a story about a watch история о часах

Учебник Spotlight 9. Student Book. Страница 50

3e. Writing Skills — Навыки письма

1. What can a story be about? What makes it interesting? Read the box to check. — О чем может быть рассказ? Что делает его интересным. Прочитайте текст в рамке, чтобы проверить.

Stories can be written in the first person (I/we) or the third person (he/she/they) and can be about real or imaginary events. A variety of past tenses is used.

A good story includes:

To make your story more interesting, you should use a variety of verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Do not use simplistic ones like nice, good, bad, well, etc.

Рассказы могут быть написаны от первого лица (я-мы) или от третьего лица (он-она-они) и могут быть о реальных или выдуманных событиях. Используется большое разнообразие комбинаций прошедшего времени.

Хороший рассказ включает в себя:

Чтобы сделать ваш рассказ более интересным, вам следует использовать разнообразные глаголы, прилагательные и наречия. Не используйте незамысловатые слова типа красивый, хороший, плохой и т.д.

A story can be about real or imaginary events. Stories can be written in the first person or the third person. To make a story to be interesting we should think of a challenging plot. We should also use a variety of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to fill our story with different feelings and colours, that means to make it pleasant for reading.

Рассказ может быть о реальных или вымышленных событиях. Рассказы могут быть написаны от первого лица или от третьего лица. Чтобы сделать историю интересной, мы должны придумать сложный сюжет. Мы также должны использовать различные глаголы, прилагательные и наречия, чтобы наполнить нашу историю различными ощущениями и красками, что означает сделать ее приятной для чтения.

2. Look at the title of the story and the picture. What kind of story do you expect to read? What could it be about? — Взгляните на заголовок рассказа и на картинку. Какую историю вы ожидаете прочитать? О чем она может быть?

a story about a watch история о часах

It may be a ghost story about adventures of three friends in a ghostly inn. — Это может быть история о приключениях трех друзей в призрачной таверне.

3. Read the story and put the events in the order they happened. — Прочитайте рассказ и расставьте события в том порядке, в котором они произошли.


Three friends were chatting excitedly as they were driving down to the south coast of England for their camping holiday. It was getting dark, so Danny suggested that they find somewhere to stay for the night. Almost immediately, Mark spotted a small inn by the side of the road.

When they went in, they saw a young policeman talking in the lounge with some people. What was strange was that the people were wearing very old-fashioned clothes! Tom took a few photos and they stayed the night. The next morning, they paid the bill, which seemed extremely cheap, and then they left.

A week later, the friends decided to stay at the inn again on their way home. Unfortunately, though, they could not find it, so they stayed somewhere else. As soon as they got home, Tom got his photographs developed. While he was looking at the pictures of the inn, he saw only his friends and a small white creature behind them.

Tom felt very troubled, so he went back with Danny to find the inn. When they arrived where they thought it had been, all they could find were two ruined buildings. Puzzled, they asked a passer-by about the inn. ‘Oh, there used to be an inn here,’ the old man told the boys, ‘but it closed about a hundred years ago. There was a police station right next to it.’ Immediately, both boys remembered the policeman they had seen sitting in the inn. They both gasped in horror. They had spent the night with ghosts of the past!

Призрачная таверна

Три друга оживленно болтали, пока ехали на южное побережье Англии на свой кемпинг. Становилось темно, поэтому Дэнни предложил им найти место, где переночевать. Почти сразу Марк заметил небольшую таверну на обочине дороги.

Когда они вошли, то увидели молодого полицейского, разговаривающего с какими-то людьми в холле. Странным было то, что люди носили очень старомодную одежду! Том сделал несколько фотографий и они остановились в таверне на ночь. На следующее утро они оплатили счет, который казался очень дешевым, и ушли.

Через неделю друзья решили остановиться в этой же гостинице по пути домой. К сожалению, они не смогли найти ее, поэтому они остановились в другом месте. Как только они вернулись домой, Том проявил свои фотографии. Пока он смотрел на фотографии гостиницы, он видел только своих друзей и маленькое белое существо позади них.

Том чувствовал очень озадаченным, поэтому он вернулся с Дэнни, чтобы найти эту гостиницу. Когда они прибыли туда, где, по их мнению, она была, все, что они смогли найти, это два разрушенных здания. Озадаченные, они спросили прохожего о гостинице. «О, раньше здесь была гостиница», — старик сказал мальчикам, «но она закрылась около ста лет назад. Рядом с ней был полицейский участок». Сразу же оба мальчика вспомнили полицейского, которого видели сидящим в гостинице. От ужаса у них перехватило дыхание. Они провели ночь с призраками прошлого!


