but living under the impression that only men can excel in the profession caused her to disguise herself as a male. During the murder case in Inaba, which she and the rest of the police were investigating with little success, she picked up on the fact that all of the victims appeared on television before being kidnapped. Thus, she allowed herself onto a TV interview and waited to be kidnapped, hoping to discover more about the case. When she was taken and forced into the TV World, she found her Shadow inside the Secret Laboratory, who revealed to the Investigation Team her true gender and fear that once the case is over, the police will stop caring about her because she’s just a child. Upon initially denying it and later accepting her fears and true gender, she gained her Persona and chose to work with the Investigation Team for the rest of the case.

In battle, Naoto fights with a revolver, giving her the advantage of range in battle. With her Persona, Sukuna-Hikona of the Wheel of Fortune Arcana, named after the dwarf deity of healing in Japanese legend, she can place a number of traps for her opponent to fall into. She can also cast light and dark based spells which, under the right circumstances, can instantly kill an opponent.

Naoto is an unusual hybrid of rushdown and zoner with many ways to control the screen and make her opponent uncomfortable. Her HP is below average and so is her average damage, but a player using her traps cleverly is a formidable foe indeed.

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Why don’t you two show me your resolve?

Mitsuru Kirijo is the scion of the affluent and influential Kirijo Group who, in 2009, was one of the leading figures of S.E.E.S. (Special Extracurricular Execution Squad), a group of students who explored the causes behind the hidden 25th hour of the day known as the Dark Hour. She, along with Akihiko Sanada and Aegis, would go on to found the Shadow Operatives, a clandestine organization dedicated to investigating incidents related to Shadows and Personas.

Brilliant and stylish, Mitsuru is a well-rounded fighter who uses her rapier to poke and attack her opponents at mid-range, using misdirection to open up and exploit weaknesses in her foe’s guard while using her Persona, Artemisia of the Empress Arcana, to attack with ice. She has respectable damage too, though only closer in; for max range, she has to settle for less.

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And there’s the gong!

Akihiko Sanada is a member of the Shadow Operatives, along with Mitsuru Kirijo and Aegis: a top-secret organization dedicated to investigating incidents related to Shadows and Personas. In 2009, he, Mitsuru, and Aegis were members of S.E.E.S. (Special Extracurricular Execution Squad), a group of high school students who investigated a strange phenomenon known as the Dark Hour. After the incident was resolved and he graduated from high school, Akihiko would go on to Walk the Earth, honing his skills as a boxer while also aiding Mitsuru when she calls upon him for help.

Akihiko is a close-ranged bruiser whose powerful, punishing punches, which he uses in conjunction with his Persona, Caesar of the Emperor Arcana, which grants him power over electricity. He’s a high risk, high reward character with higher than normal HP and less prone to Persona damage than others. But be careful about his limited reach and options for attacking low.

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You ready? Better not fall behind!

Labrys is a 5th-Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon, making her Aegis’s predecessor (a «big sister» of sorts). Labrys was created using the personality of a young girl from Kansai dying of illness as a template for her own personality, a unique property shared by all models of her generation (as opposed to Aegis, whose personality was a blank slate upon activation). She shared the young girl’s desire to go to school, leading her to believe she was the student council president of Yasogami High School until she was saved by the Investigation Team and Shadow Operatives, who rescued her from the TV World and her Shadow’s reminders of her dark past. Thankful to her new friends, she would join forces with the Shadow Operatives to get to the bottom of the mystery of how she wound up in the TV World.

Being the strongest of the 5th Generation, Labrys’s fighting capabilities are far above average and were only strengthened when she gained a Persona. Using her multi-use weapon, a giant axe that she is strong enough to swing with ease, she can easily do massive damage to any opponent she comes across. Upon awakening her Persona, Ariadne of the Wheel of Fortune Arcana, she can use Weaver Arts to create weapons out of red thread and provide even more options to defeat her foes.

Labrys fights very differently from her sister. She is a rushdown character with large normals and very high damage potential, especially from her Supers, and she has quick windup on her attacks too. Just be careful as many of her high attacks are unsafe and make sure to cover her with assists.

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Hohohoo! It’s my time to shine!

The mascot of the Investigation Team, Teddie was an animated bear costume that Yu, Yosuke, and Chie encountered in their first excursion to the TV World. Though afraid of them at first, Teddie eventually strong-armed Yu and Yosuke into helping him catch whoever was agitating the Shadows by sending people to die in the TV World. During the Investigation Team’s rescue missions, Teddie initially served as their navigator, until his anxiety over his lack of a past or identity reached a breaking point shortly after rescuing Rise, causing his Shadow to emerge. Though he initially refused to hear what it was saying, Teddie accepted that he may not like the answer to who or what he is, gaining his Persona, and with it, a human body.

