black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Black★Rock Shooter

Black★Rock Shooter: основные персонажи

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Глава баскетбольного клуба. У нее есть привычка скрывать свои настоящие эмоции и чувства. Всегда смеется, улыбается, подбадривает других.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Отражение Саи из альтернативного мира. Ее имя означает «Черно-золотая пила». Может управлять куклами, которых «выращивает» из земли с помощью особой лейки.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Темное отражение Курои Мато из альтернативного мира: неприступная сильная девушка, сражающаяся против целого мира. Ее имя означает «Стрелок с черной скалы». У Рок также есть дополнительное превращение, которое называют Insane Black Rock Shooter. Главный враг Рок — Дэд Мастер.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Отражение Ёми из альтернативного мира: жестокая девушка, призванная убивать. Ее имя означает «Хозяйка мертвых». Дэд Мастер управляет цепями и двумя огромными светящимися зеленым светом черепами, а также использует Косу Смерти с фигурным лезвием. Она считает Блэк Рок Шутер своей главной соперницей.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Лучшая подруга Мато. Также как и Мато, любит историю про птичку и многоцветье. Кроме этого Ёми с детства дружит с Кагари.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Подруга детства Ёми. Когда Кагари была маленькой, ее сбил автомобиль, после чего Ёми была обязана находиться рядом с ней все время и делать все, что та попросит. Из-за своего помешательства на Ёми Кагари не разрешает ей дружить с кем-то еще.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Психолог из школы Ёми и Мато, её кабинет очень часто посещают, чтобы высказать свои переживания. Готова принять каждого, кто придёт к ней, и угостить чашкой чая или кофе.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Одноклассница Мато во второй половине аниме и менеджер баскетбольной секции. Миниатюрная, весёлая, очень активная девушка, во многом похожая на Мато.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Главная героиня аниме. Радостная, открытая и задорная девушка. Немного ленива, не очень любит учиться, однако очень любит физкультуру. Дружит с Юу и пытается подружиться с Ёми.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Отражение Юу из альтернативного мира. Ее имя означает «Сила». С самого детства занимала место Юу в настоящем мире рядом с Мато.

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Отражение Кагари из альтернативного мира. Ее имя означает «Колесница». Ее отношение к Дэд Мастер такое же, как в реальном мире, где Кагари держит «в плену» Ёми.


Black★Rock Shooter

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Tип:OVA (1 эп.), 50 мин.Эфир:25 июля, 2010
трансляция окончена
Жанры: Экшн
СверхъестественноеСтудия: OrdetРейтинг:7.67Среднее:7.67 (782 голоса)Схватили:1194

Мато Курои, главная героиня, приходит в старшую школу и знакомится с Ёми Таканаси, немного застенчивой и очень высокой девушкой. Одноклассницы (и, как оказалось, соседки) становятся лучшими подругами и все свободное время проводят вместе: даже выбирают пускай и разные кружки по интересам, но проводящиеся в одно время в одном спортзале. Однако спустя год их «разбрасывает» по разным классам, и теперь Мато уделяет подруге все меньше и меньше внимания. У нее появляется новая подруга — Юу, которая учится с ней в одном классе и по совместительству является тренером её баскетбольной секции.

Основной сюжет Однажды Мато узнает, что Ёми исчезла, и находит подаренную подруге подвеску для телефона в виде голубой звездочки — точно такую же, что и у нее самой.

Как только девушка касается подвески, она сразу же попадает в альтернативный мир, где она — полная противоположность себе самой. Отныне она — Black★Rock Shooter, созданная для того, чтобы убивать. Её цель — найти и уничтожить не менее таинственную девушку по имени Dead Master, которая на самом деле является пропавшей Ёми.

Аниме построено своеобразно: показывается повседневная жизнь Мато и Ёми вперемешку с боями Стрелка и Мастера, а о том, как Мато стала Стрелком, рассказывается буквально перед финальными титрами. В конце аниме показывают, как Мато и Ёми вместе идут из школы, а Юу плетется сзади и понимает, что она не сможет быть для них очень близкой подругой.


Black★Rock Shooter (anime character)

Black★Rock Shooter (Anime Character)

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Name in Japanese

Romaji Translation

Appears in

Voice Actor (Japanese)

Voice Actor (English)

Character Profile



Human Counterpart

Black★Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター) is the incarnation of the Black★Rock Shooter character appearing in the 2012 anime. She is the «other self» of Mato Kuroi.