A story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

a story about a watch история о часах

three men in the boat пересказ
The novel, narrated by the Englishman J., tells of a boat trip J. takes up with Thames River with his friends George and William Samuel Harris. His prose is rambling, and often digresses into anecdotes or long observational passages.

One night, the three men smoke together in J.’s London apartment, discussing their anxiety over their sicknesses. The reader can discern that they are actually hypochondriacs. After researching diseases at the British Museum, J. has recently concluded that he suffers from every disease known to man except for housemaid’s knee. The men decide that a vacation will be good for their health, and after some deliberating, they decide to spend a week rowing up the Thames with their dog, Montmorency.

The men make arrangements for the trip. They decide to bring a cover for the boat so they can sleep in it, rather than bringing a tent or staying in inns. They compile a long list of items to bring, but quickly realize that they should only pack the essentials. Although they are friends, J. seems to dislike Harris, and compares him at length to J.’s incompetent Uncle Podger. They end up bringing a hamper of food, clothing, a cover for the boat, and a methylated spirit stove for cooking. Packing takes a long time because the men keep forgetting items they need, and prove somewhat ill-fit for the the task.

The men oversleep on the morning they are supposed to leave, and have trouble determining which train to board for Kingston, from which they intend to embark. They eventually make it, though, and begin the journey. J. describes some local landmarks, including Hampton Court and some pubs that Queen Elizabeth dined in. Harris tells a story about getting lost in the hedge maze at Hampton Court.

The men pass through their first lock – that is, a section of the river where the levels are lowered or raised between gates, to regulate traffic and water flow. J. comments on how irritating it is when women wear ‘boating clothes’ that are too delicate to get wet. George separates from the group to do some work for his employer in Shepperton. Harris proposes visiting a cemetery to see an interesting tombstone, but J. rejects this idea, finding cemeteries depressing. Harris falls into the food hamper while trying to get some whiskey.

When J. and Harris stop to lunch on the riverbank, a man accuses them of trespassing and tries to blackmail them. Harris, a large man, physically intimidates the visitor and they journey on. J. warns readers not to be taken in by these thugs, who usually do not work for the landowner they claim to represent.

He then recounts some embarrassing stories, in which he and Harris both make fools of themselves at pretentious parties – Harris by singing a comic song, and J. by pretending to speak German. J. describes a few more local points of interest, and the two men reunite with George in Shepperton.

Harris and J. convince George to tow the boat from the shore; towing is an arduous task that can lead to problems if the tower becomes distracted. J. recalls various incidents when he was boating and the tow-line became tangled or detached entirely.

The men have a satisfying dinner and sleep in the boat. The next morning, they wake up early and George tells J. a story about accidentally starting his day at 3 a.m. because he forgot to wind his watch. Later that morning, J. falls in the water and Harris fails in attempting to make scrambled eggs. As they pass Magna Charta Island, J. describes what it would have been like to be a peasant when the Magna Carta was signed.

When the men pass Datchet, they reminisce about an earlier trip, when all the inns were full there and they had to sleep at a local’s house. That night, they sleep at an inn in Marlow. Montmorency chases a large cat, but is too intimidated to attack it.

The next day, they pass more historical landmarks, including Bisham Abbey. They run out of drinking water, and are disgusted when a local lock-keeper suggests that they dri


Lesson 3. № 17. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Нужен перевод, плиз!

a) Read the text and say if Uncle Oscar [‘ɒskə] was happy in his family.
b) Choose the best variant and complete the sentences after the text.
(after George P. Me Callum)
Part I
I would like to tell you what happened to my Uncle Oscar, or I
would rather try to understand it and explain it to you.

My Uncle Oscar was a very nice man. Every morning on Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday he usually took the
seven forty-five (7.45) bus and started for work. He went to the
bank early in the morning as he was an accountant2 (and by the
way, a very good one). He worked hard all day long and returned
home rather late. My uncle was forty-seven years old, married and
had two children.

His wife’s name was Agatha [‘ægəϴə]. Aunt Agatha was fond of talking and always talked too much and in a very loud
voice. That’s why I think Uncle Oscar seldom had much to say. Their
two children, Elizabeth and Julian, were not very pleasant. Both of
them were large and loud like their mother. And they were selfish3
and greedy4 too. They didn’t think about their father much. He
was a little quiet man, who spoke little and went about unnoticed.5
He liked music but didn’t play the piano, the violin, the flute or
any other musical instrument. He practically never went to the the-
atre or to the cinema and he didn’t visit exhibitions or museums either.

