abdl наказания истории diaper

Diaper Punishment

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

abdl наказания истории diaper

Diaper Punishment

If you are under 18, please leave now. Diaper punishment pictures and captions. Pictures are ones I found on others pages. None of the pictures are mine. If you have/find pictures of adults that you would like me to caption and post feel free to send them and I will let you know if I plan to use it. If it is not yours please provide where you got the picture from.

I am a 30 year old daddy looking for a naughty brat to take care of. To cuddle and feed and change. And to correct when correction is needed. I would also be interested in doing some adult baby sitting in the Kansas City Area. Message me if interested.

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abdl наказания истории diaper

abdl наказания истории diaper

Nadia’s husband found out last week that she maxed out all of their credit cards on a shopping spree a couple weeks ago. Now she has a pile of clothes to try on, one outfit a day, then she is sent to make the one mile walk around the edge of the property to decide if she is going to keep it or give it away.

In addition to the daily walk, it is turned into a walk of shame due to her punishment for being so infantile. She will be kept in diapers 24/7 until the credit cards are paid off and her husband will not pay more then the minimum due. If she wants to pay towards paying them off sooner the she is more then welcome to do so. But at minimum payments she will be in diapers 24/7 for more then 10 years.

Since she doesn’t have a job she has no way of making money, and is afraid that everyone will notice her diaper since she is limited to the outfits she bought and every outfit is either really tight or really revealing. Either way, the whole town would know within a few days about her underwear. Who wants to hire a 23 year old diaper lady?

And so it is very likely she will remain diaper clad with no toilet access and a daddy instead of a husband for at least 10 years. Will she even be capable of controlling herself by then? Or would she be a diaper lady for the rest of her life?

Right now all she’s thinking is that there is no way she’s wearing this ever again. And hoping nobody drives by as she’s struggling to keep her balance in such ridiculously high heels. And hoping that the liter of water she has to drink every morning before her 10AM walk doesn’t make it to her bladder before she makes it back home.

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A new use for clingfilm perhaps!!

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It’s crazy how fate always bites us in the rear. A special correctional facility was set up to research ways to comply with social justice demands while maintaining order in the prison. They quickly discovered that simply ending the use of metal restraints (wrist and ankle cuffs with connecting chains and restraint belts) wasn’t and option and allowing private locking bathrooms led to a myriad of problems and eliminating the threat of isolation led to rampant chaos.

So they took everything as far as they could. Using rope and cling film for restraints, allowing prisoners to choose how (or if) they wear the uniform. Denying any form of privacy in place of isolation, and having every prisoner their own personal wearable bathroom.

To test the efficacy of the new policies anybody sentenced to jail time for a protest related offense is sent to the “protest prison” as it’s become known. Her we see a young woman who has been arrested repeatedly for protest related offenses connected to property damage and looting during protests. After she was sent to the new prison she started trying to rule up the other inmates to protest the new policies. Once she was sentenced to a week of public exposure nobody wanted to experience the replacement for isolation.

She has been put in the most childish diaper then bound naked with cling film to restrain her arms and rope for her legs. She is forced to crawl if she wants to go anywhere and is completely exposed and restrained day and night in the common room.

Shockingly the prison discovered that with the first round of inmates at the protest prison under the new laws there were significantly fewer violations of policies, the prisoners were more efficient workers during work time. Also, there was a marked decrease in crime as a whole due to fear of the new prison.

6 months after the experiment started, the new policies were expanded to all prisons and 2 years later the crime rate had been reduced to almost 0.

With no privacy it was nearly impossible to pass contraband, with humiliation punishments the big bad bosses avoided violating policies to avoid the humiliating punishments that only got worse as their us spread. Soon pacifier gags, diuretics, laxatives,enemas, and locking “cribs” were implemented to expand the tools available.

With the locking cribs spread around the comon area isolation now meant that everybody could see and interact with you while you are unable to even cover yourself let alone fight back. Everybody avoided this since it also meant your diaper was only changed 3 times a day “to ensure the proper lessons are learned”.