Appearance [ ]

The original concept of Black★Rock Shooter was redesigned for the anime, with some new elements possibly inspired by the designs of White Rock Shooter and Black★Rock Shooter Beast, as her new jacket and boots (which are now more blue than black) have similarities to both WRS’ and B★RSB’s clothing, as well as a pair of black denim shorts. Like Stella’s appearance in the PSP game, her hairstyle is more spiky compared to her other incarnations. Unlike her original concept and her OVA incarnation, she does not have any scars on her midriff which is similar to her Manga incarnation. She wears two belts just like Insane Black★Rock Shooter a crooked white belt and a brown belt and she also wears her trademark hood more often than she does in other media. She is a little short for her age, standing at about 158cm (without the high heels on her boots), close to Yomi’s height. She has a very small and thin disproportionate figure, as she is very skinny. She is supposedly said to be rather light, weighing about 90 lbs.

Like all of the «other selves» appearing in the anime, her blue eyes have a circular pattern in them.

Personality [ ]

She is very calm and silent while fighting, but tends to have a rather savage side to her. She professed herself to have no feelings and to work only from her nature. She seems to say things exactly as they are, being very blunt and rather proud.

She seems to be more brutal than any other B★RS incarnation, having beheaded Chariot and Arata’s other self, and killed Dead Master, and as Insane Black★Rock Shooter, attempted to kill Black★Gold Saw and Strength. She appears to be rather mentally unstable, often making unpredictable decisions and actions. She seems to have no regard of anyone’s feelings as she coldly mocked Mato’s feeble attempts to fight and continued fighting Strength regardless of her human self’s cries. She is a very mysterious, yet sadistic person and can actually be quite taunting of her enemy in battle. She seems very confident in her ability, almost to the point where she thinks she can defeat anyone. She becomes noticeably irritated if she is not winning a battle. She does not seem to care if people die as long as she achieves her goal. However, she can be sweet and gentle. In the OVA, she hugs Dead master so much that she disappears into dust, releasing Yomi. Nonetheless, she is still ruthless, strong, tough, and cold. It is unknown if she’s like that or she just connects to Mato’s feelings and friendships and consisted to be a darker side of her.

History [ ]

Many years prior to the anime’s beginning, presumably sometime around Mato Kuroi’s birth, she appeared in the Otherworld as a manifestation of Mato’s desire to help people while ignoring her own pain. This desire gave her a large amount of physical ability.

She fought Strength on a ledge, and while neither had the ability to feel emotions, Strength could sense that Black★Rock Shooter was exceptionally powerful; they fought, and Strength was defeated.

At the start of the anime, Black★Rock Shooter is at the Sky Gates. After walking around, she comes upon some green mist, and is led into a strange area where she is tormented by mysterious spider-like robotic creatures and Chariot. At one point, she screams silently in pain as one of the robots stabs and drills into her stomach.

She is then accosted by Dead Master and is chained up, but she quickly reverses the chains. However, a horde of spiders surrounds Dead Master and carries her away, causing Black★Rock Shooter to pursue her.

She finds her in a floating house in the sky, hidden within a doll and chained up. She reaches for her but is stopped by Chariot and her spider robot. The robot begins to fire macaroons (a motif associated with Chariot’s other self) at her, but she takes out her gun and shoots at them; the robot fires a torrent of macaroons at her, and she upgrades her gun to a machine gun-like contraption that blows them all away and destroys the spider robot.

During that time Dead Master begins to break free from her chains, and Black★Rock Shooter gains the upper hand. The chains recede into the sky, causing the world to fall apart. However, this is driven to a halt as a large red blade is driven into the sky, stopping this and suspending the destruction in midair, as if time had been stopped for the destruction. She and Dead Master find Black★Gold Saw with Chariot.

Black★Gold Saw cuts a fissure into the ground, dragging Dead Master into it and apart from Black★Rock Shooter, and vanishes. Chariot takes the opportunity to charge at Black★Rock Shooter with her blade, but Black★Rock Shooter quickly ignites the blue flame on her eye and beheads Chariot.

Later, she breaks into Black★Gold Saw’s lair, and causes rocks to fall onto the mysterious hooded figures that she has created. She shoots at Black★Gold Saw, who dodges and presumably escapes. She approaches one of the hooded figures, which resembles Arata Kohata, and holds a hand out to her. However, the figure recedes and trembles in fear, and in response, she ignites her flame, grabs the figure, and beheads it.

When Dead Master starts to become unstable, she goes to investigate. When Dead Master summons a castle and minions, she attempts to shoot her but is hit by one of Dead Master’s floating skulls and hits a wall. She then readies her gun and fires at Dead Master.