Uncle Oscar didn’t go in for sports. He was not fond of swim-
ming, skiing or playing golf. You could never see him in the sitting
room in front of the television watching sports programmes. Uncle

Oscar never complained1 about his boring life. I knew he had a hob-
by. He had a very good collection of stamps and was happy only
when he worked on his stamp collection. He was a real collector. His
children took no interest in their father’s hobby. But I, his nephew,
did. Uncle Oscar showed me some stamps and explained that they
were really very expensive.

Then on the 14th of October 1951 Uncle Oscar got up as usu-
al at 6.45 (six forty-five), made his own breakfast (Aunt Agatha,
Elizabeth and Julian were still in bed; they never got up before 8),
left the house and went to the bus stop. Some people who were at
the bus stop that day didn’t see him at all. The others were not so
sure. They couldn’t say anything definite. But that was the kind of
person Uncle Oscar was. Other people seldom noticed him. One thing
was certain: he never got to the bank that morning.


Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 2d. Writing (a story). Номер №3

Write a story about a holiday adventure for a school newspaper. Use the plan below and the text in Ex. 1 a as a model.
Never Alone _
Introduction (Paragraph 1 )
• time
• place
• people in story
Main Body (Paragraphs 2 & 3 )
• the events one after the other
Conclusion (Paragraph 4 )
• what happened in the end
• how the people felt


Never alone …
My cousin and I went to Germany last summer. We stayed in a camp with children from other countries. We could practise English and visit many interesting places. Our group leaders were from Italy, Spain, Germany and England.
One day we went to the National Park, we had some activities and lessons there. And there was an amazing lake where we could swim. My cousin and I were changing our clothes when we heard a screaming. We looked around and saw a little girl in the water. She was waving her hands and crying.
We jumped into the water and swam fast toward to her. As soon as I caught her hand she relieved and thank me.
Together we came back to the shore. I felt happy and she felt safe. She was from Latvia and we write letters to each other.

Перевод ответа
Никогда не одинок …
Прошлым летом мы с двоюродным братом ездили в Германию. Мы остановились в лагере с детьми из других стран. Мы могли попрактиковаться в английском и посетить много интересных мест. Лидеры нашей группы были из Италии, Испании, Германии и Англии.
Однажды мы поехали в национальный парк, у нас там были занятия и уроки. А еще там было чудесное озеро, где можно было купаться. Мы с двоюродным братом переодевались, когда услышали крик. Мы оглянулись и увидели в воде маленькую девочку. Она размахивала руками и плакала.
Мы прыгнули в воду и быстро подплыли к ней. Как только я поймал ее за руку, она вздохнула с облегчением и поблагодарила меня.
Вместе мы вернулись на берег. Я был счастлив, а она − в безопасности. Она была из Латвии, и мы пишем друг другу письма.


Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight 7. Workbook. Страница 14

Writing a story — Пишем рассказ

1. a) Read the story and put the paragraphs in the correct order. — Прочитай рассказ и поставь параграфы в правильном порядке.

a story about a watch история о часах

D. Jenny was so excited. She looked forward to her winter holiday in the Swiss Alps all year and now she was finally there. There were lots of interesting people in her group and the leaders seemed very professional and experienced. Jenny couldn’t believe her luck. She was away from the city at last. — Дженни была так взволнована. Она ждала свои зимние каникулы в Швейцарских Альпах весь год и сейчас она наконец-то была здесь. В ее группе было много интересных людей, а тренеры казались очень профессиональными и опытными. Дженни не могла поверить в свою удачу. Она наконец-то уехала из города.

C. Everyone was amazed by the scenery on their first walk. The snow-capped mountains looked beautiful against the clear blue sky and the air was so fresh. There were colourful wild flowers everywhere. Jenny stopped to take some photographs. But, when she looked around, she realised that everyone else had gone and she was completely alone! — Все были восхищены планом их первой прогулки. Горы со снежными вершинами выглядели прекрасно на фоне чистого синего неба, а воздух был такой свежий. Везде были разноцветные дикие цветы. Дженни остановилась сделать несколько фотографий. Но когда она оглянулась, она поняла, что все уже ушли и она осталась абсолютно одна!

B. Some time later, Jenny was walking along the track, when suddenly she saw that it divided into two paths and didn’t really know which one to take. She decided to follow the path on the right. After a while there was a noise and the ground sank. She screamed as she felt herself falling over the edge of the mountain, but managed to grab some bushes on her way down. She shouted as loud as she could, but no one came. — Некоторое время спустя Дженни шла вдоль трассы, когда вдруг она увидела, что она разделяется на два пути, Дженни не знала, по какому пути идти. Она решила следовать по дороге справа. Через какое-то время послышался шум и земля стала оседать. Она закричала, поскольку почувствовала, что падает с гребня горы, но сумела схватиться за кусты, что росли на пути ее падения. Она закричала так громко, как могла, но никто не пришел.