Teddie’s main weapon is his trusty bear claw, but in case that isn’t enough, he also brings an arsenal of random objects hidden inside his bear costume. His Persona, Kintoki-Douji of the Star Arcana, allows Teddie even more options for unorthodox fighting.

Teddie doesn’t have much in the way of power or speed on his side, but he does have sheer unorthodoxy. He can throw a number of random items that give him options for combo extension, pressure, cross-ups, you name it. He also has a lot of reach. However since his items are connected to his Persona, he is very prone to Persona damage if he uses items a lot.

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I like your spirit! That’s how kids should be!

A police detective sent to work in Yasoinaba, and assistant to Yu’s uncle, Ryotaro Dojima. While he initially seems like a goofy, clumsy buffoon, it is revealed that he is, in fact, the man behind Inaba’s gruesome string of murders. Being sent to work out in a middle-of-nowhere town in spite of being the top of his class in the police academy, he became disillusioned by the way he perceived the world had treated him. When he discovered his power to enter the TV World and send others in as well by accidentally pushing news reporter Mayumi Yamano in, he saw no problem in also forcing high school student Saki Konishi into the TV, knowing it would lead to her death. He even manipulated the ex-city council secretary Taro Namatame to throw the later victims into the TV under the impression that he was saving them from being murdered, thus continuing Adachi’s «game». After nearly a year of this, the Investigation Team discovered Adachi, chased him into the TV World, and brought the killer to justice, at which point Adachi accepted that he had lost the game. As a reward for defeating him, Adachi hinted at the existence of a conductor behind the «game», later revealed to be the goddess of death Izanami, allowing them to close the case for good. Some time afterward, he was broken out of jail by a mysterious youth named Sho Minazuki, who had set a new plan in motion involving the Investigation Team. Adachi, however, is a man who plays by his own set of rules and proceeded to disrupt the plans of both Sho and his co-conspirator, the god of fire Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, returning without incident to serve his sentence.

A sadistic, ruthless man with no remorse for his opponent, Adachi fights with a combination of brutal, underhanded physical attacks and attacks from his handgun, whether those be actual bullets or just hitting people with it. However, neither of those compare in power to his Persona, Magatsu-Izanagi of the Jester Arcana. Appearing as a dark version of Yu’s Persona, Adachi also specializes in electric spells, but with much more vicious attacks thrown in the mix.

His Distortion Skills are Atom Smasher, a full-screen flurry of slashes from Magatsu-Izanagi and Demonic Cross Slash, a horizontal slash from Magatsu-Izanagi followed up with a diagonal slash.

His Astral Finish is Yomi Drop, which creates a portal that drops his victim into the TV World. As Shadows loom menacingly over his opponent, Magatsu-Izanagi delivers a finishing blow before Adachi escapes into the fog.

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I, Elizabeth, humbly accept your challenge.

The Velvet Room is a realm that exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. The master of the Velvet Room, the enigmatic Igor, has offered his services of helping those with the power of Persona unlock the depths of their strength over countless years, often with the help of an assistant. Elizabeth is one such assistant, having lent her aid to a young man exploring the tower of Tartarus, then later Aegis. The eccentric Elizabeth took a liking to the young man, in particular, such that when he laid down his life to protect his friends and humankind from a terrible threat, she devoted herself to finding a way to liberate his soul while keeping the dark force he made the ultimate sacrifice to seal at bay.

As a Velvet Room attendant, Elizabeth possesses a great amount of near godlike-power. Simply using her tome and tarot cards, she proves to be a formidable foe with her large array of spells. However, her greatest asset comes in the use of her Persona; while she is a Wild Card, she settles for using Thanatos of the Death Arcana, one of the Personas that was primarily used by her fallen guest. Under Elizabeth’s command, Thanatos has access to power over numerous elemental attacks and some of the most powerful spells a Persona can use.

Her Distortion Skills are Mind Charge, where she drains her own health to automatically reach Awakening state and fill up her Skill Gauge and Ghastly Wail, a grab where Thanatos throws the opponent into one of his coffins and then slashes it with his sword.

Her Astral Finish is Megidolaon, Thanatos’s most powerful spell which activates after her opponent hits a barrier made of tarot cards: upon activation, Elizabeth binds her opponent in place as she bombards them with magic bolts before Thanatos engulfs them in destructive light.


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