See, that’s what the app is perfect for.


abdl наказания истории diaper

In the mood to sit in mommy’s lap while she slowly rubs the front of my wet diaper and whispers blushy, embarrassing, and humiliating things in my ear…

abdl наказания истории diaper

“Aww, sweetie, why is your diaper soaked? Did you have a little accident? It’s ok, baby, little boys have accidents sometimes. That’s why mommy keeps you in thick, crinkly diapers.”

“Are you even trying to use the potty? Or are you using your diapers on purpose? It doesn’t seem to mommy that you’re trying. I think you’re pretending to have accidents because you secretly like it when I force you into thick crinkly diapers.”

“You like wearing diapers and being mommy’s little baby, don’t you? I think you wish I would keep you in thick diapers forever. Isn’t that what you want?”

“What’s this I feel in your diaper, little one? Are you sure you don’t like this, baby? Because it sure feels like someone is a naughty boy who’s turned on by wearing thick wet diapers.”

“If you want mommy to keep rubbing your diaper, you better tell me how much you like being mommy’s little diaper-wearing baby. Go on, tell mommy how much you love being my little baby boy.”

“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re all embarrassed and turned on. I think I’m gonna keep you in thick diapers forever, baby. You’re gonna be my little baby boy forever. No more big boy clothes or underwear, only thick, thirsty, crinkly diapers. Mommy likes you just like this.”

I want my daddy to do this to me! (but with girl stuff and I don’t know if I’m wet yet I hope I’m dry)

abdl наказания истории diaper

Ooo, I like that, too. 😍😍😍

“What do you mean, ‘I don’t know’, sweetie? Are you that much of a baby you can’t even tell whether your diaper is wet or not? Do I have to start checking you for accidents, little one? Is that what you want, baby?”

“Well, if you can’t come and tell me when you have an accident, I guess we’ll just have to stop putting pants on you, make it easier to check and see whether you’ve had a little accident.”

“It’s not embarrassing at all, little one! Babies don’t need pants because everyone knows they wear diapers. And only babies are too little to know when they need their diapers changed. I guess that means you must be a little baby, doesn’t it?”

abdl наказания истории diaper

Definitely needing this today. Feeling SUPER little and subby and stuff today…

abdl наказания истории diaper

This just sounds better and better! 🤤

abdl наказания истории diaper

Sounds perfect to me!!

Would love to do this to my baby boy!!

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My old post! Haven’t seen this around in quite a while! So many notes!

Got any recommendations for more ABDL stories (I really like the ones with humiliation/teasing and a bratty younger babysitter/baby sister!)

abdl наказания истории diaper

Hi there! Now, that’s a very open-ended question; there’s a LOT of ABDL stories out there with humiliation, and the babysitter/sibling motif features frequently too from what I’ve seen.

Naturally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my own work. I’ve got a lot of stories that feature all sorts of humiliation, and I do have a longer series from months past called Mrs. Stratford’s New Babysitter. I don’t deal with underage main characters, though, so that might be less appealing to you…

When it comes to sites, basically just have fun Googling and exploring the usual suspects:

And if you’re up to exploring Patreon, consider checking out folks like Personalias, Peculiar Changeling, Allerted, and of course myself.

Finally, as for individual stories? Well, here’s a list of my top ten favorite stories that you may or may not enjoy (though #2 and #7 do deal with siblings):

Hope this gives you a few new places to explore! 😁

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abdl наказания истории diaper

Molly suddenly focused back into reality from the touch of the cold window on her finger.

“Oh!” She squeaked, before blinking heavily. She shook her head a few times to regain her balance.

“Jeez where- What happened, did I…” Molly thought, feeling the cobwebs finally clearing out of her brain. She slowly looked down at the garment around her waist.