At the climax of the battle, Mato Kuroi merges with her in order to save Black★Rock Shooter; however Black★Rock Shooter has already killed Dead Master by the time she arrives sending Mato into shock. The shock of having killed Yomi’s «other self» causes Black★Rock Shooter to become unstable and combine red flames into the blue flames around her eye, creating a large amounts of purple flame. A red light appears in her pupils and she seems to go insane, transforming into Insane Black★Rock Shooter. In this form, B★RS goes on a deadly rampage until defeated by Mato (in B★RS’s normal form), with the help of the revived other selves. Following the battle, she reverts back to normal.

She next appears on a cliff as Strength tells Yuu that the other selves fight because they love and wish to protect their real world counterparts, echoing the sentiment to Mato. After Strength’s death, she jumps off the cliff, her words echoing to Mato as she leaves the Otherworld.

She later appears on a cliff in front of the reformed Strength, stating that she won’t stop fighting or bearing the pain in the Otherworld.

Abilities [ ]

Although she shows weakness in combat often, she can be skilled enough to defeat even more powerful opponents than her, as well as take on armies single-handedly. Her attacks focus more on offensive and evasive maneuvers, having skill with ranged weaponry and great prowess in wielding close-quarter weapons. She also uses her unique athletic abilities in combat, being shown to be able to do many flips and dodges. Black★Rock Shooter wastes no time in her movement, taking in every single aspect of the fight. When she kills her opponent, her left eye causes a blue flame to emerge from it. Her motif seems to have blue flames. Many of her abilities are either vaguely shown, or unknown. She is a hand-to-hand combatant and capable of fighting.

Black★Rock Shooter’s endurance is immense, being able to survive merciless pounding, impalement, slicing, bullets, being crushed, grinded, and many other things. Despite this, she still manages to stand up and fight effectively.

Black★Rock Shooter has displayed superhuman feats of speed and agility on numerous occasions. She can move at incredible speeds, leap long distances, react with perfect accuracy, and dodge attacks faster than the eye can see. She also displays great finesse in combat.

While Black★Rock Shooter has shown no obvious signs of possessing superhuman strength, she seems to be able to wield her Rock Cannon, which looks quite heavy, with great ease.

In the anime, she is shown using three weapons: a sword with a crooked base, a cannon, and a triple barrel machine gun. In her fight against Dead Master, she is seen using two machine guns at one point, suggesting she can summon more than one gun.


Insane Black★Rock Shooter

Insane Black★Rock Shooter

black rock shooter аниме персонажи

Name in Japanese

Romaji Translation

Appears in

Voice Actor (Japanese)

Voice Actor (English)

Character Profile



Human Counterpart


Appearance [ ]

Original Concept [ ]

Compared to Black★Rock Shooter, Insane Black★Rock Shooter has purple eyes with a flame of the same color emerging from her left eye and fangs. Her outfit is a black armor, covering her chest that has the black bikini top, left arm and legs. Her jacket is a torn black cape and her entire right arm is a robotic appendage holding a vicious blade. Her hairstyle is the same as that of B★RS. She wears a black crown-like object with a white cross design which wraps around her left twintail. A few chains wrap around her hair and around her waist.

Her weapons of choice are modifications of Black★Rock Shooter’s ★rock Cannon and Black Blade, named Insane Cannon Lance and Insane Blade Claw respectively.

Black★Rock Shooter (2012) [ ]

Insane Black★Rock Shooter retains much of her original design, except for the chains that wraps her hair due to her «crown» being redesigned like a helmet. The armor on her body seems less, as it only covers the part below her chest. Her chain is now at her back which connects to her Insane Cannon Lance. From Killing Takanashi (Dead Master) she can control the chains, after defeating Dead Master, the chains are a part of her body, she can take weapons or any weapon she wants like she did with Black ★Gold Saw. Being another form of B★RS, I.BRS has a spikier hairstyle, does not have any scars on her midriff, and her trademark fangs are not shown. Her broken star symbol seems different too.

Like all of the «other selves» in the anime, her purple eyes have a circular pattern in them. However, unlike all the other selves who have white pupils in their eyes, including Black★Rock Shooter, Insane Black★Rock Shooter has red pupils. While Black★Rock Shooter only ignites her eye flame at certain points during battle, Insane Black★Rock Shooter’s eye flame is constantly active.

Her weapons have both been redesigned as well.

Personality [ ]

Black★Rock Shooter (2012) [ ]

I.BRS, like B★RS, is mostly silent, but also quite stoic. Like all «other selves», she hardly says anything. She is absolutely merciless in battle, perhaps even more so than some of the «other selves;» she presses her assault even after sustaining severe personal injury.