A. Then, just as she was losing, she felt two strong hands pull her to safety. Thankfully, the group leaders quickly realised she was missing and went back for her. Jenny was so relieved that they found her just in time! — Затем, когда она уже начала слабеть, она почувствовала две сильные руки, тянущие ее наверх, в безопасность. К счастью лидер группы быстро понял, что она пропала и отправился назад за ней. Дженни почувствовала облегчение, что ее нашли вовремя!

b) Which paragraph(s) give(s) information about: — Какие параграфы дают информацию о:

a story about a watch история о часах

2. Put the events from the story in the correct order. — Поставь события из рассказа в правильный порядок.

a story about a watch история о часах

3. Write a story about a holiday adventure for a school newspaper. Use the plan below and the text in Ex. 1a as a model. — Напишите рассказ о приключениях во время каникул для школьной газеты. Используйте план и текст из упражнения 1а в качестве модели.

a story about a watch история о часах

It was a bright, spring morning and Elizabeth and her two best friends, Catherine and Becky, decided to go away for the weekend. After a while they got hungry, so they stopped to get something to eat. Becky and Elizabeth went into the shop while Catherine stayed outside. Suddenly Catherine saw a very big cat with blue eyes and wanted to see where it lived. She followed the cat and the door locked behind her.

When two girls walked back to meet Catherine, they realized she was not there anymore. After a few minutes they both began to worry, as they couldn’t see Catherine.

Then they heard a voice coming from a shed behind the shop. It was Catherine. She was inside just with the cat. After a few minutes of laughter and tears, the girls were back on the road and all was well.

Это было яркое весеннее утро и Елизавета со своими двумя лучшими друзьями Катериной и Бекки решили уехать на выходные. Вскоре они проголодались и остановились взять что-нибудь поесть. Бекки и Елизавета пошли в магазин пока Катерина оставалась снаружи. Вдруг Катерина увидела очень большую кошку с голубыми глазами и захотела посмотреть, где та живет. Она проследовала за кошкой и дверь за ней закрылась.

Когда две девочки вышли к Катерине, они поняли, что она пропала. Через несколько минут они обе начали беспокоиться, поскольку не видели Катерину.

Затем они услышали голос, идущий из сарая за магазином. Это была Катерина. Она была внутри с кошкой. Через несколько минут смеха и слез девочки вернулись на дорогу и все было хорошо.

Horse riding. Melony went to the stable. She put a saddle on Sally. The horse was 5 years old. It was big and white with a long mane. Bob, Melony’s young brother, entered the barn. He was also going to ride the horse. Bob chose Bolt and saddled him up. It was a warm and slightly windy evening. Melony and Bob started their ride. They were talking about faraway places when Sally suddenly bucked. Melony fell from the horse and landed on her shoulder and her head.

“Melony, are you ok?” cried Bob stopping his horse. Melony was just mumbling something indistinct. Bob gently rolled her over and saw no blood. He thought that was good. Bob pulled Melony up into a sitting position. She slightly moved her legs and arms. She didn’t break anything. However, her head was not ok. She touched it and felt an intense pain.

They were trying to understand what the matter was but still unsuccessfully. “We must go to the hospital. It can be something dangerous” said Bob.

Прогулка верхом. Мэлони отправилась в конюшню. Она надела седло на Сэлли. Лошади было 5 лет. Она была крупной и белой, с длинной гривой. Боб, младший брат Мэлони, вошел в конюшню. Он тоже собирался покататься на лошади. Боб выбрал Молнию и оседлал его. Был теплый, слегка ветреный вечер. Мэлони и Боб начали прогулку. Они говорили о дальних странах, когда Сэлли внезапно встала на дыбы. Мэлони упала с лошади и приземлилась на свое плечо и голову.

«Мэлони, ты в порядке?», — закричал Боб, останавливая своего коня. Мэлони бормотала что-то невнятное. Боб осторожно перевернул ее и не увидел крови. Он решил, что это хороший знак. Боб посадил Мэлони. Она слегка пошевелила ногами и руками. Она ничего не сломала. Но с ее головой было что-то не так. Она дотронулась до нее и почувствовала сильную боль.

Они пытались понять, в чем была проблема, но все еще безрезультатно. «Нам нужно отправиться в больницу. Это может быть что-то серьезное», — сказал Боб.


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