“Fuck. Molly! UGH! This is getting seriously messed up. I’m literally in a PULL-UP right now. ” Molly yelled to herself. Her hands felt around the padded undergarment. She was testing for any wetness.

Her head immediately hung in shame.

“*SIGH* This is getting out of hand. I need to control myself; I need to throw those VHS tapes away TODAY.” Molly said, feeling a mountain of regret and anxiety fall upon her. Before she looked away from the window, she saw an ice cream truck slowly driving away from her apartment complex.

“That’s probably why I was in the window anyways…” She mumbled to herself. Her feet hit the floor. The soft feeling of the carpet tickled the bottom of them. Molly quickly grabbed for her phone to message Jessica. She flicked it open and hit the green text message icon at the bottom. She clicked on Jessica’s messages.

“Hey, think I’m gonna return the tapes. I really liked them, but they’re kinda messing with my head. Wanna meet up for lunch at 1 today? I’ll return them then.”-Molly

Molly dropped the phone from her hand and onto the floor.

“Oh my god, I’ve been in Baby mood for 3 days!?” Molly said, looking over at the TV. It was dark, but she felt her brain grow lighter the more she looked at it. She could see the faintest images of swirls and diapers. She shook her head and looked at the wall.

“I’m fucked up. Holy shit I’m…” Molly said, feeling her pull-up getting warm suddenly. “..I’m going pooootttyyyy” Molly said with a childish tone at the end and a wet giggle. Her brain kept feeling lighter. The warmth from her diaper sent yummy waves of delight and ease into her mind. Molly’s feelings about her pull-up quickly flipped.

Instead of feeling all yucky about them. She felt safe and secure. These are what they were for anyways. Sometimes she had accidents. Nothing wrong with that. And what was the harm in suddenly plopping onto her butt, and having a little fun with a pillow between her knees and warm squishy pull-up?

“Me gonna- a-… aaahhh” Molly gurgled, trying her best to form coherent thoughts and words in her brain, but her pillow humping derailed any chance of that. Her 5-day training kept her eyes glued to the dark blank screen, while lines of drool started dripping down her lips. Her brain kept lifting into a warm, lovely level of babyish pleasure.

“I need ta… ta…da..” Molly tried finishing her sentence, in hopes that she would indeed look away, but the pleasure grew too much, and she gave into her growing babyish desires.

abdl наказания истории diaper

“..ta..da…da….” Molly mumbled around her white pacifier. Her eyes were locked onto the flashy screen in front of her. Her mouth moved independently of any thought process in her brain.

“How’s our little dumb-dumb doing!” A voice echoed from the doorway. The loud exclamation dislodged Molly’s eyes from the screen. A moment of weak lucidity came upon Molly.

“Wah, mama? Was? Wha?” Molly said, trying her best to convey the jumbled thoughts in her head. It was so hard to hold onto anything at this point. It was like trying to catch puffy rabbits in her brain.

“Oh! Is our little one up? Is she trying to be a big kid again?” Jessica said, as she made her way over to the bed. Molly saw her face come into focus. Immense confusion blanketed her brain.

Her barely conscious mind knew her as Mommy. The pretty pictures told her so, and frankly, she did everything a Mommy does for the baby. Diaper changes, fresh bottles, she even made her hair pretty and blonde for her.

In the farthest reaches though, she saw her as someone else. As if she wasn’t her Mommy. Molly knew that was a ridiculous idea, but a dimming light in her brain tried to warn her of something. Feeling resigned to just not worry about it, Molly pushed it out of her head in an instant. Her deeply regressed mind scrubbing that silly thought away forever.

Still though, Jessica could notice some discomfort in Molly’s eyes. A wicked smile came across her face.

“Baby, can you remember anything up there in you dumb little head?” Jessica said, stroking Molly’s now dirty blonde hair. Molly heard the words and could barely string them together into a question. She tried sounding out each word in her head, but she lost track of the word that was in the back of that one, but also there were more in the front? The floor fell out from under her train of thought and Molly resigned with herself to just stare blankly at Jessica.