When the battle is not particularly challenging for her, I.BRS rarely shows any emotion and maintains a blank expression. An example of this is when Black★Gold Saw severely injured her right arm, yet she didn’t react at all. She also seems to disregard any injuries that she receives due to her high regenerative abilities. Examples of this are when she simply tears off her injured arm during her fight with B★GS and when she willingly shoots herself in the leg to prevent Mato from hindering her.

Black★Rock Shooter (2012) [ ]

When Yuu sent Mato into the Otherworld, Mato was asked by a voice from nowhere if she is willing to face all of the pains and sufferings that she have gone through and will not run away from them. Mato willingly accepts, with her left eye purging blue flames. Mato merges with Black★Rock Shooter, who had stabbed Dead Master. In Mato’s point of view, she finds herself in the presence of Yomi instead, and saw Black Blade went through her, causing Mato to have a mental trauma. Mato’s condition appears to have affected B★RS as well, and ignites her blue flame. Seeing the corpse of the Dead Master, she suddenly became unstable and ignites a red flame, which then merges with her blue flame to create large amounts of purple flames, and turning her blue eye color purple. B★RS’ iconic star breaks, matching Insane Black★Rock Shooter’s iconic broken star.

Spikes start to penetrate into Black★Rock Shooter, and purple light glows from her, turning her into her iconic insane form. Nearby, Black★Gold Saw is startled by the sudden change in the area and looks behind her. Both ready their weapons and lunge at each other. Within Insane Black★Rock Shooter, Mato writhes in pain as Black★Gold Saw cuts Insane Black★Rock Shooter’s right arm. Insane Black★Rock Shooter simply tears off her injured limb and Mato shrieks. She then went limp as Insane Black★Rock Shooter and Black★Gold Saw continue to fight. Insane Black★Rock Shooter uses a chain to replace her arm and hurls her Insane Cannon Lance at Black★Gold Saw. The Cannon Lance begins firing rapid-fire purple blasts while in mid-air. Black★Gold Saw avoids the attack and knocks the Cannon Lance into the ground, but the Cannon Lance deploys a turret on its underside and shoots her arm off, forcing her to retreat. She opens a rift in the floor and slides through, closing it behind her. Insane Black★Rock Shooter takes Black★Gold Saw’s fallen King Saw and uses it to tear open the rift to follow her. Black★Gold Saw turns to fight again, and uses her watering can to summon several armed hooded figures to attack Insane Black★Rock Shooter.

Insane Black★Rock Shooter simply blasts through the hooded beings as she slaughters her way to Black★Gold Saw, but when she heard Saya’s voice pleading to Mato, Insane Black★Rock Shooter stopped her blade right over Black★Gold Saw’s head. A reaction is triggered in Mato and suddenly Insane Black★Rock Shooter is swatted away by an unseen force and pinned to a bunch of pillars.

After Saya’s flashback, Insane Black★Rock Shooter screams in rage, smashes free from the pillars and attacked Black★Gold Saw again while Saya continued to plead to her. Insane Black★Rock Shooter showed no further reaction to the pleas of Saya and was in position to impale Black★Gold Saw with her own King Saw. At the last moment, the blade was jettisoned to the side where she would have killed Black★Gold Saw. It is revealed that she was pushed aside by none other than Strength. Strength’s massive fists send Insane Black Rock Shooter flying into a pillar. She quickly recovers and charges Strength, but Strength slams her Ogre Arms into the floor of the Otherworld, breaking open a fissure to her world, and escapes into it with the unconscious Black★Gold Saw. Insane Black★Rock Shooter leaps into the fissure and chases after them. While they leap between areas, many colors pass by.

In the tumult, they reach Strength’s world. Strength puts Black★Gold Saw’s body away, and she and Insane Black★Rock Shooter continue to fight. Insane Black★Rock Shooter uses her Cannon Lance to fire at Strength, but Strength manages to avoid the attack and punch Insane Black★Rock Shooter with her Ogre Arm, knocking her several yards into a wall. Insane Black★Rock Shooter follows up with her Insane Blade Claw, but Strength simply grabs the sword, breaks it with her sharp tail and throws her away. Insane Black★Rock Shooter tries to resume her assault, but Strength switches places with a large block and attacks Insane Black★Rock Shooter from behind, crushing her against the block. The scene ends with her bringing both of her fists down on the heavily injured Insane Black★Rock Shooter.