Jessica chuckled to herself. She could tell how hard Molly’s brain was working. Maybe that question was too hard for her. She thought it best to help the girl along.

“Baby.” Jessica said while snapping her fingers to get Molly’s attention. Molly shook her head and focused on her Mommy.

“Are you a baby?” Jessica said, letting the words echo through Molly’s empty brain for a moment. Molly’s eyes lit up; she knew the answer to this one!

“Da!” Molly said excitedly, she nodded her head up and down furiously for extra effect.

“Good girl! Yes, you are! But, have you always worn diapers?” Jessica said, pointing down to the swollen diaper around Molly’ waist.

That one through Molly for a loop at first. She knew her mind would forget what Mommy just said if she didn’t act fast. So, she simply blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.

“Puww-duwp?” Molly said uncertainty. She didn’t know what it meant, or why she said that. Hell, she didn’t even know what the word was. It didn’t matter though. The whole conversation quickly dissolved again though in her baby brain. She found her eyes glazing over as thoughts of pacifiers and diapers took her.

“Ha! Pull-ups. That’s as far back as she can remember, huh?” Jessica said to the now babbling girl. She was absent mindedly chewing on her pacifier while making an unassisted mess in her diaper. “That was how many months ago now? 8? 10? God I’ve lost count.” Jessica said with a smile. She patted the girls head while a few grunts escaped her.

“Go have some fun in baby land, Molly. I’ll change that stinky diaper in a bit!” Jessica said with a wink, before flipping the TV back on. The lights caused Molly’s eyes to grow wide and dull even further.

Happy songs of teddy bears and full diapers filled her head. The only thing that would fill Molly’s head for the rest of her life.

Like this caption? Want to see HUNDREDS more not posted on Tumblr? Check out my patreon! 🙂

Anonymous asked:

Anne abdl konusmasi

abdl наказания истории diaper

What are you trying to say friend?

Anonymous asked:

Как начать носить памперсы 24/7

abdl наказания истории diaper

abdl наказания истории diaper

You put one on, and then after you used it you take the next one.

Вы надеваете одну, а после того, как использовали ее, вы берете следующую.

@cutethingstolove​ writes amazing diaper stories, and I have reblogged a few already. But people where asking about more parts of the Stephanie and Courtney story, Cutethingstolove told me there are 18 parts! So I compiled a master post:
Have fun!
*all links direct back to Cutethingstolove original posts, give them some love!

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abdl наказания истории diaper

Image credit: unknown (if you are / know the owner of the picture, please let me know!)

A New Stage of Life

It did not take long for Emily to get accustomed to her new environment. Three weeks after her arrival, she felt like she had been living here forever. Sure, she really missed her mom and had a phone call with her almost daily, but on the other hand, living with Grace was really great, too. Although she had made an agreement with her aunt to take on duties in the household in return for the free accomodation, Grace had not asked her for a single favour since she had been here. Consequently, Emily had just decided to give her a hand whenever there was an opportunity, for instance vacuum cleaning, hanging up the laundry and washing the dishes. Secretely, she was convinced that Grace was not asking her to do anything because she was in fact just really glad to have her as a guest. Being a single-mom can probably be a little bit lonely sometimes, Emily thought. Moreover, she really enjoyed playing with Leon. Growing up as a only child, she had always wanted a younger sibling.

However, despite being comfortable and happy about her overall situation, for some reason her bedwetting had started to get worse. Although she had worn a pull-up every night, there had been some dry mornings when she had still lived with her mom. But since she was here, she has not had a single dry night. On the contrary, on some mornings her pull-up was so wet that Emily checked her bed for wet spots, and the following evenings she tried to make sure to reduce her fluid intake two hours before she went to bed. Since she still wanted to keep her little ‚problem‘ a secret from Grace, she had decided after her first day to put her wet pull-ups in small, opaque trash bags instead of the bathroom bin, and then disposing it outside in the trash can later that day. She could not tell exactly why keeping her bedwetting a secret from Grace was so important for her, but somehow she considered herself more of a grown-up since she lived at her aunts place and regularly took care of Leon. And admitting that she also still had to wear padded underwear at night to keep her bed dry, exactly like Leon, would simply destroy her self-perception of being a mature adult.

Despite her attempts of handling her bedwetting discretely, she did not want to spend too many thoughts on the matter. While still living with her mother, she never gave her ‚special undies‘ a second thought, simply because they had always been a part of her life. However, she felt that she had put more focus on them since she was here in an attempt to hide them, and was not comfortable doing so. Consequently, she decided to counteract by pushing herself to maintain the same routines she had before, meaning that besides the disposal, she was not particularly careful with her pull-ups. Just like before, she kept them simply in her underwear drawer, and since she was responsible for her own laundry she was also not worried that Grace would accidentally stumble upon them. She even continued with her habit of getting dressed in her nighttime attire, i.e. her pyjamas and a pull-up, when she went downstairs into the living room in the evenings in order to watch TV together with Grace or having chats with her. She was just way more comfortable laying on the couch like that, and after a week or two she stopped worrying about accidentally revealing her underwear.

One evening, Emily was laying on the couch on her stomach, supporting her upper body with a big pillow and watching TV. The program here in the US was a little bit different than what she was used to, but she really enjoyed it. While being focused on the show, she could hear Grace in the other room talking on the phone, apparently with a friend of hers. Since her voice was coming closer, Emily concluded that the phone call was about to come to an end.

„… oh, we will have a wonderful time together … I totally agree, it was a good decision of hers to come a few weeks before the semester starts to get acclimatized to her new environment … exactly … okay, and we said Saturday at 7pm, right?! … great, Susan, then see you on Saturday, bye … Thanks, you too, bye!“

Grace came into the living room, still holding her cellphone in her hand and looking at Emily with a grin on her face.

„That was Susan, a friend of mine“, she said and sat down on the couch, putting her phone on the couch table. „I know her from the yoga course last year … gosh, I really wonder how a person can talk so much“, she continued and laughed. Emily just laughed back in response, not telling Grace that she was convinced Susan and her seemed to be a perfect match.

„Whatcha watching, sweetie?“, Grace asked, changing the subject.

„It‘s the late night show with Jimmy Fellon“, Emily responded, again focused on the TV. „He has Jennifer Lawrence over as a guest … I really like her and her movies!“

Grace looked over to her 19-year old niece laying next to her on the couch. Without doubt, she was completely oblivious of the fact that her pyjama top had ridden up a bit, clearly exposing the waistband of the pair of pull-ups she was wearing, making her smile a bit. She had to admit that she had been slightly confused when she had found the used pull-up in the bathroom bin on Emily‘s first day here. In the beginning, she thought that maybe Emily was just on her period and simply preferred those DryNites over other hygiene products. However, after Emily had unconscioulsy revealed several times parts of her pull-up, in particular in the evenings when they were watching TV together, Grace started to wonder if she maybe wore them all the time. Although she had to admit that she was a little bit curious about it, she respected Emily‘s pivacy by not asking her any questions and just pretended to be completely unaware of it. Besides, somehow it looks really cute, she thought.

„Oh, I almost forgot!“, Grace suddenly exclaimed. The thoughts on pull-ups brought back to her mind what she wanted to ask Emily. „I‘m gonna meet up with Susan on Saturday evening and wanted to ask if you could take care of Leon … you know, getting him ready for bed and reading him a bedtime story?!“

„Sure, Grace, no problem!“, Emily responded. She sat up on the couch to get into another position. Immediately, her top slid down again, leaving no trace of her padded underwear.

„Great! Thanks, sweetie!“, Grace said. Once the show was over, both women wished each other a good night and went to bed.


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