However, Insane Black★Rock Shooter regenerates and overwhelms Strength. Due to her regenerative abilities and armour, she is able to withstand both Strength’s machine guns and gatling guns. Eventually Mato manages to delay Insane Black★Rock Shooter, allowing Strength to wound her, but Insane Black★Rock Shooter manages to get her Cannon Lance in front of her leg and activate the rear vulcan, wounding Mato. Insane Black★Rock Shooter is not troubled due to her high regenerative capabilities. Insane Black★Rock Shooter regains control of the fight, but Strength suddenly seems to go insane and overpowers her, grabbing the Cannon Lance and throwing Insane Black★Rock Shooter away. The two have another shoot-out, vulcans against machine guns, and Strength is again overpowered. However, she seems to enjoy this and manages to grab the Cannon Lance and punch Insane Black★ Rock Shooter in the face. She commandeers the Cannon Lance and intentionally activates all the vulcans at once to wound herself. The world they are fighting in is consumed by fire and «Strength» reveals herself to be the real Yuu Koutari, who switched places with Strength in the Otherworld. Insane Black★Rock Shooter uses her Cannon Lance to propel herself over the flames to safe ground and charges at Strength, but Yuu activates several more Ogre Arms attached to her back and whacks Insane Black★Rock Shooter repeatedly on the block she is standing on and throws the Cannon Lance away. As Insane Black★Rock Shooter lies on the ground, Yuu and Strength recount their story to Mato.

Yuu continues to smash Insane Black★Rock Shooter on the block she is standing on. Insane Black★Rock Shooter attempts to retaliate, but Yuu overpowers her. However, Strength tries to destroy herself to stop Yuu, freezing Yuu in place. Insane Black★Rock Shooter pulls her Insane Cannon Lance back with her chain and goes in for the kill, but Mato refuses to let her do it. Mato’s resolve causes the area inside Insane Black★Rock Shooter to fill with light and both Mato and Insane Black★Rock Shooter are transported to Black★Rock Shooter’s world, with Mato in the normal Black★Rock Shooter’s body. Mato apologises to Insane Black★Rock Shooter for making her bear all her pain and suffering. Insane Black★Rock Shooter speaks to Mato, saying the she is fine with accepting Mato’s pain as her «other self». Mato tells her that she does not want to hurt anyone, not even Insane Black★Rock Shooter; she wants to be hurt by herself. Insane Black★Rock Shooter shows a slight unhappy expression, drops her Cannon Lance and begins pummelling Mato with her fist and knee, causing her to bleed red blood. Insane Black★Rock Shooter tells Mato that her wounds won’t heal as quickly as the «other selves» would. Mato collides with the ★rock Cannon, inexplicably embedded in the ground and Insane Black★Rock Shooter asks her why she won’t use it. Mato says she never wants to use it. Insane Black★Rock Shooter attacks her again, forcing her to grab the cannon and block the attack. Mato continues to shield herself with the cannon, while Insane Black★Rock Shooter tells her it is «unfair» to get hurt without hurting others. Mato accidentally manages to non-fatally stab Insane Black★Rock Shooter in the side with the cannon, and feels the pain of hurting someone. Insane Black★Rock Shooter simply breaks the cannon on her knee and resumes her assault, injuring Mato severely and breaking one of her legs. While Mato struggles on the ground, Insane Black★Rock Shooter notes that the attack was «hardly anything» compared to the battles between «other selves». Mato still finds that she can’t hurt someone. She reflects on the picture book she read when she was younger and how the bird in the book died. She has a vision of the bird regaining its colours and gathers her resolve, summoning the ★rock Cannon in its tri-barelled gatling gun form (as well as healing her damaged leg), and begins firing at Insane Black★Rock Shooter. Insane Black★Rock Shooter smiles sadistically and fires back with her Insane Cannon Lance. The two then start a massive shoot-out, but are evenly matched. Insane Black★Rock Shooter manages to destroy the ★rock Cannon again, but Mato, with the help from all the «other selves», summons a giant ★rock Cannon and aims it at her. As Insane Black★Rock Shooter looks on in fear, Mato fires a giant rainbow-coloured beam at her, annihilating her and her Cannon Lance. After Insane Black★Rock Shooter was destroyed, Black★Rock Shooter returns to her normal state.

Abilities [ ]

I.BRS may have great powers of regeneration as she was shown reattaching her right arm without any worries and uses it as if nothing happened to it at all; her arm can still pull the trigger of the Insane Cannon Lance mid-air even after being ripped off. I.BRS also doesn’t seem to feel any pain, no matter how fatal the opponent’s attacks are. I.BRS can also resist Mato’s ability to control I.BRS to a limited extent enough to injure herself and thereby injure Mato.

Mentioned in the anime, I. BRS is said to be able to destroy the «other world» and the counterparts within it thus making her the strongest antagonist in the anime series.


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